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Meetings With Remarkable Men: Bundhovi and Pranoto in Bali

While in Bali recently, I had the pleasure of meeting many old friends and enjoying their company while viewing recent works. I was very fortunate to catch the solo exhibition of the artist M Bundhovi; "Healing the Soul" at Ganesha Gallery, Four Seasons Resort, Jimbaran.

I first met Bundhovi at Evan River School in Northern NSW when he was visiting Indonesian teacher there, teaching students, workshopping teachers and also exhibiting his work in the local community there. It was a miracle to arrive in Bali precisely while Bundhovi was presenting his latest exhibition.

He had described his work to me in my interview with him in 2000 and now finally in 2003 I had the opportunity to view his work.


I remember Bundhovi describing to me how his work had changed from painting images that expressed frustration and disturbing aspects of reality to painting images that promoted the experience of inner peace. Now more than ever this message seemed increasingly appropriate to our times.

Bundhovi’s paintings are colourful and gentle, filled with glowing light and images intended to soothe the soul. Motifs and images are represented from all religions and philosophies directing us to the experience of oneness among all people. His paintings juxtapose incongruous images such as Arabic writing and Mahatma Ghandi, a Barong from Bali, a Tibetan monk which while divergent in origin are harmonious in spiritual intent – the predominance of good over evil- the deep-seated human desire for peace and harmony, not war.

“Budhovi’s current works are still dominated with images of peace as his past creations…. Devoting his time as a volunteer to help out with victims of the Bali blast, interpreting for different parties in the investigation of the aftermath, the images of the tragedy keep him alert of the violence that can happen at any time and anywhere…

Bun took further his therapeutic progressions through his brush strokes with colour. For him, the creative process is the healing of his soul…predominantly serene images rich in colour and fantasy: many of these studies in pure beauty, although he still maintains his collages of figures of peace namely Mahatma Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. The Healing of the Soul invites oneself to the peace within.

The Ganesha Gallery is “A Cultural Bridge” which has been presenting exhibitions at the Four Seasons Resort for about 8 years since November 1995. Until now the Gallery has presented more than 60 solo and group exhibitions by artists of all kinds from Indonesia and overseas. The Ganesha Gallery seeks to pave a path for Indonesian artists to share their artworks with an international audience… Invoking Ganesha Gallery, the Four Seasons Resort is committed to the long-term support for art and culture in Indonesia by recognising the inherent obligation of the travel industry to serve as a patron of the arts.” (A Cultural Bridge)

“Ganesha Gallery connects us with many of the country’s finest artists, It also allows foreign artists to display their work and their treasured visions of Bali” (Christopher Norton – Gen Manager)

For Further Information Contact:
Maya Sujatmiko
Art Gallery Curator
Four Seasons Resort, Bali
Jimbaran, Denpasar 80361
Bali Indonesia
Phone: 62 361 701010
Email: Maya.Sujatmiko@fourseasons.com

Pranoto Gallery in Ubud

While in Ubud, I was lucky to catch up with other dear friends and AIAA members Pranoto and Kerry at Pranoto Galley, Ubud. Just arrived back from launching Pranoto’s Solo Exhibition “Telanjang” at Galeri Milenium, Jakarta Selatan.

Pranoto Gallery in Ubud, Bali has become famous as a central meeting place and a support for local and visiting artists. The Gallery hosts regular classes in life drawing and other art forms - when I dropped in to the Gallery there was an African Dance Class happening later that day.

Pranoto has become well-known and greatly respected not only as one of Ubud’s Senior artists but also for his kindness, generosity and support to other artists and the community, providing the opportunity for many other local and visiting artists to show their work and participate in exhibitions at the Gallery.

As an artist, Pranoto’s paintings have always been divinely human- in form, expression and feeling – a nude can become an expression of joy, sorrow, solitude as well as beauty or sensuality. His great ability as a painter has always been apparent as through his paintings of the physical body and physical nature, Pranoto explores not only the variety of human forms, colour and physical reality, but reaches to the depths of human feeling, spirituality and humanity as well.

Pranoto has been living and working in Bali since 1974 and has played a central role in the artists community in Ubud since that time. Personally I have known Pranoto for 22 years now, particularly during the years between 1981 –1991 when I lived in Bali. Pranoto’s home was always a meeting place and haven for all other artists – Pranoto was always ready with a coffee or tea, guitar, chat, drawing and smile.

Sitting around Pranoto’s house gave one a chance to meet many other local artists and make friends from all over Indonesia. It was Pranoto who encouraged me to launch my own first solo exhibition in Bali and was always available with help, support and valuable advice.

It is a great personal pleasure to be able to visit Pranoto Gallery, to see Pranoto’s dreams being realised through his joyful union with Australian artist Kerry Pendergrast, surrounded by loving friends and their two beautiful children.

At Pranoto’s Gallery the door is always open and welcoming, just as his home has always been. If you are an artist, art lover or a person just wanting to experience life in Bali more deeply, a visit to Pranoto Gallery is an excellent idea.

Pranoto and Kerry
Pranoto Art Gallery
Jalan Raya , Ubud
Email: heart_art2@hotmail.com

Report from Judy Shelley

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