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Submissions for Meaning of "Inspiration" Welcomed


I am sending this post because I am looking for native speaking language experts to contribute a short 300 word article/essay, on the meaning of the word for "Inspiration" in their language of expertise. This is for inclusion in an art book I am writing entitled "The Spirit of Inspiration".

I was wondering if someone on this list would be interested in contributing such an article for the Indonesian or Balinese language or would know of someone who may be interested? (Seems like a perfect project for someone from the Inspirasi Magazine.)

The article would include aspects of the following about the the nature of inspiration in your language of expertise; the definition, etymology, how it is expressed in the arts and your personal insights.

For more information, I have created a detailed submission guideline with a sample article which you can view at this URL; http://Humanityquest.com/Themes/Inspiration/ArticleGuidelines/

I would like to have at least 50 different languages represented in the book (have 36 so far), so I am trying to spread the word to as many different language experts as possible. I would be most grateful for any:
* referrals to other language experts and teachers. * any email lists that I could post to. * other suggestions for how to get the word out.

the existing contributors list can be found at this URL www.humanityquest.com/Themes/Inspiration/ArticleGuidelines/ContributorsList.htm

Feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in contributing. If you have any questions please contact me directly at edwin@humanityquest.com

Thank you so much for you time and consideration.



Edwin Rutsch

To all Wayang Kulit lovers

Perhaps you would like to watch our performances : Dalang Drs Purjadi with the group Pangreksa Budhi in the area of Cirebon (Jawa Barat) during August 2002 and afterwards, you can contact us to find out the program by contacting the secretariat:
Dalang Drs. Purjadi
Desa Jemaras Kidul, Kec. Klangenan,
Kab. Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Mobile Phone: 082 202 2406

Melbourne Indonesian Film Festival

For more information on the Melbourne Indonesian Film festival, 1 - 6 October - some of the latest Indonesian feature, shorts and docos (Eliana Eliana, Beth, Pasir Berbisik, Pachinko, etc) go to the following website:http://www.indonesianfilmfestival.com

Sharing Art, Ocean & Mountain (Swarung Seni Samudragiri)

October 28 - November 1, 2002 Wantilan Teja Samudragiri (Tejakula, North Bali)

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE This program focuses on the creative arts and discourse in relation to ocean andmountain society. Our dialogue begins with the question of how the arts can benefit the social and economic growth of Bali in balance with the cultural environment.

Similar to other Indonesian maritime cultures, the society of Tejakula performsceremonies such as Mekiis (purification), which are connected with the Pura Segara (ocean pura). These rituals give life to the ocean and create a boundary for the Kampung Nelayan (Fishing Society). Art, human, nature and religiosity are woven together within the context of sesaji (offering).

Sharing Art, Ocean and Mountain strengthens the dialogue between the traditionalHarbor Society, Maritime Culture and Modern Society. The program takes place in four main locations in Tejakula: Wantilan Teja Samudragiri (on the mountain), Candi Teja Amerta (a society temple influenced by the design of Balinese, Sukuh and Mayan temples) Cilli Emas (area of the beach) and Les (a natural waterfall).

Co-operating foundations and organizing groups collaboratively support annual one to ten-day Sharing Programs in Indonesia, Asia, Europe, Mexico and USA . Programs include the participation of an international circulation of performance and installation artists, visual artists, musicians, movement artists, dancers, actors, art therapists, educators, scholars, ritual and ceremonial masters. Sharing is an opportunity to come together in dialogue, collaboration and exchange.

The gathering is collaboratively organized by members of Wantilan Teja Samudragiri, Dharma Nature Time and Padepokan Lemah Putih. An organizing committee will provide overall structure for the program and support in identifying locations for projects. Travel, accommodations, food and performance stipends are not included. A 500,000 Rupiah / $50 US materials fee supports the general operation of the program and publicity. If at a later time the committee is able to confirm sponsors - we will share with the community of participants.

This invitation may be used by participants for individual applications to sponsors. To join please fill out the attached participant & fee form and send via post or email: Wantilan Teja Samudragiri PO Box 213 Singaraja, Bali 81100 INDONESIA Email: dharmanaturetime@hotmail.com Tel/Fax: (62) 362 28 558

Srawung Seni Samudra Giri

Wantilan Teja Samudra Giri - Tejakula, Buleleng, Bali 28 Oktober-1 November 2002

Srawung Seni Samudra Giri- undangan untuk berpartisipasi. Srawung Seni Samudra Giri- yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 20-24 oktober 2002 di Wantilan Teja Samudra Giri,Tejakula, Buleleng. akan memfokuskan pada dialog kreatif untuk menjajaki adanya hubungan antara seni dgn kehidupan masyarakat pantai dan pegunungan.Dialog akan di awali dgn satu pertanyaan: Bagaimana seni bisa bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan sosial ekonomi masyarakat Bali, dgn berbasis lingkungan desa adat?

Seperti halnya kebudayaan maritim yg terdapat di daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia, masyarakat Tejakula juga memiliki acara ritual yaitu, Melasti(penyucian) yg berkaitan erat dgn keberadaan Pura Segara(tempat suci untuk Laut). Acara ritual seperti ini memberikan kehidupan bagi laut serta menciptakan garis pembatas antara laut dan kehidupan perkampungan nelayan.

Melalui Srawung seni Samudra Giri ini, kami berupaya utk menjalin tali silaturahmi yg erat antara masyarakat tradisional pantai,masyarakat maritim, serta masyarakat modern dengan menggelar lokakarya(workshop), presentasi, aksi dan kreativitas seni yg bertema utama: kolaborasi alami antara seni, alam,kontak antar budaya dan kehidupan religius. Undangan ini akan di sebarluaskan secara internasional kepada seniman-seniman di berbagai bidang seperti: seniman musik, tari, gerak, visual, para aktor, seniman instalasi panggung, serta ahli-ahli ritual dan upacara yg berasal dari kebudayaan masyarakat maritim.

Tempat-tempat umum, kebun atau taman serta pemandangan-pemandangan alam akan di atur dan di bentuk sedemikian rupa oleh para seniman peserta, yg akan menjadi tempat bertemunya masyarakat umum dan masyarakat seniman.Nantinya akan terlihat kolaborasi antara musik, tari, ritual dan instalasi, yg tersaji dalam satu jalinan harmonis menuju pd terciptanya suatu bentuk ritual dan kebudayaan baru.

Srawung ini di sponsori ole anggota Wantilan Teja Samudra Giri, Dharma Nature Time dan Padepokan Lemah Putih. Wantilan Teja Samudra Giri ini adalah sebuah pusat kependidikan antar budaya internasional yg akan mensponsori kreativitas para seniman dan para pelajar dari berbagai bangsa dan kalangan.Panitia akan menyediakan keseluruhan struktural program acara dan menjadi pemandu utk pengenalan lokasi acara. Semua itu tidak termasuk penyediaan travel, akomodasi,konsumsi maupun biaya-biaya utk acara.akan sangat membantu, jika peserta bisa menyumbang Rp 500.000 untuk keperluan-keperluan umum. Nantinya, jika program ini sudah di tunjang oleh sponsor tetap, maka panitia akan menyediakan keperluan bagi para peserta.

Undangan ini bisa di manfaatkan oleh peserta secara individu sbg aplikasi pada sponsor.

Untuk pendaftaran dikirim participant form pada pos atau email ke: Wantilan Teja Samudra Giri PO Box 213 Singaraja,Bali 81100 Indonesia Tel/fax di Tejakula: (++62) 362 28 558 Email: dharmanaturetime@hotmail.com Web: http://www.dharmanaturetime.org

Swarung Seni Samudragiri Program fee includes costs for general operation of the sharing as well as support of local artisans. If the organizing committee is able to receive sponsorship - we will share with the community of participants. Work-Scholarships may be available for young artists - inquiries may be sent to dharmanaturetime@hotmail.com

Dharma Nature Time c/o Wantilan Teja Samudragiri PO Box 213 Singaraja, Bali 81100 Indonesia Tel/fax: (62) 362 28 558 Voicemail USA: (1) 303 444 5684 email: dharmanaturetime@hotmail.com web: www. dharmanaturetime.org

Greetings from Malang

Hi everyone!

I'm currently in Yogya (central Java)... Just came back from three days final orientation in Malang (east Java) with all the other overseas students studying in Indo. Had a ball, and of course ot much sleep! Lots of cahtting, food and running a muck! The final day we made a performance woth music, dance, theatre, photo's etc ... I played suling (bamboo flute) and Kepaci(like a harp) and sang in Sundanese! I think i didn't sound too bad ... I got a generous clap at the end! So nice to see all the familiar faces and hear each others stories and misadventures over the past 8-9 months. And after, a little sad feeling.....Knowing it was probably the last time I'll see most of these wonderful people. Lot's of email's to keep in contact with!

Anyway, exam are around 10th June so I can relax a little until then.
OK ayo!

PeterTasker: petertasker@yahoo.com
at STSI Bandung

Dalang Edan

I have been given some copies of Dalang Edan to sell. The original price is 50,000rp. I have been given a 40% discount so I am selling for 30,000rp.
If you are interested contact me on 081 647 41270


International Video Festival in Ramallah, Palestine

Wed 31 Jul 2002

I am curating a video art festival of International artists to be held in Ramallah, Palestine, this Fall.

Due to political situation there will be no official theater location. Instead the festival will take place within the homes of the people in Ramallah where people will take the videos home, watch them and then when the curfew is lifted, will pass the video on to the next person,etc. In this way, everyone will have access to the videos and they will be able to be shown around the city.

We welcome all subject matter EXCEPT anything about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. The video system there is PAL. (Unfortunately, we can not guarantee the safe return of your video).
To submit your video: Email:emilyvideo2002@yahoo.com


Learning Indonesian in Java by Lucy Rhydwen-Marett

If you'd told me 6 months ago that I'd be sitting in a warung in Yogyakarta, drinking ginger tea and chatting about politics, culture, films and journalism in Bahasa Indonesian I would never have believed you. But, sure enough, last night that's exactly what I was doing. I've been living in Central Java for almost 6 weeks now, studying Bahasa Indonesia at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana in a little town called Salatiga. When I arrived I could ask about bus fares and how to get to the market and that was about it - I'd only been studying beginners' Indonesian for 1 semester at Sydney Uni. So for the first couple of weeks here I was absolutely petrified. I didn't think I'd ever be able to spit out a coherent sentence in Indonesian, let alone have a discussion about politics!

Although I still stumble and stutter and forget words all the time, after 6 weeks of studying the language intensively (as in 4 hours a day of classes plus life in the real world of Bahasa Indonesia after class and the everyday conversations that arise when living with an Indonesian family), I'm starting to get the hang of it. Communication is now an option. Even my text messages are in Indolish (Indonesian-English) and I have to remember that my friends back in Sydney don't understand if I write to them in Indonesian! Having said all that, I'm not actually here primarily to study Bahasa Indonesia, but am living here for 6 months to do research for my Honours thesis in Performance Studies about Javanese performance. I figure being able to talk to people is a major part of that research process!

But back to last night… I travelled down to Yogya by bus, a journey which takes at least 3 hours and involves 4 buses. Not many young women travel by themselves so I had to field a lot of questions about whether I was sendiri (alone) or not. But I'm starting to get used to that. Depending on the situation I either say yes and explain that I'm studying here, or if I want to avoid further attention from young men I lie and say I'm married - I'm even wearing a fake wedding ring and all! So yesterday I was going to Yogya for one night only to see a performance there. It's good practice for my language to get out on my own, and after this language course finishes I won't have anyone to help me organize the basic things in life, like food, accommodation and language classes.

I do, however, have a new friend in Yogya. His name is Pandhu and he works as a journalist for a performance magazine in Yogya called "Gong". He is perhaps the most useful person I could have met here. Not only does he know everything that's going on in Yogya in terms of performances, but he is also incredibly patient with my crapola Indonesian. Plus he's going to teach me how to ride a motorbike so I can get around Yogya by myself (I promise I'll try not to get killed in the process)! And it was with Pandhu that I was discussing politics and poverty over some noodles and tea until 1 a.m. last night. I was explaining that I want to be a journalist too, but at the moment I'm doing my honours in Performance Studies, not in order to further my employability, but because I find it interesting and I because I got a scholarship to come here! I was saying that sometimes Performance Studies feels a bit irrelevant in terms of wanting to be a journalist, but then Pandhu pointed out something amazingly obvious, but something which I think many of us tend to forget: if you want to communicate with and understand a group of people you have to learn about their culture first.

Basically he was saying that maybe subjects like Performance Studies are the most important ones if you want to understand and write about life here. In Java performance is everywhere - from a performance of wayang kulit (Javanese shadow puppetry) in the town square of Salatiga with everyone from students to vendors to film stars watching from 9 p.m. until 4 a.m., to a performance of traditional dance at a school in Yogya, to the ever-present background sound of gamelan. I'm starting to realize that for many Javanese people performance is a major part of life. People perform and watch performances not only for entertainment, but for education, dissemination of information and to maintain their cultural identity.

I finish my language course here at Salatiga this weekend and move to Yogya, armed with my basic Bahasa Indonesia, a mosquito net, some clothes and my new pet - a cactus called Denso. During my time there I hope I'll get to understand more about Java, its culture and, of course, its performance. I'm also planning to keep writing for honi soit (Sydney University student paper), in between my motorbike lessons, swimming, chatting, reading the newspapers (English and Indonesian), learning more Indonesian, eating tempeh and seeing performances. So, selamat belajar. Sampai nanti!

By Lucy Rhydwen-Marett

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