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Surat Surat
News from NT
Dear Judy
Hi... Thanks for the information about AIAA, we have been interested in what your organisation is up to and only found your existence through the Bacn network which runs out from Bali.
Putu is from near Ubud, Bali and although we spend copious amounts of time in Indonesia, particulary Bali, we are equally busy here. "Tunas Mekar" is the name of our Balinese Cultural Collective (Indonesia and others) and has existed since 1993 and in various forms presented performances, workshops, study tours, artist in residences, PT instructing, consultancies, design, importing, cuisine etc. here and in Indonesia. We have a full compliment of costumes and a Belanganjur Balinese gamelan orchestra. We have an application for funding with the NT Office of Ethnic Affairs to bring 3 Balinese performing artists to Darwin in August 2003. One time consuming element is the fact Putu is currently studying a full time double degree in the Arts and Education at the NTU.
In Darwin there is a Consulate and all the various cultural things that go with that...regular social events, a resident Javanese gamelan, August 17 Concert, Grand Parade item at Darwin Festival, a mesjid, Australia Indonesia Association etc. There is a long term connection with Asian peoples here and this is reflected with a fabulous Maritime Museum, heaps of items at the Art Gallery Museum- currently two fabulous kain tenun (weaving) exhibitions, market food to die for and then you have the contemporary issues such as refugee-fishing praus by the wharf etc. Indonesia is firmly represented here population wise.
I hope this gives you some idea.
Regards Peter Stretton
and Desak Putu Warti.
Email: pstretton@ozemail.com.au
Naga Mas Web-Site
We invite all subscribers to look at the new, improved web-site of Gamelan Naga
Mas at www.nagamas.co.uk
It contains, among other things, programmes and photographs of work we've conducted
in Scotland with Joko Susilo and I Nyoman Wenten over the last year.
Many thanks to Naga Mas members Hooi Ling Eng, Jon Keliehor amd J. Simon van
der Walt for their work on the web-site.
The web-site is being continually updated and comments and suggestions are,
of course, very welcome.
Matthew Isaac Cohen, Ph.D.
Department of Theatre, Film & Television Studies
The University of Glasgow
9 University Avenue
Glasgow G12 8QQ United Kingdom
Telephone: +44-141-330 6286
Fax: +44-141-330 4142
Email: M.Cohen@tfts.arts.gla.ac.uk
Gamelan in Queensland, Australia
Dear all,
I have recently been approached to teach a community gamelan ensemble in Brisbane, Queensland Australia....and am considering it!!!!!
I will be teaching a special unit of gamelan at Queensland University of Technology in May/June this year. I am considering running an intensive 6 week course in gamelan for community at the same time, whilst the gamelan is set up in Brisbane. This would be a late afternoon or evening class.
We would learn gamelan basics, some fun pieces, concert style pieces and something modern! The classes would be casual, fun and offer opportunities to learn different instruments.
Should a group of interested people emerge, I would make a definite commitment to this course and then future weekend intensives to follow up.
Do you know of any interested souls? Are you interested? Please contact me on kari@email.tc
In gonging fun,
Love Kari
Cultural Fiesta Planned
Artists, cultural workers and community organisations willing to demonstrate their artistic abilities or cultural richness can do so through Cultural Fiesta 2003.
The Fiesta consists of seven cultural and arts events such as concerts, arts seminars, art exhibitions and poetry nights in native languages to celebrate cultural diversity on the Gold Coast.
They are facilitated by the Gold Coast Multicultural Arts Group In Collaboration (MAGIC) through a grant from the Multicultural Affairs Queensland.
Anyone interested in being a part of the project can call Gold Coast MAGIC co-ordinator Nasrin Vaziri on 07-55758477 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. weekdays.
New Website for QLD teachers
Kepada rekan-rekan para guru Bahasa Indonesia yang terbaik,
Last Friday the Queensland LOTE Centre launched the new LOTE Web edition . It
is called the Learning Place. There are five Languages Other Than English represented
in the Learning Place.
I would like to inform you to view " The Learning Place" as a place
for every Indonesian teachers from Queensland and everywhere else to join ,discuss
, share news and resources and chat.
For further information, please read Bahasa Indonesia Community.
This is the instructions on how to open " The Learning Place.
1. On your screen, please click www.learningplace.com.au
2. Scroll down until you see the Education Queensland " Learning Place".
3. Click the screen and on the left side you will read all the communities which
are active .
4. Scroll to The LOTE Community
5. Click Bahasa Indonesia Community.
6. Selesai dan nikmatilah!.
7. Kalau ada kesukaran silakan menghubungi saya Nana.Sheridan@qed.qld.gov.au
Salam Hangat dari Bu Nana
Kerensa and Shakuntala
Dear Kerensa,
Wow! it was fantastic, magical, magnetic and you are such a hell of a
performer. I had a fantastic time with you and Giri Jaya Gamelan. Yes I must
agree with you that such performance needs live gamelan not just background
music- it would not be as great as it should be. Live gamelan has made the
entire show was very entertaining. The richness and colour of the
performers' costumes combined with the full ensemble of gamelan made this
number special. The way you involved audiences in your show especially with
the current disturbing issues (of course political) was fantastic, plus the
Giri Jaya group members patiently explaining to the interested and curious
audience about their gamelan was also a big part that made this show
succesfull. Well done, hope to see you again in a different number. Say hi to
Efiq and Emma. salaam, Malia.
Dear Malia and Judy,
Thank you very much for coming all the way to Toowoomba. It really means a lot to us and to see that you guys really enjoyed it. It also means a lot to me because for years I have been saying the the Toowomba group is absolutely my favourite and very special and it means a lot to me to know that other people in this group can verify it and see the magic that they weave..
Gamelan Giri Jaya is a fantastic group thanks to (what seems like a lifetime
committment) of certain memebrs of the group to keep it going when their aren't
so many gigs (Cecily, Rossco, Ros, Gabby and all the players). These guys work
so selfleslly in making it work and keeping spirits up.
It also means a lot to me because I can absolutley guarantee if it wasn't for
them in the early days I wouldn't have progressed to where I am now. ( being
able to grow with a group, when I first started dancing with them we only did
the first part of Baris). Its also really fantastic to see how the group works
with the other Balinese groups. This performance had made me realise a dream
which was to perform in half mask and tell a story and even though I had done
it in Indonesian, I would never have thought I could have done it in English
until I did it.. so there...
But again thank you for coming up and hopefully we can do it down your way
in the near future and if not the near, then we could plan for the very far
Hey and it was great to meet you.
Love Kerensa
Kerensa Dewantoro
Performer and Writer
Email: kerensavan@hotmail.com
It was your night!
Dear Kerensa
Thank you, Giri Jaya and members of the Balinese communities of Brisbane and the
Gold Coast for travelling down to Bangalow in Byron Shire to present Shakuntala.
for those who could not see this performance, it was a triumph for all the performers.
An absolutely spectacular show with a very excited and appreciative audience.
While raising money for on-going
support for Bali, this performance showcased the talents and achievements of Kerensa and Giri Jaya,
really giving them a chance to shine.
Everyone who came was totally blown away by the performance and we hope this will be the first of more
to come.
Best wishes always
Email: indoartsalliance@hotmail.com
Loves Bali
As Convenor of the Byron Loves Bali Group I would like to thank all concerned with our successful concert 'Shakuntala' held on May 3: sponsors, volunteers, performers and audience. To date we have raised over $12,000 and benefited from the support of over 100 local businesses.
Our next two projects are: To promote the message that it is safe to return to Bali and that this is, in fact, the best way of supporting the Balinese.
And to continue with our idea of twinning Byron Bay with either Bali itself, or with a town on the island. To this end we hope to make a presentation to Byron Shire Council at the next Council meeting on May 20, along with our umbrella organisation the Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance. In this context it would be interesting to know how many businesses in the shire trade with Indonesia.
If anyone would like to support either of these projects in any way, please contact me on 02 6687 2120.
Martin Adlington
Hi... hope you're well. After reading your listings / calendar of events, thought you might like to include a new exhibition taking place at the British Council in Jakarta next December focusing on new media and Indonesian arts, a strange combination but am sure will be interesting... The exhibition originates in the UK, and for the 10th anniversary is taking place in Indonesia and featuring work by Indonesian artists.
Its taken a while to organise but is coming together... here is the new web
The event is still developing and is seeking appropriate support, we will send
you more details as it develops...
best wishes …matt dpa@ukgateway.net
t/sms: +62 81 23 16 19 47
e: dpa@ukgateway.net
i(uk): www.epson.co.uk/dpa
m: DAX:2003, jl gayung sari, 11/55, surabaya, java, indonesia
BritishCouncil LPAM JawaPos