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Indonesia-Australia Poetry Exchange 2002

Melbourne-Sydney-Canberra 2002

The Australia-Indonesia Poetry Exchange 2002 - a joint project between The Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance, Reformasi Newspaper and Komunitas Sastra Indonesia has been successful in gaining the financial support of the Australia Indonesia Institute.

During 2001 the Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance successfully co-ordinated the Australia Indonesia Poetry Exchange 2001. This project came about through contact and co-operation which had been established between AIAA and several Indonesian poets through participation in the Indonesian poetry egroup Penyair@yahoogroups.com

As a result, an on-going relationship was established between AIAA and the Indonesian poets, which involved several poets contributing to Inspirasi magazine and information about poetry events in Indonesia being promoted through the AIAA website, magazine and egroup.

A number of Indonesian poets led by Daery Viddy began discussing plans to visit Australia in order to share their poetry here, as well as to create further contact and exchange with Australian poets and organisations.

Meanwhile AIAA had established a Work for the Dole Program which provided administrative support and co-ordination of the planned poets' visit and the project became known as the Australia Indonesian Poetry Exchange 2001.

Expressions of interest from organisations such as the University of Sydney, University of NSW, NSW Writers Centre, Australia Indonesia Association, Perhimpunan Indonesia NSW and NSW Poets Union supported the process of establishing the project and plans were made for the project to take place in Sydney in August 2001.

The final outcome of these plans saw Indonesian woman poet Fathyen Hamamah visiting Australia during August 2001 to participate with Sydney Indonesian poet Herman Kamra in poetry readings and discussions throughout Sydney with the support of Sydney Indonesian musician Vivatt Yahya and Robin Fallick from the University of NSW assisting with translations and presentation.

The response to this project has been extremely positive and supportive. Fathyen Hamamah particularly appreciated the opportunity to share her poetry and lead discussions with students at NSW and Sydney Universities. She has expressed her desire to return to Australia to maintain and improve poetry contacts between Australia and Indonesia and to invite eminent Indonesian poet Emha Ainun Najib to participate in a continuation of this project during 2002.

Interview with Herman Kamra during Poetry Exchange 2001.

Judy: Bagaimana acara di Sydney kemarin? How was the program in Sydney yesterday?

Herman: Acaranya kita lakukan di terangkan dulu sama Dr Keith (Foulcher). Ada beberapa puisi yang sudah di fotocopy dan di bagi pada mahasisiwa.

The program that we did was clarifired by Dr Keith first. There were some poems which were photocopied and distributed to the students.

Judy: Ada terjemahannya? Were there translations?

Herman: Di terjemahkan oleh Dr Keith.
They were translated by Dr Keith

Judy: Dia memberikan mahasiswa Bahas Indonesianya?
He gave the students the Indonesian translation.

Herman: dan mahasiswa kebanyakan bisa Bahasa Indonesia karena dia memberikan pertanyaan2. Itu lebih baik daripada yang ada di Leichhardt karena Irina sendiri tidak mengerti Bahasa Indonesia, tapi untung waktu itu ada si Robyn (Fallick).
And most of the students could speak Indonesian as they asked questions. It was better than at Leichhardt as even Irina herself could not speak Indonesian, luckily Robyn was there that time.

Judy:Anda baca puisi dimana itu?
Where were you reading poetry?

Herman: Di Berkelouw Bookshop. At Berkelouw Bookshop.

Judy: Dan itu di atur oleh NSW Writers Centre?
And it was organised by the NSW Writers Centre.

Herman: Ya, dan Irina Dunn.

Judy: Bagaimana disana- penontonnya senang puisi Indonesia?
How was it there? Did the audience like Indonesian poetry?

Herman: Mereka sangat senang dengan ada pembaca puisi dari Indonesia dan itu juga pertama kali katanya -
They really appreciated having poets reading from Indonesia and they said it was the first time.

Judy: Bagus - dan apakah ada undangan untuk mengikuti acara yang lain disana?
Great! And were you invited to participate in other activities there?

Herman: Irina Dunn mengajak saya untuk Carnivale, kira2 bulan Oktober.
Irina Dunn invited me for Carnivale in October.

Judy: Jadi Herman di ajak dan mau ikut.
So you were invited and you want to participate.

Herman: Semua Ethnic Komunitas di NSW akan tampil disana.
All the ethnic communities in NSW will be inovled.

Judy: Jadi ada hasil yang baik untuk masa depan. Kemarin ada acara di Parliament House. Sebenarnya acara apa itu? So there has been a good result for the future.Yesterday there was a performance at Parliament House. What was it for actually?

Herman: Dalam rendungan memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia.
A program to commemorate Indonesian Independence Day.

Judy: dan di bikin oleh yayasan....
and was put on by ...

Herman: Indonesian Community Council dengan Konsul General Indonesia.
The Indonesian Community Council and the Indonesian Consulate.

Judy: Dan acaranya apa saja?
And what was on the program?

Herman: Acaranya tidak banyak - kata sambutan dari Konsul, kata sambutan dari NSW Government, terus kata sambutan memperkenalkan Indonesia Community Council. Terus kemudian ada chor.
The program was quite simple. A speech from the Consul, a speech from the NSW government and a speech introducing the Indonesian Community Council after that there was a Choir performance.

Judy: Siapa punya chor itu?
Whose choir was that?

Herman: Ani - Oh ya - bagus sekali! Terus kemudian ada Tari Minang, terus kemudian ada yang dari Sumatra Selatan - Palembang. Terus kemudian ada vocal grup dari Batak. Terus sama puisi.
Ani - Oh yes -it was great!After that there was a Minang Dance, then a performnace from South Sumatra - Palembang. After that there was a Batak vocal group and then the poetry.

Judy: Jadi banyak orang Sumatra disana yang main.
So there was a lot of Sumatran people performing there.

Herman: Kebetulan karena sudah di minta dari daerah lain dan mereka belum siap. Saya lihat dalam program puisi kita juga orang Sumatra yang di depan sekarang.

Judy: Ya - bagus!

Herman: Tak apa apa.
Never mind.

Judy: Dan Fatheyn Hamamah juga ikut acaranya?
And Fatheyn Hamamah also participated in the program?

Herman: Dia baca puisi?
She read poetry.

Judy: Dan besok ada acara lagi?
And tomorrow will be another event?

Herman: Besok di Surry Hills.Tomorrow in Surry Hills.

Judy: Di Surry Hills ada acara di Poet's Union dan anda mau kesana?
In Surry Hills there is a poetry reading at the Poet's Union and you are going there?

Herman: Saya mau kesana dengan Fatheyn, karena kita juga ingin belajar tentang puisi Australia...
I want to go there with Fatheyn, because we also like to learn about Australian poetry.

Judy: Jadi itu ada acara dengan penyair Australi juga.
So that program involves Australian poets also.

Herman: Dan Vivatt juga mau ikut, tapi kita tidak tahu percis.
And Vivatt also wants to come, but we don't know exactly.

Judy: Dan juga ada acara di NSW Uni nanti.
And you also have a program happening at NSW Uni?

Herman: Ya, itu Hari Selasa - acara yang terakhir.
Yes that will be on Tuesday - the last event on the program.

Judy: Dan bagaimana pendapat Herman mengenai acara puisi yang di adakan di Sydney sekarang?And what do you think of the poetry program which is being held in Sydney at the moment?

Herman: Bagi saya bagus sekali. Karena kemarin ada attache kebudayaan dari Canberra dari Embassy Indonesia - attache pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Dia malahan minta supaya ada acara lagi untuk tahun depan. Untuk bikin spesial acara puisi seperti ini - mau di ulangi lagi. Jadi dia juga mau mengundang penyairnya ke Canberra itu. Dia punya ide supaya undang beberapa penyair dari Indonesia dan mengajak ke Melbourne, terus ke Brisbane, ke Canberra, ke berberapa kota.
For me, its great. Because yesterday I met the cultural attache from the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra - the attache for culture and education. He even asked for another program to be held next year, so that he can invite the poets to Canberra. He had the idea to invite a few poets from Indonesia and invite them to visit Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra - a few cities.
Judy: Bikin tour puisi.
To make a poetry tour.

Judy: Sebenarnya mereka mau membantu dengan dana atau bagaimana?
Actually, do they want to assist with funding or in what way?

Herman: Na, masalah mengenai dana itu akan nanti di coba cari sponsor dari Indonesia.
Well, regarding funding, they will try to seek sponsorship from Indonesia.

Judy: Siapa yang akan cari sponsor?
Who will look for sponsors? Orang dari dubes Indonesia? People from the Indonesian Embassy?

Herman: Ya -yes

Judy: Bisa juga.
That's also possible.

Herman: Fatheyn sudah banyak pengalaman katanya cari sponsor...
Fatheyn has had a lot of experience seeking sponsorship...

Judy: Memang acara ini di bikin sebagai permulaian dan rencananya supaya bikin lagi dan menjadi acara setiap tahun - acara ini sebenarnya di bikin oleh Viddy dan dia sudah bilang rencananya supaya di ulangi lagi - setiap tahun maksudnya.
Certainly this project was meant to be the start of a regular yearly event. This project was actually created by Viddy who was already planning to hold it again - every year.

For Further information:
Email: Judy Shelley
Email: Herman Kamra herrkamra@yahoo.com.au

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