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Gigir Manuk Multicultural Art Camp
11-15 September 2002.
This art camp with a multicultural focus will be hald in the Pura Penegil Dharma (Penegil Dharma Temple) in the village of Penyusuhan, Kecamatan Kubutambahan in the Kabupaten of Buleleng.
Those whoare confirmed to attend include:
Made Budhiana (Artist), Putu Satria Kusuma (theatre), Hardiman (Artiist), Mangu Putra (Artist), Suklu (Artist), Tatang Bsp (Artist), Pande Made Supada (Artist), Warih Wisatsana (Poet), Tan Lioe Ie (Poet), Made Supena (Artist), Ketut Susena (Artist), Pande Made Sukerta (Music), Kadek Suardana (performing art), Agung Eksa Wijaya (theater), Wayan Sunarta (poet), Cok Sawitri (poet), Wayan Suardika (Short Story writer) and many other artists as well who will be joining in.
For further info contact: H Hartanto at hhartanto@yahoo.com
Gigir Manuk Multikultural Art Camp (GMMAC)
Sebuah kegiatan seni dengan refleksi ke-multikultur-an akan diadakan di kecamatan Kubutambahan Kabupaten Buleleng, tepatnya di Pura Penegil Dharma, desa Penyusuhan. Acara ini akan digelar pada tanggal 11 sampai 15 September 2002. Yang sudah memastikan ikut serta adalah ; Made Budhiana (perupa), Putu Satria Kusuma (teater), Hardiman (perupa), Mangu Putra (perupa), Suklu (perupa), Tatang Bsp (perupa), Pande Made Supada (perupa), Warih Wisatsana (penyair), Tan Lioe Ie (penyair), Made Supena (perupa), Ketut Susena (perupa), Pande Made Sukerta (musik), Kadek Suardana (performing art), Agung Eksa Wijaya (teater), Wayan Sunarta (penyair), Cok Sawitri (penyair), Wayan Suardika (cerpenis) dan masih banyak lagi seniman yang akan ikut
Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art 2002
12 September 2002 – 27 January 2003
The Queensland Art Gallery's flagship contemporary art event, the Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, returns to the Gallery in September 2002.
APT 2002 will focus attention on the important contribution of artists from Asia and the Pacific within the contemporary art arena, and continue to build on the innovation, diversity and success of the previous Triennials. Work exhibited will range from the meditative and quietly engaging to the challenging and spectacular.
For the first time in Australia, APT 2002 will offer audiences in-depth perspectives on a select group of highly influential and innovative artists who have made an outstanding contribution to contemporary art over the last three decades. The popular Kids’ APT will return as part of APT 2002, promising even more creative and unique family experiences in the Gallery.
Heri Dono, an Indonesian artist, is giving two talks on Sunday 15th of September at 10.00am and 11.15am in Gallery 6.
Menyusu Pada Order Baru by Heri Dono
For more information on the Triennial, see their website at http://www.apt3.net>
International Sponsorship From Arts NSW
If you are interested in going abroad and have an arts background you could be eligible to be sponsored by the NSW Ministery for the Arts. The programme can offer financial support for many art forms. As individual artists you could be eligible to have all of your travel paid for by the Ministery for the Arts NSW.
The aims of the International Programme is to promote NSW arts and culture through international arenas, to assist artists and organisations to develop international markets and to aid artists to participate professionally in activities not available in Australia.
Funding of professional performing artists of up to $10,000 could be available for travel and exhibitions. Applicants should give an outline of their professional experience, relevant work history and the relevance of the activity to their practice.
If you are interested in the International Grant Programme and want more information go to this link: www.arts.nsw.gov.au/Guidelines/Grants/International/internat.htm
Seniwati Artists in Melbourne
Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women, of Ubud, Bali, is very proud to announce that a number of
works from their collection have been selected for inclusion in a major exhibition of
Indonesian art that will be touring Australia, from now until October 2003.
The exhibition title is Crossing Boundaries. Bali: A Window to Twentieth Century Indonesia Art,
organised by the Asia Society AustralAsia Centre in Melbourne, and the artists from the
Seniwati Gallery whose work is included are Ni Made Suciarmi, Cok Istri Mas Astiti, Gusti
Agung Galuh, Jero Amer Ambarie, I Gusti Kadek Murniasih, and Nisak Indri Khayati.
The exhibition will open on 16th August 2002 at the RMIT Gallery, and on the same day there is a symposium which will explore some of the issues relating to and surrounding Indonesian art, and use art to explore some of the cultural and social issues relating to Indonesia today. The symposium and exhibition opening will be attended by Mary Northmore, Director of Seniwati Gallery, and Nisak Indri Khayati who will be representing the women artists of Bali.
The exhibition "Crossing Boundaries. Bali: A Window to Twentieth Century Indonesia Art" includes works by over 50 of Indonesia's most important artists, with works being borrowed from major private and public collections in Bali, Java, and Australia.
For further information, please contact Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women on ph/fax (0361) 975485 Email: seniwati@dps.centrin.net.id
Jagaddhita Swarwa Prani Hita - 24th Bali Arts Festival
The 24th Bali Arts Festival was held at the Taman Budaya Arts centre, Jalan Nusa Indah, Denpasar in June, July 2002 with the theme "Jagaddhita Swarwa Prani Hita" which means "Balancing the Entire Universe".
This year's event included 154 events and some 6,000 artists from Bali, Indonesia and overseas. Here are some of the interesting highlights of this fantasic festival:
Saturday, 22 June boasted an Opening Parade with dances, tall offerings and traditional costumes. The High School of Performing Arts Ardha Chandra executed the fabulous Sendratari dance drama.
On Sunday, an intriguing Topeng Mask dance from Tabanan Wantilan ASSM Group from Tokyo, Japan Ksiranawa. There was Calonarang Shadow puppetry, "Legong" dance, and a cappella drinking songs. Gebung Ende (traditional martial arts) from Bueleng Kalangan Ayodya. Arja Basur operette from Badung Kalangan Ayodya
Latitudes Magazine: Bali Film Night Saturday August 24th
Films were shown at the auditorium of STSI (The Indonesian Advanced School for the Performing Arts) on Jalan Nusa Indah in Denpasar. The event was free and open to everyone. Entry was by donation with the money going towards supporting the costs of bringing these films from the Jakarta International Film Festival and making them free to the community.
We are also looking for corporate or individual sponsors to help make Bali Film Night a regular event and to bring film activities to schools, orphanages and community organisations across Bali.
For more information, contact http://www.latitudesmagazine.com.
Gender, Nation and Democracy in Indonesia
was held 12 July 2002
By Dr Kathryn Robinson
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
and HRC Visiting Fellow
Kathryn Robinson is a Senior Fellow in Anthropology in the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at ANU. Her research has been principally in Indonesia. Her field research in South Sulawesi has focused on mining and indigenous communities, traditional architecture and museums, and the economies of coastal communities. In recent years she has been focussing on gender policies and transformations in gender relations in Sulawesi and on the national level. She organised the 2001 Indonesia Update with Sharon Bessel, and the papers have been recently published as Women in Indonesia : Gender, Equity and Development. She has also written on international migration: women's labour migration and marriage migration.
The work-in-progress presentation focussed on the book she is completing, provisionally entitled Gender, Nation, Democracy, concerned with women's engagement with politics, power and public life in Indonesia. It explores the role women have played in the reform era (post-Suharto) and the centrality of gender equity for the achievement of democratic reform. The argument of the book is grounded in an analysis of the gender orders of the diverse cultural constellations of the Indonesian archipelago, and their relation to the homogenising project of Suharto's New Order. This homogenising imperative included the promotion of a singular gender regime, based around paternal authority and domesticated femininity. This gender regime has significance beyond the immediate politics of gender. It was part of a legitimizing strategy for an authoritarian state regime, the family trope naturalising the authority of the ruling elite. The book investigates the tension between this homogenising imperative, and other aspects of government 'development' policy which undermined the primary domestic orientation of women (leading to increases in women industrial workers and overseas migrant workers).
The presentation highlighted a chapter which deals with the role of women in the Indonesian nationalist movement; their role in the imaging of the new nation and the enduring legacy of the political mobilisation of women in the nationalist struggle. Their political engagement in this period is in contrast to their marginalisation in the Suharto era.
World Music Festival
A Four Day World Music Celebration was held in Bali in August 2002.
Bali's Garuda Wisnu Kencana Monument Park was the venue for the World
Music Festival Bali 2002.
The organizers made the island of Bali a home to the musical
traditions of the world inviting world musicians to come together with leading
musical groups from across Indonesia to participate in the four day event.
Among the Indonesian musicians appearing were Balawan; Ethnic Fusion; I Wayan Sadra and Sono Seni Ensemble; Sawung Jabo with Genggong; Sujiwo Tejo; and Irwansyah Harahap.
Depending on the public response to the event and funding sources, the founders of the event hope to make the World Music Festival Bali a permanent part of Bali's annual event's calendar.
Gamelan Langen Sari
(The essence of happy music)
Byron shire's own gamelan orchestra "Langan Sari" performed exotic trancelike melodies
from West Java on Saturday the 18th of July.
Supporting artist:Wahyu Roche, a highly celebrated Traditional and contemporary music
composer from Indonesia.
Wahyu majored in Kendang (drums) and vocals at the Academy of Traditional Arts in Bandung. He also plays Suling (bamboo flute), Kacapi (a zither-like instrument). He has performed extensively in Indonesia, Europe and the U.S.A.
Wahyu was joined on stage by the haunting suling of Kym Hall. Wayhu has been in Byron since February, he was invited to the area by the AIAA NSW North Caost Branch (Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance) as musician in residence and has been teaching gamelan, rampak kendang and suling to local primary schools and adult classes.
A fabulous showcase of participants of gamelan and rampak kendang classes performed on the evening. The evening was capped off with Wahyu and friends promising an exciting finale.
The Line up included:
Wayhu, Kym Hall, Judy Shelley and Margi Grace and Henry Horthy with specail guests Efiq and Emma Zulfiqar and Kari,
playing Kacapi, Suling, Rampak Kendang,
And Indonesian pop group Duta, as well as Langen Sari.
Trade Winds Arts of Southeast Asia Exhibition
The Powerhouse Museum is holding the Trade Winds Arts of Southeast Asia Exhibition until the 14th of October. The exhibition contains many interesting Indonesian objects. The touch table operates from 10.30 am-12.30 pm weekdays. Here students can handle some exhibits, try on costumes etc.
In another section students can design their own batik patterns on a computer.
There are also video screenings, including the Theft of Sita.
You can download teachers' exhibition notes from the powerhouse web site
You can book student groups at a cost of $4.00 per head with accompanying
teachers free.
Ring 02 92170222 for more information.
Performing Words Workshop 2003
Performing Words 2003: Call for Participation
In March 2003, the Substation will host a 3-week full-time workshop entitled Performing Words 2003: Singapore for women performers who want to create and perform their own texts. Performing Words is a series of workshops that has been conducted under the auspices of the Magdalena Project and will now make its debut appearance in Singapore. Performing Words is led by Ms Geddy Aniksdal (Norway) and Ms Gilly Adams (Wales).
The workshop will culminate in a presentation of its proceedings at The Substation’s Guinness Theatre. We are also in the process of negotiating to showcase this presentation at the next Magdalena Project Festival in Brisbane (6–16 April 2003) organised by Magdalena Australia.
Best regards, 1) Verena Tay, Performer 2) Audrey Wong, Artistic Co-director, The Substation
Kepada AIAA,
Teman saya di singapore buat workshop dan project collaborasi tahun 2003 khusus untuk perempuan yang main atau menulis untuk teatre dan khusus untuk daerah SE Asia. Minta kasih tahu teman teman tentang acara ini. Mungkin perlu bahasa Ingriss sedikit tapi jangan takut applikasi kalau tidak. (Ketika saya ikut workshop ini orang yang tidak bisa bahasa ingriss ikut dan tidak ada masalah)…. Workshop ini untuk mencipta dan kerja dengan tulisan kita untuk buat pertunjukaan. Dan Sangaat Bagus sekali… Opportunitas luar biasa untuk "connect" dengan perempuan di daerah ini yang kerja di dalam teatre.
Saya girim informasi tapi maaf bahasa ingris dan kalau kamu perlu informasi lebih lanjut dalam bahasa Indonesia (yang tidak begito bagus bahasa Indonesia saya - hee hee) girim langusang ke saya….
Workshop " Performing words" - workshop dan latihan 3 minggu full Maret 2003 dengan Geddy Aniksdal (Norway) dan Gilly Adams (Enlgand).
Pentas di Substation di Singapore..setelah itu rencana coba masuk ke Australia 2003 di Festival Magdelana ( Khusus untuk perempuan yang kerja di dalam teatre kontemporer)
Girim foto, CV, cerita tentnag proyect - proyet sekarang, dan kenapa tertarik ikut acara " Performing Words" di Singapore sampai Maret,4, 2002.
Salam Budaya Kerensa
Whispering Sands (Pasir Berbisik)
Featured at Sydney Film festival 2002
Director - Nan T. Achnas
Indonesian/English subtitles
The cream of the Indonesian film industry joins forces in this beautifully-filmed drama. Renowned actor Christine Hakim plays Berlian, a possessive single mother who has struggled to provide for her daughter, Daya (Dian Sastrowardoyo), her husband having left years before. The teenage Daya keeps trying to test her mother's strict rules-and to extend them. In response, Berlian becomes ever more protective. Forced to flee from their coastal home, mother and daughter set out across the sands for a peaceful life elsewhere. Producer Shanty Harmayn will introduce the film and take questions afterwards. Screened with the support of the Australia-Indonesia Institute.
For more info see www.sydneyfilmfestival.org
Nunung WS Solo Exhibition

Soul of Color
Nunung WS Solo Exhibition at Ganesha Gallery
One of a handful of Indonesian women artists fully dedicated to pure abstract art, Nunung WS held a one-woman exhibition at the Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay's Ganesha Gallery in June 2002.
In an artistic career spanning four decades, Nunung WS has participated in a number of exhibitions throughout her native Indonesia as well as the U.S.A., the Netherlands, and Malaysia. She has also taught art in Indonesia and Holland.
Arguably the greatest female exponent in a style dominated by men in Indonesia, Nunung's work embodies feminine intuition and a sense of mystery that contrasts with the more technical and masculine oeuvre of her male contemporaries. Her paintings emphasize color fields rather than shapes. A large dark central field against which smaller fields of other colors contrast usually dominates them. Ringed with lighter edges these seem to "float". Numerous layers of shimmering colors create rich fields of color that can exercise a powerful emotional effect on the viewer. Using a unique technique, she mixes her pigments on the canvas rather than the palette. Nunung once said, "I like to look for the perfect colors by mixing them directly on the canvas. This way, infinite possibilities can be explored in a living process. If I mix the color in the palette beforehand and apply them afterwards the process becomes little more than a lifeless technique."
Nunung's art is obsessed with exploring the very essence and meaning of color. Her aim is to use her long experience and unusual technique to intuitively discover perfect combinations. She describes her quest as a search for the soul or spirit of pure color something she experiences as an emotional vibration. She is introspective and spiritual. Indonesian art critic Hilda Soemantri wrote of her work, "In her spiritual expedition, the dark hues reflect her contemplative mood, the large color field is her spiritual world, the sensitive lines her last personal assertion, her only link with the real world."
The Ganesha Gallery is located in Village IV of the Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay. For more information telephone the Gallery's Director, Ms. Maya Sujatmiko at 62(0)361 701010.
Balinese Calendar System
The Balinese has their own calendar system. Two, in fact, running in parallel.
The Sasih cycle is a 12 lunar month calendar system. Each month begins on the day after a new moon (tilem). The middle of each month is the full moon (purnama).
The Pawukon calendar system is believed to be indigenous to the Balinese, possibly rooted in the thousand-year-old rice-growing cycle of the island. There are six months to a Pawukon year, and 35 days to a Pawukon month. So a Pawukon year is 210 days. Each Pawukon month is divided into many shorter cycles (weeks) that run concurrently. The most important weeks are the 3, 5, and 7 day weeks
Certain days of the Sasih are considered important, namely tilem and purnama. Temple anniversaries and festivals usually occur on a purnama. Days prior to a Sasih new year, the whole island participates in celebrations and presenting offerings and performing ritual temple cleansing. The climax is the day of the new year: Nyepi. On this day, the entire island goes into reflection and meditation, shutting down everything, including electricity. So, don't be surprised if your hotel manager asks you to close your curtain on a Nyepi day.
On the Pawukon cycle, certain conjunction of the different week cycles are considered significant. On these days, ceremonies and sacred dances are performed in the temples, or people immerse themselves in prayers and meditation.
Bali Port Guide to be launched
DENPASAR (indo.com): Bali-based PT The Works will launch an annual Bali Port Guide to coincide with the Second Annual Darwin to Bali Yacht Race, June 27- August 10, 2002.
The Guide will provide information on yachts and ports in Bali and serve as an advertising vehicle to reach the hundreds of vessels berthing at Bali's Benoa Harbour each year. Editorial and photographic coverage in the guide will inform Bali port users and yacht crews about activities, supplies and facilities available on Bali. It is targeted specifically at visitors arriving in Bali aboard sailing and cruising yachts and boats.
1,000 copies will be released in June 2002 with reprinting on an as-needed basis. The audience consists of an exclusive market of boat and yacht users with requirements ranging from boat supplies and equipment, catering, food and beverage supplies, port facilities locally and internationally, local recreation and relaxation opportunities, local tours and activities, as well as local tourism-based facilities and needs.
Distributed by the Bali Tourism Authority, the guide will be available to all vessels arriving throughout the year and available at international travel trade events relevant to the sailing and cruising industry.
Based on the success of the 2002 Bali Port Guide, the directory will be updated and republished annually, released to coincide with the annual Darwin to Bali Yacht
Bali TV Station
A new TV station was recently launched which is exclusively covering topics of concern to the Balinese.
On Sunday, May 26, 2002, Bali TV formally commenced a schedule of regular programs via a ceremony broadcast live from Bali's Taman Budaya. The event, attended by an estimated 8,000 people, saw Bali's Governor Dewa Made Beratha and Regents from across Bali strike a gong and light torches to mark the start of regular broadcast transmissions.
To mark the launch of the new channel, Nasi Jinggo meals were provided free of charge to all who attended the opening ceremony together with a programme of Balinese music and light entertainment.
With a proclaimed mission to promote and foster Balinese culture, traditions, and tourism - Bali TV's initial schedule includes programs of Balinese music, dance, and drama. Most programs will utilize Bahasa Indonesia with the exception of a regular news broadcast in the Balinese language.
Bali TV is being broadcast on UHF Channel 23 at 487,250 MHz. Satellite parabola reception to the region should be available via transponder 9H, center frequency 4053.5 MHz, L- Band 1096.5 (Symbol Rate 5.6320 Msps, FEC-3/4).
Broadcasts of Bali TV are also available via the Internet at http://balitv.com