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Keliling Keliling
Gong Celebration
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Geoff Todd Exhibition
CaSinta Gallery, Yogyakarta held an exhibition of Paintings and drawings
by the well-known Australian Artist Geoff Todd at the stunning Losari
Coffee Plantation, Resort and Spa situated in the mountains some 30
minutes drive from Magelang in Central Java. The exhibition was opened
by the Australian Ambassador Mr David Ritchie and on the Indonesian
side by the Sultan and Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono
Geoff Todd, the most prominent Australian artist working in Indonesia is well known on the Indonesian art scene having frequently visited and worked in Indonesia since 1990 and held exhibitions in Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta and Bandung. His most recent exhibitions in Indonesia were the Javanese Christ in 2001 and Prince Diponegoro in 1999.
The Ramayana exhibition consisted of 16 powerful works based on that supreme statement of Indian art Valmiki’s Ramayana, which also permeates Indonesian culture as well 16 drawings that are the basis of another exhibition on the Ramayana scheduled for Mumbai, in India in September 2004. Silver and gold jewellery set with semi precious stones designed by Geoff Todd featuring Hanoman and the Golden deer crafted by the skilled silversmiths of the ancient silver centre of Kotagede will also be displayed.
As a curtain raiser to the exhibition there was a newly choreographed short performance of the Ramayana by overseas students of music and dance from Australia, Czech, Poland and Venezuela. These students are studying at the Institutes of Art in Bali and Yogyakarta and in this unique performance pay tribute to this great classic and express their appreciation to their Indonesia, their generous host country.
The exhibition ran throughout January, open to the public each day 11am-7pm.
The South Project
The South Project, which is being organised by Craft Victoria in Melbourne Australia and is supported by the Australia Council and the Myer Foundation, is designed to engage and celebrate the creative energies of the southern hemisphere (including Australia and Indonesia in its scope). Planned over a six-year period, this project is unique not only in its longevity but also in its focus on lateral forms of exchange.
The South Project seeks to define itself from the many festivals occurring on the world circuit by establishing itself as an open event with room and occasion for the many voices of the south to be heard.
The overall focus of the project is on the visual expression of culture, including visual arts, crafts, design and architecture. Other art forms, such as music, writing and performance are included as creative stimulus.
Beginning with a forum in July 2004 and continuing through workshops and residencies over the following years, the South Project aims to facilitate dialogue and exchange amongst cultural producers whose practices address interests of the south.
The aim of the South Project is to develop networks for south-south collaboration. This project seeks to engage with communities through networks that extend to towns, villages and townships. Exchanges of skills through workshops and residencies will be facilitated. Involvement with schools will begin with a makers-in-residence program at ArtPlay in June 2004. The culmination of these encounters will be a festival of events and ideas taking place in 2008.
For more information, visit The South Project website at:
Hope in Paradise Film
Jane Walters' film, "Bali: Hope in Paradise" was released on February 25th, 2004, at Biasa Gallery in Legian, Bali, Indonesia. A packed audience of over 250 government officials, consuls, journalists, and supporters gathered at 7 pm to view the 55 minute documentary, produced in conjunction with PADI Films. The screening was sponsored by; Bali Moon Liquers, Indowines, Amnesia, M3, Carlsberg, Vibe Vodka, Skky Vodka, and the Tuesday Night Pizza Club, with all proceeds from the event benefiting Yayasan Sri Kandhi.
"Bali: Hope in Paradise" is Walters¹ first independent documentary. It is a powerful story of the difference one young woman, Sri Kebon, has made to the lives of many [Balinese widows and children], in the wake of the Bali bombing. Narrated by Asha Gill of Discovery Channel, with music contributed by Sting, the documentary has been accepted into this year¹s New York Independent Film and Video Festival (April 23- May 2, 2004).
The Bali Bombing and its aftermath re-launched Walters into film as a documentary filmmaker, showing the horrors of terrorism and its affect on the lives of innocent people. She and her long time university friend, Robert Koster, were the first on the scene with a camera, and their footage of the outrage was shown around the world via Reuters World News. She assisted Padi Films in the making of a mini-series titled "Bali Menangis (Bali Cries,)" which also was released as a sixty-minute documentary in English.
Concurrently Walters has been working on projects for the Disney Channel, ABC TV Australia, and various TV commercials. To contact the filmmaker directly, please e-mail: jane@padifilms.com (+62-818357876). For further media and sponsorship information, please e-mail Pro Motion Events on: moovet@indosat.net.id.
I Nyoman Kaler Festival
The works of I Nyoman Kaler were recently presented in a Festival and Symposium during February 2004. Some Pieces presented during the Festival were Cendrametu, Demang Miring, Bayan Nginte, Puspa Warna, Kupu2 Tarum, Panji Semirang, Margapati and Wiranata.
All of the dances were presented by three generations of dancers taught by Jero Puspa and Ni Ketut Arini Alit. Two sekeha gong were involved in presenting accompanying music, Banjar Tonja and Tanggun Titi of Tonja village.
An exhibition of old photographs were also exhibited during the last two weeks of February culminating in the festival on February 27 and 28. A symposium of papers by esteemed dance and music scholars was held on the morning of February 28th. All events took place at the ISI campus and the Taman Budaya Art Centre, Denpasar.
No More Visa-Free Entry for Australians.
Many Australians have been dismayed to see the introduction of Visas for all Australians travelling to Indonesia compared to the two month visa free period that Australian visitors have been enjoying for many years. On February 1, 2004 visas were introduced for foreign visitors arriving by air in Bali, Jakarta, Medan (Sumatra), Manado (North Sulawesi), and Padang (West Sumatra). On that same date, foreign visitors arriving by ship experienced the changed policy at the following ports: Batam, Sibolga, Belawan (North Sumatra), Jakarta, Surabaya and Jayapura (Papua). The Indonesian government has allowed 11 countries to retain Visa-Free facilities based on the strict application of reciprocity embraced by the new rules. The citizens of 11 countries whose governments extend visa free facility to Indonesian nationals would continue to enjoy visa-free stays.
Included in the 11 countries and administrative districts to be granted the 30-day visa-free facility are: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philipines, Hongkong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region, Chile, Morocco, Peru and Vietnam. The nationals of another 20 countries and one administrative district will be able to apply for a purchased visa on arrival valid for either 3 or 30 days upon arrival in Indonesia. These visitors will be able to purchase a visa for a 3 day visit costing US$10 or US$25 for a 30 day visit. The nations and districts eligible to purchase a visa on arrival are: the United States, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, the Arab Emirates, Finland, Hungary, United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, Germany, Canada, South Korea, Norway, France, Poland, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Taiwan. Citizens of countries not on the visa on arrival or visa free lists are required to apply for a visa before entering Indonesia.
Hiba Seni 2004
Pengumuman penerima Hibah Seni periode I sudah bisa dilihat melalui segmen Info Terkini website kelola, www.kelola.org Untuk periode II, pengiriman formulir lamaran paling lambat tanggal 15 Mei 2004, masih untuk tiga kategori kegiatan dibawah ini:
A. Produksi Karya Inovatif
Hibah ini bertujuan membantu seniman/kelompok kesenian memproduksi karya seni pertunjukan yang melintasi batas-batas baku dan menjelajahi kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru.
Pelamar adalah seniman/kelompok kesenian yang sudah mementaskan lebih dari tiga karya. Kriteria kegiatan adalah produksi karya inovatif dengan waktu pentas minimum 60 menit, boleh terdiri dari beberapa nomor karya atau sebuah karya utuh, yang akan ditampilkan sedikitnya dalam dua kali pementasan.
Prioritas diberikan pada usulan program yang menawarkan bentuk dan/atau cara pengekspresian baru, baik yang tergambar dalam konsep maupun yang terwujud dalam karya. Sumber penciptaan tidak terbatas, bisa kesenian tradisional ataupun modern. Hibah hanya dapat digunakan untuk biaya produksi karya yang belum pernah dipentaskan.
B. Pementasan Keliling
Hibah ini bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada seniman/kelompok kesenian yang berpengalaman untuk menyajikan dan menguji karyanya kepada publik penonton baru.
Pelamar adalah seniman/kelompok kesenian yang diakui kualitas keseniannya dan pencapaian artistiknya (minimal dalam lingkup provinsi). Seniman yang menggarap pertunjukan seni tradisi dihimbau untuk melamar. Kriteria kegiatan adalah pementasan keliling dengan waktu pentas minimum 60 menit, boleh terdiri dari beberapa nomor karya atau sebuah karya utuh, yang akan dipentaskan sedikitnya di tiga lokasi di luar domisili pelamar.
Prioritas diberikan pada usulan program yang didukung oleh kegiatan-kegiatan yang bernilai edukatif bagi masyarakat (seperti lokakarya, diskusi, pertunjukan di sekolah) serta memiliki daya jangkau yang lebih luas (seperti adanya liputan langsung oleh media).
Hibah hanya dapat digunakan untuk karya yang pernah dipentaskan oleh pelamar.
C. Keberlanjutan Seni Pertunjukan Tradisi
Hibah ini bertujuan mendukung seniman/kelompok kesenian yang sedang berproses dalam pergulatan kreatif untuk menjaga keberlanjutan suatu jenis seni pertunjukan tradisi yang bernilai estetik, sosial, atau historis.
Pelamar adalah seniman/kelompok kesenian yang memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk mendukung kehidupan suatu jenis seni pertunjukan tradisi. Lamaran boleh diajukan oleh perorangan atau kelompok di luar pelaku seni tradisi yang mempunyai kepedulian dan pengetahuan tentang seni tradisi yang diajukan-dengan persetujuan dan sepengetahuan pelaku seni pertunjukan tradisi yang bersangkutan.
Prioritas diberikan pada usulan program yang melakukan proses pembelajaran, regenerasi, dan menyertakan narasumber (seniman senior) yang bisa dihubungi dan diajak bekerja sama. Diharapkan, dengan dukungan dana hibah, kesenian itu bisa dikuatkan, mandiri, dan memperoleh kembali forum untuk pertunjukannya atau publik penontonnya.
Hibah dapat digunakan untuk pembelian perangkat pertunjukan, pelatihan, dan pementasan.
Batas Untuk informasi lengkap dan formulir lamaran, silahkan klik www.kelola.org Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan hubungi nomer 0271-729545 atau email: kelola@indo.net.id
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap silahkan menghubungi:
Yayasan Kelola
Jl Mawar 198 Badran Solo
Tel. (62-271) 729 545
Fax. (62-271) 713 750
For Centuries, Indonesian arts have provided inspiration and admiration from people all over the world. Yet our nation's artists can only thrive both on the national and international stage if they receive the support of high-performing managerial resources with sound management initiatives.
Established in 1999 Kelola is a national, not-for-profit organization,
which supports the growth of the arts in Indonesia through providing
learning opportunities, funding and access to information. At Kelola,
we aim to strengthen that legacy by enhancing the skills of our nation's
arts managers and providing opportunities for development.
Our International Residencies Program provides unparalleled learning
opportunities through international experience, exposure to best arts
management practices, funding and access to information.
During the 2004-2005 season, Kelola's International Residencies Program, in partnership with the Australia's Asialink Centre and the US-based Asian Cultural Council, will be offering up to six arts management residencies available in Australia, and the United States of America.
We look forward to more news of this exciting project. Untuk informasi
lebih lengkap silahkan menghubungi: Yayasan Kelola Jl Mawar 198 Badran
Solo Tel. (62-271) 729 545 Fax. (62-271) 713 750 www.kelola.org
email: kelola@indo.net.id
Omong Kosong
During March 2004 Actively radical TV (ARTV) crew will depart for the
grit and grime of Jakarta where they will be working with a factory
workers theatre company (TBI) for 12 weeks on a multimedia theatre production
about workers lives called "Beyond the Factory Walls".
The Indonesian art community from Yogyakarta have declared concrete
support for Beyond the Factory Walls with a generous donation of art
works ranging from wood cuts, oil on canvas and etchings, to help raise
additional funds for the production.
During February 2004, Actively radical TV and the Beyond the Factory Walls crew presented "Omong Kosong" - new works from Java at The Labor Club in Surry Hills. This unique collection of art works was generously donated by representative art workers from the Yogyakarta Art community (Indonesia). Comprising such groups as Taring Padi, Sanggar Caping and individual artists including: RUDY ARDIANTO * TONI VOLUNTEERO * BOB SICK YUDHITA * BUDI SANTOSO * YUSUF (Mat Ucup) * SURYA WIRAWAN * BUDHIS KAMPRET * EXI MAHARDANA WIJAYA * DWI SETIWAN * ANANG BUDIAWAN * SRI MARIYANTO * ARI. W (Collex)
This exhibition OMONG KOSONG is taken from the title of a woodcut print by Taring Padi artist SURYA WIRAWAN. As a cynical expression towards authority, Omong Kosong (Empty Words) represents the voices of population jaded by three decades of ‘elit politik’. Among the artists and art groups present in this collection, Taring Padi feature significantly as both a group and as individual artists whose works form a response to the social, political and economic changes in Indonesia following the resignation of President Soeharto in May 1998. Since then Taring Padi have been sought by curators around the globe, exhibiting as both a group and as individuals in Australia, Canada, USA, and Europe. This collection includes oil on canvas, etchings, wood carvings and woodcut prints.
As a gesture of solidarity and concrete support for the Beyond the Factory Walls project, contributors to this exhibition have donated their works for auction. The work of these Indonesian artists is heartfelt. They practice a politics that is genuine. In the work they do, their representation of the oppressed is transformed into concrete actions. And this exhibition is a demonstration of that support for the factory workers involved in this project. It will enable their participation in something quite grand. says, Project Facilitator Rebecca Conroy.
In late February 2004 a small crew of video artists, performance practitioners, designers and producers from Actively Radical will be working with approximately 40 factory workers to produce a multi-media theatre production in May 2004. This process will be the subject of a feature documentary to be later produced by ARTV.
For all media enquiries related to the exhibition please contact Ali Crosby 0423 361 629 or alicrosby@hotmail.com
For media enquiries related to ‘Beyond the Factory Walls’ please contact
Rebecca Conroy 0411153440 or basabasi@optusnet.com.au
A fundraiser for 'Beyond the Factory Walls': a collaborative multi-media
theatre project between Activelyradical TV and Indonesian Factory Workers
generously supported by Australia Council for the Arts through Asialink
and the Australia Indonesia Community Arts program.
markus376@dodo.com.au 0405
alicrosby@hotmail.com 0423
04111 53440
Tweed Multicultural Day
AIAA members and Indonesia Dance Group Gold Coast recently participated in the Tweed Heads Multicultural Fun and Information Day. AIAA held an Information stall and Indonesia Dance Group Gold Coast held a cultural display stall and presented a very beautifual array of dances for the day. People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who live or work in the Tweed Shire were invited to attend the Multicultural fun and & information day held on Saturday 7th February 2004 at South Tweed Community Hall, South Tweed Heads.
The overall aim of the event was to increase networking opportunities between community services and people of different cultures.
A number of community and government service providers presented displays and information sessions. There were also a wonderful range of multicultural foods and performance throughout the day.
Contact: Project coordinator Kristen Forster on 0266 801914
New Talents2005: Call for Abstracts
The API Network is delighted to announce the annual call
for submissions
for the 2005 issue of New Talents 21C.
New Talents 21C has been widely acclaimed as one of the
very few
initiatives providing exclusive publishing opportunities for next
generation researchers and writers on Australia. Many emerging scholars
have made their publishing debuts in previous issues of New Talents.
have gone on to produce major publications.
If you are currently enrolled in a postgraduate program
or have completed
graduate work within the last two years, you are eligible to submit
abstract by 30 June 2004 for consideration in this cutting edge,
internationally acclaimed, Australian publication.
What you do ...
Submission of Abstract: Please email (nt21c@api-network.com)
or post your
abstract of not more than one page, as well as a short biographical
and brief description of your scholarly work, your enrolling institution,
area of research, specialisation or creative production, supervisor,
contact details. Abstracts will not be accepted after 30 June 2004.
Submission of Article: Please email, or post with disc,
your 5,000 word
paper, making certain that it conforms with the JAS style guide, see
. The deadline for articles is 1
September 2004.
There are no fees or charges associated with this project
but you are
strongly encouraged to acquaint yourself with recent issues of New Talents
21C, either online (see below) or in your library (under Journal of
Australian Studies) or by purchasing a copy through the University of
Queensland Press.
Our Feedback
We will reply to you at each stage and keep you informed
of the progress of
the production. Upon the receipt of your expression of interest or
abstract, we will forward to you full publication guidelines and our
for writers.
You will also receive comprehensive feedback on your work,
which will be
considered by leading Australian writers and researchers in a double-blind
refereeing process. The best 21 articles will be edited for publication
early 2005, and distributed internationally.
About the Project
New Talents 21C is proudly produced by the Australian
Public Intellectual
Network in partnership with CurtinUniversity, The University of Melbourne
and The University of Queensland, in association with the International
Australian Studies Association.
The editors (to be announced shortly) and production team
will work closely
with the project mentors, Dr Martin Crotty (Director Australian Studies
Centre, University of Queensland); Associate Professor Kate Darian-Smith
(Director the Australian Centre, Melbourne); and Professor Richard Nile
(Director, Australia Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology).
Professor Richard Nile is the originator and general editor
of New Talents
All Inquiries
New Talents 21C
Australia Research Institute
GPO BoxU1987
ph 08 9266 4788
The url is: www.api-network.com/newtalents
The Dunlop Asia Fellowships
2004 marks the ten year anniversary of the annual Dunlop Asia Fellowships.The
Dunlop Asia Fellowships provide a grant of up to $15,000 for an individually
devised program in an Asian country in fields including, but
not limited to, social service, local community development, public
health, child, youth and family welfare and justice. Candidates must
be Australian citizens between 21-40 years of age who can demonstrate
a commitment to a career with a regional focus and the furthering of
APPLICATIONS: Applications close Friday 20 August 2004.
ENQUIRIES: More information and application forms available on the
Website: www.asialink.unimelb.edu.au/cpp/exchanges/dunlopfellow.html#1
Kuta Karnival is Back
So Much Fun the First Time - Kuta Plans for a Second Karnival September 23 - October 3, 2004.
Building on the success of 2003's inaugural Kuta Karnival - they've decided that the time for fun and festivity is here again!
While last year's theme was a "Celebration of Life, A Remembrance of Love,"this year's event will take for its thematic inspiration: "A Celebration of Life, Tri Hita Karana."
Tri Hita Karana are the three fundamental tenets of life in Bali, demanding a basic balance be maintained between Man and God, Man and Nature, and Man and Man.
Once again, Kuta will come alive with exciting events, parades, competitions and exhibitions. Promising something for everyone, there will be a multitude of Sports, Surfing and Skate competitions, and a vibrant street parade involving all of Bali with promoters promising "shades of Carnivale, on a smaller scale!" Look also for an antique and specialty car & motorbike show, fashion shows, an international food festival, and music on offer to suit every taste.
Kuta Karnival 2004 starts on September 24 with a special opening ceremony on Kuta Beach. Last year, 50 dazzling performers and a Chinese Dragon ensured the Karnival began with a bang and this year's opening promises to be even more spectacular! Running for the ten days until its end on October 3, various events will focus on man's relationship with his fellow man.
Here's a short list of just some of the many events scheduled at this year's Kuta Karnival:
. Art, music, cultural performances and competitions showcasing traditional and modern dance and theatre.
. Themed fashion shows.
. The Discovery Kartika Plaza Surf Memorabilia Exhibition and Best of Bali's Environmental Photo and Painting Exhibition.
. X-TREME GAMES, including Surfing Competitions at Kuta and Uluwatu's world famous beaches.
. Special daily events including Ripindo Grommets Day, Ripindo Longboards Day, retro, OM Bali Pro Legends, Surfer Girl Ladies Day, teams and body board competitions.
. The Karinval Open - the Kuta Lines Indonesian Surfing Championship 2004.
. Skateboarding events, including street pre-lims and finals, best trick, long jump, highest ollie, gap and bungy skate jump contests, as well as a wild-in-the-park competition.
. Beach Volleyball and beach Soccer competitions.
. Hammerhead Bodybuilding Competitions.
. Tug-of-War and Sand Sculpting Competitions.
. Kite Surfing Competitions.
. Martial Arts Exhibitions.
. An International Food Festival. Live musical performances by jazz and blues performers, exciting DJs, rock groups - all presented from a special stage built on Kuta Beach.
. Kites for Kids - Kite Making and Kite Flying events for the younger crowd.
Kuta Karnival Web Site:http://www.gokuta.com