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Keliling Keliling
Jumaadi Exhibition
Adi Jumaadi held a solo Exhibition of his paintings at the Hill On Hargrave Gallery 120 Hargrave St Paddington which opened on Friday 29th November. For further information about the gallery and the exhibition please looking at www.hillonhargrave.com.au or email him at jumaadi@hotmail.com.
From the website:
"My works of art are based on my memories, my dreams and the realm of today’s existence. Time and space constructed by the colours of my imagination create a feeling of places in a timeless state. Both abstract and real, my paintings are a medium where I mix palettes of my doubts and beliefs. They are pictures of the emotional and psychological relationship between humanity and nature. "
"My love of nature dates back to early childhood as I was born in a small village in Java surrounded by ricefields and bamboo, fish farms and mangroves, volcanoes and rainforests. Java and its gamelan music, shadow puppet shows, animist offerings, Islamic chanting and prayers, aromas of the market, seafood and ricefields are invincible memories. They live inside me and grow like nature."
"One is always shadowed by one’s past and drawn towards the future. My relations with my parents, family, friends and the Javanese village lifestyle have left a big psychological impact on me and on my paintings. However, my experiences in Australia, especially at the National Art School, have taught me a lot about western art, showing me how the Europeans look at beauty and how Australia carved an identity through artistic movements. In 1999 I traveled with a group of Australian artists through Broken Hill, Wilcania, Kings Canyon, Alice Springs and Port Augusta. There I saw images of rice-fields in the desert, as at night when I couldn’t see anything what was left was memory."
"In 2002 the Waverly Woollahra Art Prize honoured my paintings by awarding me the winner of the open prize. The Mosman Art Prize also selected my work for exhibition. I still travel frequently to Java to keep pace with all the changes and rapid development. I sit on the coast in Bondi and look at the horizon as the sun sets, witnessing magnificent colours and changing hues. The distance between Indonesia and Australia is inseparable, they both live inside me, burning my heart with beauty and a love of nature and humanity allowing me to embrace the future of both countries and their people. "
Right to Work and Pray
Article courtesy of Suara Indonesia Magazine - November-December 2002
Nineteen-year-old IT worker Kamal El-Masri is working, and praying again,
thanks to massive support from unionists, religious leaders and the people
of Sydney.
Sydney's Total Peripheral Group threatened Kamal with the sack for taking
five minutes off to perform the obligatory prayer, rejecting his offer
to make up the time in his lunch break.
The ASU campaign to defend his right to work and pray attracted a huge
coverage and support from unions as well as Christian, Jewish and Muslim
community leaders who are calling for changes to anti-discriminations
laws to recognize the right to pray at work.
But Kamal says he owes his negotiated victory to the ASU and its members
at his Ryde workplace, who stood by him from the start.
"I want to thanks my non-Muslim co-workers who supported me and voted
to change their own working hours to allow me to continue to work and
service my God"
The ASU says Kamal's right to five minutes off impacts on all workers,
particularly working parents who often call home for five minutes each
afternoon to see if their kids are safely home from school.
Indonesian films
Major Indonesian Films from the 1970s to the 1980s now available from the Monash Indonesia Institute.
It is now possible to obtain copies of major Indonesian films produced in the 1970s and 1980s from 'Between Three World's Video', a video distribution agency set up within the Monash Asia Institute.
Currently nine films produced between 1970 and 1986 are offered on VHS PAL video for educational and personal use. The films, with English subtitles, include
four of the most important films by Teguh Karya - Ballad of a Young
man (1971), November 1828 (1979), Bitter Coffee (1985) and Ibunda(1986)
the re-working of the Roro Mendut legend, directed by Ami Priyono for
Gramedia film - Roro Mendut (1983)
one of the best feature films ever made about debates within Islam -
Asrul Sani's Pioneers of Freedom (1980), a film shot on location in West
a collection of short films, animations and videos by Indonesia's leading experimental film-maker, Gotot Prakosa (subtitles not required)
Sjuman Djaya's biography of Kartini - Raden Kartini (1983)
The Five Faces of Kadarwati (1983), a film about a Javanese woman's experiences during World War 2.
The web address which includes a catalogue with details about each film, and an electronic order form is: http://www.arts.monash.edu.au/mai/films
Between Three Worlds Video
This service has been set up with seeding funding provided by the Australia Indonesia Institute. Rights for most of these films have been negotiated from producers in Jakarta for 'the world, excluding Indonesia', so the aim is to make these films accessible in educational institutions not only in Australia, but internationally, including the USA, Europe and countries in South East Asia other than Indonesia. Many of these videos have subtitles by SBS TV.
Different prices apply, depending on the kind of use made of the film (university use, school use, personal use etc.). Prices for university library purchase are about 30 per cent less than that charged by other niche-marketing video distribution agencies in Australi\a for similar films.
Negotiations are currently underway to obtain rights to distribute more recent Indonesian films, some Indonesian classics from the 1950s and 1960s as well as some early Australian documentaries on South East Asia in the 1930s, which are of great interest for the examination of attitudes in the colonial period.
Previously it has not been possible to make extensive use of film as a resource in teaching and area studies courses on Indonesia or SE Asia (compared with the use of film in teaching about Europe, the USA, China and Japan) for now until now good quality subtitled prints or videos have simply not been available for purchase. 'Between Three Worlds Video' has been set up to rectify this situation, and also to provide increased resources for Film and Media Studies courses that seek to include material from a wider range of Asian countries.
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (formerly Cinemedia) is specifically set up to lend films either to schools or to individuals. They have a number of Indonesian titles. ACMI can be found at: http://www.acmi.net.au
Indonet is Here!
Indonet is a mailing list to encourage teachers of Indonesian language and studies to network with each other. Email is used to circulate discussion points and provide opportunities for teachers to share responses and ideas with collegues. Messages to the list should be related to teaching Indonesian languages and studies. It will work in a similar way to Asia EdNet, except that it will specifically address the needs of teachers of Indonesian.
To subscribe to the list, visit the languages section of the Professional Suport & Curriculum Directorate web site: http://www.curriculumsupport.nsw.edu.au/languages/ and follow the links to the Indonesian section. Once you enter your email address you will automatically be added to the list and recieve all messages posted to the group.
Some Interesting Web Sites
This website contains the words and music for the Indonesian National Anthem. It also has lots of songs in many categories. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/1823/national/wajib/indoraya.htm
Asian Art Museum
The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco is specially dedicated to Asian
art and culture. In addition to the usual information on the museum
and its upcoming events, this site also contains artworks, categorised
by country, representing different periods and types of art.
Australian Aboriginal- Macasssan Connection
For information on the relationship between the people of the Top
End of Australia and the Macassans
Islam in our near north http://www.islam
for today.com/australia03.htm#nearnorth
Allah and the spirit of
the dead http://www.une.edu.au/~arts/FolkloreJournal/PDF/macintos.pdf
This site shows you how to substitute the numbers for the notes.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Asian Art Collection
New York's Metropolitan Museum houses over two million artworks, and
their recently re-designed website showcases a selection of 3500 items
across all the museums departments. The Asian Art collection is represented
by fifty outstanding works, each accompanied by detailed commentary
and contextual notes.
Si kancil
An online version in English of the story of Si Kancil (the mousedeer)
outsmarting the crocodile. This and other Kancil stories are popular
in Indonesia and Malaysia. http://www.rice.edu.au/projects/topics/
Comic version of the Ramayana in English
Just scroll down to band B to download.
To read more about the Ramayana in the Indonesain context, the voices
and visions from Indonesia CD-ROM Literature section contains an extract
from the Ramayana, in which the demon Ramayana abducts Sita, associated
teaching and learning activities and a link to a site (see below), with
both text and visuals for the story. Exploring the original text, the
web sujmaries and the accompanying drawings based on reliefs makes for
a great intertextual exercise for English classes.
There is an online bilingual Indonesain/English version, in no less
than 41 parts, at
An excellent site on the Ramayana in Southeast Asia
Indonesian Embassy, Canberra
The website of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra includes a page on
the Embassy's school's program. School groups in or near Canberra, or
visiting the national capital, may find the cultural tour and workshops
of great interest.
Bateson-Mead Balinese Collection
There are some 750 paintings collected by Gregory Bateson and Margaret
Mead in 1936-1939. The paintingsa are the work of 69 artists from Batuan.
These would be a fabulous resource to use in connection with the l Made
Budi paintings on theVoices and Voisions form Indonesia CD-ROM. They
demonstrate the tradition of painting from which these contemporary
paintings spring.
Darkening the Skies (The Guardian) guardian.co.uk/elsewhere/journalist/story/0,7792,782497,00.html
The residents of Central Kalimantan have no seen the sun for weeks,
due to the smog create by the burning -off of Borneo's forests. Sometimes
the smog limits visibility to just fifty metres, and respiratory illnasses
are rampant. Yet, some have predicted that this annual environmental
event may be closr to itsa end than once thought - for no other reason
butthat the forests are almost gone.
Asia Pacific
This site draws on the ABC's network of correspondents and Radio Australia's
news and language services. It reports on events, examines the issues
and explores the cultures of Asia and the Pacific. It has a section
on Indonesia.
. SBS World News Country Guide
Living in Indonesia
- a site for expats living in Indonesia
Borrowed from Berita Bahasa, Terima kasih Ibu Leonie Wittman, NSW Indonesian Consultant
Iwan Wijono in Canada
Iwan Wijono and friends have recently held an event called "Dinner and Take a Picture"
A Potluck for the Homeless was held on Tuesday, December 3rd 2002 in Toronto, Canada.
For this project a small number of homeless people were invited to share in food and drink with the artist as well as other invited patrons, donations were collected for the less fortunate, and general mixing between the classes ensued. The images were shared with participants and displayed for the evening. In the words of the artist: "The images are the final product. Different people gonna keep those pictures, hopefully these will be powerful images to inspire Anybody to think and to do Anything." "Homeless People are a product of the modern system, urban culture and so on.... I don't want to analyze the problem here but I want to do something real, because the streets outside there are pretty cold, even for myself..."
This project gave food and drink to the homeless people who participated. Photos were taken together on a sofa with "we r brother-sister" written on the wall behind to encourage the active corrosion of socially constructed boundaries between people. Donations were given for the buying warm clothes, food etc The pictures were to be the final project, and with different people accessing those powerful images hopefully inspiring revolutionary thought and action.
ne plus ultra PROJECT SPACE
1080 Queen Street West Toronto
between Ossington and Dovercourt
Telephone: 416.451.9802
Email: info@ne-plus-ultra.com
Iwan Wijono was born in 1971 in Central Java. While studying international law in Jogjakarta he became active in the pro-democracy movement against the Suharto regime. He eventually enrolled in the ISI (Indonesian Art Institute), where he began looking for a practical form of art that would express his political ideals. His early street performance activities have evolved to include arts events both locally and internationally. This is his second performance in Canada. He is visiting Toronto in conjunction with the Fourth 7a*11d International Festival of Performance Art which took place recently throughout the city. For this project he has been working with students of the Ontario College of Art and Design.
Benefit Nights For East Timor
The 'Friends of Maliana'
Benefit Nite was held at Leichhardt Town Hall in November including performances by The Tekee Tokee Tomak Tour" with Solidarity
Choir, Charisma, Anin Murak quartet, Fred Smith and Multimedia works from Martin Wesley-Smith
and Jazz Pieces from Morton Gould. This event also toured
to Frensham School, Mittagong, and Kangaroo
Valley Hall. This cancert was held on the day of Fretilin's UDI in
1975 on the eve of the Indonesian invasion. It will be the official
Independence Day holiday in East Timor.
For more info contact: Ros Dunlop (02) 9810-2253
Email: ros@greatwhitenoise.com.au
or Martin Wesley-Smith in Kangaroo
Valley (02) 44-65-1299
For Tekee Tokee Tomak Tour
- raising funds for East Timor - see:
Politics in the Pub
'Politics in the Pub' was held on the same day 29 November with speakers on East
Timor, Aceh, West Papua,
followed by Girls in Our Town.......A Benefit for the Women of
Timor with various performers at The Performance Space
in Cleveland St, Redfern
Performers included:
Rachel Hore, Zulya Kamalova, Trude Aspeling, Lemon Tarts, Jodie Catherine
(poet), Colleen Burke (poet/author), Solidarity Choir, Margaret Bradford,
Songket (Indonesian/World Music), Linda Campbell,
speakers included:
Katherine Thompson (playwright/'Mavis Goes to Timor')
Margherita Trancanelli (Board of Alola Foundation).
For further details AETA (02) 9500-1638/9519-4788/9331-1496.
All money raised went to Kirsty Sword 'Alola Foundation' for Timorese
PPS From Sister Susan....Dear friends,...The Democrats, Labor and the
cross benches have successfully passed a motion in the Senate calling
for the granting of a humanitarian visa to the East Timorese asylum
seekers. Please respond to them if you can. Best wishes and thanks for
all support. Susan Connelly sc.mmiets@nareg.com.au
GANGART Net Awards 2003
The 2nd annual awards for intercultural arts on the Net is calling for entries. Creators are invited to submit Websites to the Gangart Awards 2003 competition from anywhere in the world, as long as their work is bilingual or multicultural, and any of the arts - creative writing, visual art, music etc - available in digital format on the Internet. The aim is non-commercial, international promotion of the arts, and building bridges between cultures and language groups. DEADLINE: Submissions: December 2002 - June 2003, Deadline: 30 June 2003
MORE INFORMATION: Entry form: online only
No entry fee required.
"Peace On Earth, Goodwill Toward All"
is the theme for the Jensen family's 2002 Yule celebration
Come and join us as we celebrate the traditional Danish Yule and Summer Solstice Saturday, 21 December 6 pm - 10 pm
We will be hanging out on the back deck, overlooking the hills of Bangalow, sharing a feast of delicious holiday cooking (please bring a dish to share). There will also be lots of lovely Christmas carol singing, so bring your musical instruments and favourite holiday songs.
This is an inter-faith event, touching on the holiday season's celebrations of the Yule, Summer Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Eid, (and Bird's birthday, too!) We have plenty to celebrate, so come along and join our extended family of friends for all the joy of the holiday season.
(Please note that all our events are drug-free, alcohol-free, and tobacco-free.)
Please RSVP by phone: 6687 1921 or e-mail: phoenix1@ozemail.com.au
The School at Playen, Near Yogyakarta
AIA ACT has established an important project supporting students at the Playen Junior High School near Yogya. Currently they are seeing six young hopefuls
through three years of
schooling, the money they send up being used for uniforms, books and other
essentials. More collections for the schol have been taking place at recent events at Balai Kartini, Canberra.
Muslim/Christian Gathering
A multi-faith meeting was held on 27 October, at the Pavilion of the
Australian Centre for
Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton (adjacent to St
Mark's College). A video was
screened, of the ABC-TV film "Encounter with Islam" - 30 minutes
- a very elegant film.
Some younger persons (Muslim and Christian) offer comments and
discussion following the film.
Enquiries: Vernon Bailey 6281 4822
The Asia Pacific Journal Of Anthropology
is published twice yearly by The Australian National University and
is an internationally recognised journal in its field. It provides a
forum for the
publication of research in all branches of anthropology. The annual
subscription rate is A$30 within
Australia and A$35 outside Australia. This rates include postage. If
you would like further information
please Email: tapja@coombs.anu.edu.au