Vol 1 - January 1999
The First On-line Magazine about Indonesian Culture in Australia. ISSN 1443-3680. Journal of Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance. Also available in the Archives of the National Library of Australia at: http://purl.nla.gov.au/nla/pandora/inspirasi
Contact Us: 07 55278753 / 0405463663 Email: judybyronbay@yahoo.com
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Issue No One 26 January 1999 Contents |
Help Needed
The concept of AIAA has been designed as a NETWORK. So we need YOUR HELP with networking! Here are some ideas-
Become a member of AIAA
- Send information on Indonesian cultural groups and events to AIAA for inclusion in the National Directory and Calendar of Events on AIAA website
- photocopy application form and distribute it as widely as possible among your friends, community groups, schools etc
- use the application form to survey your class, school or organisation, send copies to AIAA then use the results of your survey to provide Indonesian cultural activities in your own school or local area
- talk with your school, educational institution or community group about sponsoring an Indonesian visual or performing artist in order to address needs as shown in your survey
- talk with your school about including Bahasa Indonesia in the curriculum, inviting an Indonesian group to perform or invite an Indonesian guest teacher or speaker
- join your local gamelan society or Indonesian cultural group
- create your own branch of AIAA or Indonesian Culture group
- photocopy Indonesian artist's Registration Form and letter and distribute it as widely as possible to Indonesian friends, cultural organisations and educational institutions
- if you are in Indonesia, seek out visual and performing artists, invite them to fill out Registration Form and then send it to AIAA for inclusion in the Indoarts database
Members Only
The following services are now available to members:
- free advice and assistance in planning Indonesian cultural activities
- free Indonesian Art Chat line (open to the public)
- free advice re fundraising
- free listing of your organisation in the Directory on the website, including a photo and recorded music
- inclusion of your activities in the National Calendar of Events
New services planned for next year
- free noticeboard and member's messages via website
- free website links for non-profit-making organisations
- free website design
- reasonable rates for commercial ventures advertising through website
- free access to Indonesian Arts Database
- assistance with airfares and travelling expenses for Indonesian cultural exchange projects
- quarterly newsletter and/or Culture Calendar in an Indonesian magazine to promote your activities
OzIndo Project
from an email from Inside Indonesia
Two women will be cycling around Australia to raise awareness of Indonesian issues. They will have a mobile info network travelling with them.
Contact: is Jan Lingard. email:jan.lingard@asia.usyd.edu.au
Visit their website: indosat.net.id/OzIndo-Project.
Advanced Permaculture Course for Indonesia
from an email from PPLH
Pusat Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PPLH) Environmental Education Center in Bali is coordinating a Certification for trainers for semi-arid, tropical & urban areas in sustainable food production & resource management.
The objectives of this training course are to train a group of specifically chosen Indonesians in advanced Permaculture practices so that they can act as trainers for following courses and programs and disseminate the knowledge gained to support self sufficient Permaculture programs within their own areas.
The 25 course participants will be screened applicants from throughout Indonesia will graduate from the course with Advanced Permaculture Trainer Certification. Applicants are required to submit a proposal outlining their objectives and planned activities within their area on completion of the workshop. The participants that will be chosen are those who are able to become effective trainers in their local areas, as well as those likely to have the most beneficial and widespread impact.
The Advanced Permaculture Course for Indonesia is a practical hands-on course, which uses examples to demonstrate techniques and practices. The workshop consists of approximately 40% classroom work and 60% fieldwork.
As a part of this training course, example plots of land will be set up as a pilot projects. This land will then be monitored and open to the public as examples of sustainable agriculture systems.
The course will focus on methods of improving the integrated cultivation of food and tree crops, including the integration of small livestock (chickens, ducks, goats and pigs) in the Permaculture garden. Participants will learn how to more effectively assess the land, water and plant resources they have available to them and then use this information to plan and establish a basic Permaculture garden.
An important part of the course will be for participants to learn about simple, successful methods that have been developed to quickly improve soil quality, water retention and pest resistance, leading to increased and more drought resistant food and fodder production. The initial course will also provide basic training in how to establish and integrate fishponds and water plants in the garden.
The venue is the Udayana Lodge, Kampus Bukit, Jimbatan, Bali.
PO Box 3704, Denpasar, Bali.
Tel: 62 361 261204 / Fax: 62 361 701098 /
Email lodge@denpasar.wasantrara.net.id
The course trainer is Robyn Francis, highly regarded as an international authority on Permaculture design and sustainable development. An inspiring communicator, she draws on a wealth of practical experience in permaculture, organic production, community and organizational development.
The coordintor PPLH has much experience in running and monitoring programs such as these in such a way that local people can easily take ownership of the programs once they are established. Address is
Jl Danau Tamblingan 148 Batu Jimbar, Sanur 80228 Bali, Indonesia
Tel: ++ 62 361 287314 / Fax: ++ 62 361 287314 /
Email pplhbali@denpasar.wasantara.net.id
Contact person: Carolyn Goonrey
Redhanded Theatre Company Projects
from an email from Redhand
Redhand Theatre Company are planning a project to be workshopped and researched during the middle of this year depending on the success of sponsorship work. The project will be a performance involving Indonesian performers in Java and Australian performers in Australia and will hopefully consist of a workshop/research phase in Java and a season of performances both in Australia and Indonesia.
The subject of the performance is based on correspondence between ET resistance fighters and Indonesian activists from Cipinang prison to the outside world and the personal struggle and political triumphs of 1998. We hope to be able to perform this show using both Indonesians and Australian and essentially write a bilingual play capable of being performed in both countries.
In October last year we performed a theatre production based on East Timor. We are currently in preproduction with this show again for a tour of universities (Newcastle/Sydney/UNSW/Wollongong) and Union groups in May.
Redhanded is guided by a philosophy of theatre practice that stems from the educative and social role theatre has played throughout history. Redhanded attempts to put critical thinking about broader issues back onto the stage. Our aesthetic aims are to continue the push for new theatre languages and fresh content presented in innovative ways. We are also interested in contributing to the growing environment of self-managed collective theatre groups who seek to create their own work in a democratised setting.
Co artistic Directors: Bel Macedone and Rebecca Conroy
36 London Street Enmore NSW 2042 Australia
Phone: 02 9557 6874