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Poetry by Emha Ainun Nadjib

Right: Emha at ANU

"I am Drunk with God"

I am drunk with God,
Completely with God,
utterly with god,
there is no otherway,
I am drunk with God,
everything else is unworthy,
everything else is false,
nothing else exists,
the flea would not be the flea,
if it did not sing of God,
the sky would not be the sky
if it did not proclaim
the greatness of God,
the dust would not be dust
the storm would not be a storm
if they did not declare
the power of God,
the flowers would not blossom
the fire would not burn
if there were no God,
I am drunk, Drunk with God,
I see nothing, hear nothing,
but God, only God,
when the sun shines
who is the brightness?
when night is dark
who is there in the gloom?
if you stab me in the back
who feels the pain?
I am drunk, drunk with God,
when my heart beats
who lives in me?
when I write poetry
who lives forever?
only God,
only God,
everthing else
is false.

"'Aku mabuk Allah"
aku mabuk allah
semata-mata allah
segala-galanya allah
tak bisa lain lagi
aku mabuk allah
lainnya tak berhak dimabuki
lainnya palsu, lainnya tiada
nyamuk tak nyamuk
kalau tak mengabarkan allah
langit tak langit
kalau tak menandakan allah
debu tak debu
badai tak badai
kalau tak membuktikan allah
kembang tak mekar
api tak membakar
kalau tak allah
mabuklah aku mabuk allah
tak bisa lihat tak bisa dengar
cuma allah cuma allah
kalau matahari memancar
siapa sebenarnya yang menyinar
kalau malam legam
siapa hadir di kegelapan
kalau punggung ditikam
siapa merasa kesakitan
mabuklah aku mabuk allah
kalau jantung berdegup
siapa yang hidup
kalau menetes puisi
siapa yang abadi
allah semata
allah semata
lainnya dusta

"Indonesia Raya 1"*

When eyes are bright, and all around is dark,
When the light fades, and eyes are blind,
Life has no meaning, I have no home
I drag my feet, I see no horizon

It is dark outside, it is dark inside where there is nothing,
I do not know if I even have a face
I can not see the scratches on my face
I do not Know who is you, me, him, you, me, her
I do not know where I am

I hear feet stamping and bodies colloiding
No one knows where is north, where the south
I hear a low rumble, you moaning, me cursing,
People accusing each other, full of anger

No one knows where we should be led
Whether there is light, what to hope for
We try to be humble, to make room for each other
The dark is in ourselves, not the world

Jakarta 2001

* 'Indonesia Raya' (Greater Indonesia) is the title of the Indonesian national anthem.

"Indonesia Raya 1"

Ketika mata cerah, di sekeliling gelap adanya
Ketika cahaya merekah, mata sudah terlanjur buta
Hidup tak berjiwa, pulang tak ada rumah
Kuseret-seret kaki, tak kunjung tampak cakrawala

Gelap di luar, gelap dalam diri yang telah disirna
Apakah sesungguhnya wajahku masih ada
Coreng moreng wajah tak tampak oleh mata
Kau aku ia kau aku ia tak jelas berdiri di mana

Kudengar kaki-kaki beradu dan badan bertabrakan
Di mana gerangan utara dan mana selatan
Ruang riuh rendah, kau mengeluh aku mengumpat
Orang-orang saling tuduh dan mendamprat

Tak ada yang tahu ke mana diri sebaiknya digerakkan
Masih adakah cahaya, masih layakkah harapan dan cita-cita
Kita coba berendah hati dan belajar saling memberi ruang
Ternyata yang gelap bukan dunia, melainkan diri sendiri

Email Emha:b_kalibening@hotmail.com
Translation by Prof Harry Aveling

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