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Warogus will then tour to Brisbane, Gold Coast, then Bangalow Catholic Church on January 10. They will then head down to Sydney, then Perth Festival to perform in the multiarts project - the Drummers of Gilgamesh in February 2002.
In late February Wahyu will return to Byron Shire to undertake a three month visit as musician-in-residence. He will be working with gamelan groups and collaborating with local musicians as well as being available to participate in local school activities and festivals.
The project will also be supported by the AIAA Work-for-the-Dole Project sponsored by Ballina Employment and Training Centre which will also commence in February. The Work for the Dole project will provide trainees with experience in web site maintenance, publicity, fundraising and radio presentation through the Suara Indonesia Radio Show at Bay FM as well as co-ordinating the residency project. Suara Indonesia has also been successful in gaining support federally and has now been granted its third ethnic radio grant by the Community Broadcasting Foundation.Don't miss! Wahyu performing with Warogus at Bangalow Catholic Church on January 10. Suara Indonesia goes to air every Sunday from 4-6pm on Bay FM Community Radio 99.9.For further information:Email: nonacarolina@yahoo.com.au
Mother and Daughter Exhibition
Seniwati Gallery presents "Ibu dan Anak Perempuan" - Mother and Daughter - a group exhibition by kelompok Seniwati. The exhibition opened on December 1 and will continue until December 30 2001 Seniwati Showspace, Jl Raya Ubud, Bali.
For further information contact:
Mary Northmore
Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women
Jalan Sriwedari 2b, Banjar Taman
Ubud, Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia
website: http://www.seniwatigallery.com
phone/fax: (62-361) 975485
Poem of Wounds
We cordially invite you to view the Painting Exhibition POEM OF WOUNDS - an exhibition of Budi Siswanto and S E Dewantorowhich opened Saturday December 8.
Budi Siswanto
"The works move along a scale from the very personal to more universal themes, but are always according to Budi a visualisation of his own place in the world. The bigger themes don't operate as sermons, but rather as conversations between man, the little man, and what Budi refers to as "all the colours and tastes of lives and experience "sadness, fear, disappointment, happiness and sickness "
"Adalah warna dan aplikasi lukisan yang membawa mata di atas figur dan melintasi kanvas, memanggil seseorang untuk mengikuti goresan kuas seperti gulungan asap menemukan jalannya sendiri. Gaya lukisan Budi memanipulasi gaya naif dengan pandangan yang lugu namun mengandalkan pada komposisi klasik dan palet - nada-nada yang kaya violet, merah, biru dan hijau mungkin beberapa karyanya dekat dengan karya ilustrasi dimana " puisi" mengesampingkan "lukisan". Banyak hal yang dapatdilakukan dengan hubungan antara kepadatan lukisan, latar belakang dan ukuran. "
Victoria Cattoni, Context, the hidden text.
"Powerlessness is a state than can evoke sadness too. The intention behind Gepeng's work is a response to both big and small talk, big and small tragedy. "As an individual one may lack the power to correct the injustices of the world,Esays Gepeng, but the visual language can be a powerful tool in the face of powerlessness" "Ketidakberdayaan merupakan bagian yang dapat menimbulkan kesedihan juga. Maksud dibelakang karya-karya S E Dewantoro adalah respon terhadap hal-hal yang besar maupun kecil, trgedi yang hebat atau sepele. " Sebagai seorang individu mungkin saya tidak punya kekuatan untuk meluruskan ketidakadilan di dunia " kata S E Dewantoro tetapi bahasa visual bisa menjadi alat yang kuat dal;am menghadapi ketidakberdayaan" Borneo Art Studio | ![]() |
Buddha Radiant Awakening
The Art Gallery of NSW will host 'Buddha Radiant Awakening' - an exhibition of scuptures, paintings,textiles, mandalas, and art works associated with Buddhism. The exhibition will o[en on 10 November 2001 and run until 24 February 2002.
For Further information contact:NSW Art Gallery
Phone: 02 9225 1740
Fax: 02 9221 5129
Plunge into Rape
from the Straits Times
November 29, 2001
Shattering the Silence
They Plunge into Rape
One month of gruelling rehearsals under Malaysian director Krishen Jit anda sensitive topic left the cast looking traumatised.
Actors Emma Yong, Beatrice Chia, Chua Enlai and Mark Richmond have givennew meaning to the phrase 'shaken and stirred', as used by artisticdirector Ekachai Uekrongtham to describe the cocktail of performancesoffered at the Second 42 Theatre Festival in Singapore.
In fact, they look all shook up - traumatised even - after a month's worthof gruelling rehearsals under eminent Malaysian director Krishen Jit.Rehearsals for the play Plunge have been nothing short of torture, and notjust because of the demanding director. It also has to do with the horrificsubject matter the actors have to grapple with - rape.
Written by economist Jean Tay, Plunge explores the impact of the 1998 Asianeconomic crisis on politics and life in Indonesia through the eyes of anIndonesian teenager, Ina.
The ill-fated Chinese Indonesian is raped brutally during the 'ethniccleansing' rampages that took place then.
To convey the powerful metaphors and hard-hitting facts that Tay has woveninto her script, Krishen has opted for a mode of performance that mixesnaturalism with abstract movement.Lines are delivered in a presentational style, not unlike that ofdocumentaries and news.
But what threads the flitting scenes together and keeps the multiplecharacters played by the ensemble compelling is the psychology.As the four actors are finding out, there is no such thing as 'surfacetension' when it comes to working with the 62-year-old director.
Says Chia, 26: 'He's very detailed and meticulous. Every thing that you dohas to be backed up with a reason. He doesn't let one word slide past.'If he could cut open your leg and have the blood of the people you areportraying flow out, he would do it.'
The ensemble's conviction of the importance of the play's message, however,has had them pressing on.Yong says: 'The play will bring to light many things that quite a number ofSingaporeans are not in the know of.
'When I first read the play I was shocked and, also, ashamed at how littleI knew about what had happened in a country so close to ours.'Adds Chia:'Another source of embarrassment is how we tend to be very mutedpolitically - not only about this particular incident but other Asianhistory and politics in general.'
Choral Festival in April 2002
Gianyar Regency to Stage Sacred Choral Festival.
An international sacred choral festival is scheduled for April 2002 in the Gianyar Regency of Bali. The Pesta Paduan Suara Gerejawi , the first sacred Choral Festival to be held in Bali, will include expected participants from Australia, Germany, France, Holland and the U.S.A..
In appointing the organizing committee for the event last Friday (November 9), the Regent (Bupati) of Gianyar, Mr. Tjok Suryawan, said that he hoped such an event would help introduce the Gianyar region to the world...
Next year's festival is being held in response to a personal invitation made last Christmas by Gianyar's Regent to the area's Christians suggesting a sacred choral festival be held.
A local Christian Minister, the Reverend Drs. Nicolaas Kailola will serve as Chairman for the event.
from Bali Update - www.balidiscovery.com
Made Wianta at Ganesha
Calligraphic Works by Wianta at Ganesha, November 20 - January 5.
Ganesha Gallery at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay presents the works of internationally renowned Balinese artist Made Wianta in an exhibition called the "Soul of Calligraphy." This exhibition features Wianta's latest works from his calligraphic period.
Wianta is a distinguished multidimensional artist with extensive international recognition not only as a painter, but also as a committed performance artist who has developed themes on social and humanitarian issues through his installation art, poetry and musical presentations. For example, a work staged by Wianta to mark the start of the new millennium involved over 2,000 performers and a huge banner of white cloth bearing the word peace written in all the world's languages carried across the island by helicopter.
Wianta's current exhibition at the Ganesha Gallery may be somewhat less dramatic, but no less memorable. See Wianta's "Soul of Calligraphy," November 20, 2001 through January 5, 2002. For more information contact Ms. Maya Sujatmiko, at the Ganesha Gallery, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran. | ![]()
Threads of Life
Threads of LIfe is an Indonesian textile arts center which is dedicatedto the preservation and conservation of traditional weaving, spinningand dying techniques. Their new gallery is a must see for anyone interestedin Indonesian textiles.
Threads of Life sponsors the weaving of natural-dyed, handmade, ritual textilesfrom endangered traditions. They work directly with weavers, making advancepayments for pieces that take years to complete.
The founders, Jean Howe and her partner William held their Grand Opening on 24 November which included slide presentations in English and Bahasa Indonesia, a Sumbanese Dance performance by Sanggar Menandang and Music, Monologue and Madness by Kerry and Jim.
Visit Threads of Life at:
Rumah Roda
Jalan Suweta No. 24
Ubud Bali
(park in Main Road)
For further information:Phone: 62 361 972187
Email: tac@threadsoflife.com
Website: www.threadsoflife.com
Iwan Fals di Bali
Indonesian Singing Idol Makes Rare In-Concert Appearance in Bali on 29 december To Close the Year.
Internationally renowned Indonesian Singer and Composer, Iwan Fals - will make a rare public concert appearance on Saturday, 29 December, 2001, in his Grand Concert 2001: MATA DEWA at Bali's Garuda Wisnu Kencana Monument. A star of the concert stage since the early 1980's, Iwan Fals has legions of fans, admiring both his musicality and the strong social criticism of his haunting lyrics. Despite a long professional career, this will be Iwan Fals first concert appearance in Bali, and will commence at 7pm. Tickets cost Rp. 55,000 each | ![]() |
Contact Bali Discovery Tours for ticket packages including a local guide, and transportation between local hotels and the concert.More information: Transportation, Guide and Tickets to Iwan FalsEmail: info@balidiscovery
Australian Volunteers di Indonesia
50 tahun Australian Volunteers di Indonesia; 1951 - 2001 International Australian Volunteers dengan dukungan dari Australia Indonesia Institut dan AusAid sudah mempersembahkan sebuah pameran foto: "Persahabatan dalam Gambar" Hidup, bekerja dan belajar bersama. Pamerannya di adakan di Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara dari 2 November 2001 s/d Senin 12 November 2001. Info lanjut sila hubungi: GALERI FOTO JURNALISTIK ANTARA Jalan Antara No. 59, Pasar Baru, Jakarta 10710 Tel. 021-3458771.
An exhibition of "50 Years of Australian Volnteers in Indonesia" was recently held at the Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara in Jakarta. The exhibition took place from 2 - 12 November and was supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute and AusAid. For further information contact:
Galeri Foto Jurnalistik Antara
Jalan Antara No 59,
Pasar Baru, Jakarta 10710
Phone: 62 21 345 8771