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Kumpulan Puisi - Poetry Collection

Man of the Earth

Pamela Hardy

He rise before dawn
to go out to his field
submissive and pretty
his brown cow is at heel
she listens attentive
for kindly he speaks
Little sister I am sorry
but your assistance I need.

He then prays for a blessing
from the goddess Dewi Sri
three days have now passed
and waters lain in his field
This day is propitious
are the words of the priest.

With love and rejoicing
he now works in his field
black earth soft and yielding
how responsive it feels
his knees are bent heavy
as he presses the plough
his muscles are aching
but he is helped by his cow.

White herons fly low
then alight in the sawah
they are searching for eels
in the mud of his fields
dragonflies flicker past
as they hover and dart.

Pak rests for awhile
surveys all and smiles
wipes the sweat from his eyes
and emits a long sigh.
He braces himself
then returns to his labour
to the soil once again
of his beautiful


Pamela Hardy

Dia bangun sebelum fajar menjelang
untuk pergi ke ladang
pasrah sekaligus senang
seekor sapi ikut di belakang
bagaikan mendengar penuh perhatian
sepenuh kasih petani berkata:
Sapiku sayang, maafkan aku
bantuanmu ku perlu.

Dia lalu berdoa atas rachmat
Dewi Sri
tiga hari terakhir lewat
air mengairi ladangnya
Ini hari baik amat
menurut kata-kata pendeta

Dengan cinta dan rasa senang
dia menggarap sawah ladang
lembut tanah hitam subur
betapa dia rasakan
lututnya tertekuk
ketika dia menekan bajak
otot lengangnya koyak
sapi menolongnya membajak

Bangau putih terbang rendah
menyambar atas tanah sawah
mencari belut lintah
di dalam lumpur tanah sawah
cepat-cepat capung-capung terbang
ketika bangau melayang untuk mematuk

Pak Tani istirahat sejenak
mengamati dan tersenyum
mengusap peluh kelopak mata
jauh pandang menerawang
Tenaga dia teguhkan
untuk kembali berkerja
kembali berlumpur tanah
dari sawah
yang indah

The Cremation

Pamela Hardy

Here, death is a happy occasion
merely cessation of life
from all earthly troubles and strife
for the soul will be freed
to rejoin Sanghyang Widhi.

The proper date must be set
and all requirements be met
myriads of offerings and flowers
a brand new coffin and tower.

At last the propitious day has arrived
and all refreshment's supplied
hear the gamelan roar -
they must confuse now the corpse
it has been placed in a tower
amidst decorations and flowers

The men carrying it shout
turning and twisting about
so the soul won't return
and wander back to the house

A noisy riot explodes
from men that carry the load
hear them yell as they run
as if they're having great fun
now they quicken the pace
to where the burning takes place
and the priestly blessings transpire.

The funeral pyre is alight
flames dance so high
they envelop the sky
and the people sigh with relief
for the soul's been released.

With rejoicing and laughter
they proceed to the beach
casting ashes on water
to their gods they beseech
Yes, the people are happy
for their duty's complete.

Rangda Illustration from Pamela Hardy's latest book


Pamela Hardy

Di sini, kematian adalah kebahagiaan
sekadar akhir kehidupan
bebas dari beban bencana duniawi lepas rohani bersatu kembali
bersama Sang Hyang Widhi.

Tanggal kembali sudah dipastikan
semua kepentingan sudah terpenuhi
sejuta saji dan bunga warna-warni
kafan baru dan wadah mirip meru.

Hari kebahagiaan tiba kini
semua kudapan disuguhkan
dengarlah riung rancak gamelan
yang membingungkan jenazah
berbaring dalam wadah
dekorasi kembang warna-warni.

Para pengarak berteriak
maju-mundur berputar melingkar
bikin rohani tak hendak kembali
ke rumah duniawi sempat dihuni.

Suara riuh sontak meledak
dari para pengarak wadah
pengarak berteriak berlari
seakan menikmati kesenangan
gerak mereka percepat kini
menuju pembakaran palung api
pedanda memberkati dari bale saji.

Api kremasi disulut
tinggi jilatannya menari-nari
jauh menjangkau angkasa
pengarak menatap lega
pelepasan rohani kembali.

Tetap dengan kelegaan dan tawa
orang-orang berarak ke pantai
manabur abu ke laut
ke dewa-dewi rohani kembali
ya orang-orang riang
ritual rampung.

Poetry by Pamela Hardy


pantainya perak
ombak2 mencium pasir dengan lembut
dan awan2 berkumpul di atas gunung biru
langit berwarna bunga manis
merah mudah kuning mudah bunga mawar
di pinggir rumput kelihatan bunga2 terbuang seperti
habis di pakai sesajen
ingat di Bali
dan pingin ikut saja
membawa bunga ke pinggir laut buat bersembahyang
dan berterima kasih kepada Sang Widi Wasa
atas keindahan ini
jalan2 di pantai gelap
dan lampu2 berbisik di tengah pohon
ada bapak ajak bayinya dan anak kecil mandi di dalam air laut yg hangat
walaupun anginnya keras dan sejuk
di taman gelap orang masih sempat main guitar
dan saxophone pada muka angin
dan masih ramai orang jalan2 berpacaran
sambil menikmati pasir di bawa kaki
rasanya cinta ada dimana2
di dalam dan di luar
dan mata saya sepertinya merekam pemandangan ini
supaya memberikan kepadamu


The beach is silver
the waves kiss the sand gently
and the clouds gather above the blue mountains
the sea is the colour of sweet flowers
pink, soft yellow, rose
on the edge of the grass there are
scattered flowers as if
they have been used for an offering
reminiscent of Bali
and I wish to join also
to bring flowers to the edge of the sea
in prayer
and give thanks to great God
for this beauty
walking on the dark beach
the lamps whisper among the trees
there is a father, a baby
and a small child bathing in the warm sea
Even though the wind is strong and fresh
in the darkening park there are still people playing guitar
and saxophone in the face of the wind
and its still busy with people walking, romancing
while enjoying the sand beneath their feet
it feels like love is everywhere
within and without
and it seems my eyes are recording all of this
in order to give it to you

J Shelley
Byron Bay 2001

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