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Surat Surat
Anything But Roy at Southport Community Centre
and on behalf of the Indonesia Dance Group Gold Coast Australia together with
the International Indonesian Group Gold Coast Australia, we would like to thank
all our International friends who showed their support for the "Anything But
Roy" music demonstration at Southport Community Centre - Southport.
We highly appreciate everyone and thank you also to our Honorary Consulate for the Republic of Indonesia Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vickery who attended the show. A very special thank you to Ms. Judith Shelley and the AIAA group for this opportunity for us to see "Anything But Roy".
To ABR friends Ron, Reza, Deva, Ian and the ABR Group and our special guest from Indonesia Mr. Wawan Juanda from the Republic of Entertainment-Bandung ;"Thanks to you all with very best wishes." The positive comment from our guests: ABR is an extraordinary, rare and unique show with never-ending inspirations.
Last but not least "SELAMAT HARI AUSTRALIA" - JAN 26th,2004
Vera Kos
During January 2004 AIAA had the pleasure of providing support for the Anything But Roy East Coast Tour, which started at Woodford Festival then toured to Brisbane, Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Armidale and Coffs Harbour before returning home to Sydney. Many thanks are also due to World Heart Connections, Byron Bay, Indonesia Dance Group Gold Coast, Adam and Kym in Armidale, Kellie from the AIAA Team.
KAWASAN DAGO DIHIJAUKAN KEMBALI - The Dago Area is made green again
Bandung 22 December, 2003, Not less than 50 trees were planted along the length of Jl Ir H Juanda(Jl Dago) last week. This tree planting was one of the activities of the Green Republic, an organisation which has formed in order to work on greening the environment. This activity was performed to rejuvenate this street to become cool and pleasant, reminding us that this street was previously a landmark of Bandung.
According to their plans, The Green Republic together with other members of the community, whether government or private will work together to undertake tree planting in various places around the City of Bandung. This project, which receives support from the City Council of Bandung provides for real community participation, in particular Green Republic who join in developing Bandung as a city of greenery and flowers.
Bandung, 22 Desember 2003. Tidak kurang dari lima puluh pohon damar ditanam di sepanjang Jalan Ir. H. Juanda (Jl. Dago) minggu lalu. Penanaman pohon ini merupakan salah satu program kerja Green Republic, sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang penghijauan kota. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk mengembalikan jalan tersebut menjadi kawasan yang rindang dan sejuk, mengingat Jl. Ir. H. Juanda merupakan salah satu landmark kota Bandung.
Menurut rencana, Green Republic bersama-sama dengan anggota masyarakat lainnya, baik itu instansi pemerintah maupaun kalangan swasta akan bekerjasama untuk melakukan penanaman berbagai pohon di berbagai lokasi di kota Bandung. Program yang mendapat dukungan dari Pemkot Bandung ini, merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata partisipasi masyarakat, khususnya Green Republic dalam ikut memelihara Bandung sebagai kota hijau dan berbunga.
Press Release:
Green Republic merupakan organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang penghijauan kota, khususnya kota Bandung. Anggota Green Republic terdiri dari berbagai profesi yang peduli terhadap kenyamanan, dan keindahan kota melalui penanaman dan pemeliharaan pohon di dalam kota. Green Republic percaya, kota yang nyaman ditinggali akan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kedamaian kota. Green Republic sendiri merupakan, divisi nir laba ataupun sebagai salah satu bentuk social responsibility dari Republic of Entertainment, sebuah event organizer yang banyak melakukan aktivitas di kota Bandung.
Informasi lebih lanjut:
Yeddy Hendrawan S
Telepon: (022) 603 8456, atau 0856 211 8317
Wawan Juanda
During January 2004, AIAA supported a visit to Australia by Mr Wawan Juanda, President of the Republic of Entertainment, Bandung. (Wawan has also been involved in initiating the Green Republic Project.)
Wawan visited Australia in order to experience Australian music festivals such as the Woodford Folk Festival and Sydney Festival with a view to creating contact between Australian and Indonesian Festivals, and greater particiaption for Indonesian artists in Australia. Many thanks to Woodford Folk Festival, Arimba Culture Exchange, Wot Cross Cultural Synergy, Peter Tasker in Melbourne and Bpk Yudhi at the Indonesian Embassy as well as the many festival organisers and organisations who welcomed Wawan during his visit to Australia. Very special thanks to Anything But Roy for welcoming Wawan to join them on tour.
Modern Theatre of Indonesia
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please be advised that my dissertation, "Developments in Modern Theatre of Indonesia: Generation, Degeneration and Regeneration of a Cultural Medium", is now available in hardcover, softcover, or microfiche form.
It has been registered in the international data base of UMI through PROQUEST INFORMATION AND LEARNING. Please refer to their website at www.il.proquest.com as well as to the attached Abstract and Table of Contents. The dissertation was awarded a PhD in October 2002.
Researched and written for the entire period in Indonesia, it is intended to be translated into Indonesian for a national readership of students and scholars and edited into book form for publication in both English and Indonesian.
Because of the extent of the work of some 170,000 words, it is estimated that a year of labour would be required for the translation and preparation for publication of the book of some 70,000 words if the the work was undertaken fulltime. The dissertation is richly illustrated with fifty plates in colour and black and white.
To undertake the tasks described above will require funding and I call upon you as an individual or as a member of an institution for assistance or advice concerning funding. If the project does not proceed, especially the preparation in book form, a unique and comprehensive work on the diverse performing arts of Indonesia, as the dissertation has been described, will be not only the loss for an international readership, but also a loss for the people of Indonesia.
I trust you see merit in the project to warrant a positive response toward assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Ian Jarvis Brown
Jl. Kayu Agung 1C No.42
Bandung 40265
West Java
Tel/Fax: (022) 731 5557
International +62 22 731 5557
Mobile: 0816 606 635
Email: darian@indosat.net.id or ian_jarvis04@yahoo.co.u
Vanessa Pavey
I have stumbled across your homepage and would like to become involved if I can.
I am an australian who has been learning Indonesian language for some 2 years and would like to be able to meet with / converse with indonesian nationals here in Brisbane. so far I have only been able to do so via the internet but have not yet found any groups in Brisbane.
If you would like to add me to the contacts list here are my details for publication: Thanks!
Vanessa Pavey
Looking for friendship and language interaction with Indonesian nationals.
I am an Australian national.
email: soul_reever@iprimus.com.au
locality: western suburbs / centenary area
Galang Budaya
From : David Goldsworthy
Sent : Monday, 26 January 2004
My name is David Goldsworthy. I am one of the Australian representatives for Galang Budaya, a Language and Culture Training provider in Yogyakarta. I am writing to ask whether you would be interested in further information regarding language courses, homestay, village programmes and cross-cultural programmes offered by Galang Budaya which may be of interest to members of AIAA?
If so, individual members can contact me and I will forward further information. You can also find out about Galang Budaya at their web site - www.galangbudaya.com which includes contact details for myself and other reps in Australia, or about myself at http://ausdag.fateback.com/jawa/index.htm
Thankyou for your time.
Yours sincerely,
David Goldsworthy
email: ausdag@iprimus.com.au
Brisbane, Queensland
Bale Peace Park
Hi Everyone
An Australia friend I made on my last trip to Bali who now lives in Seminyak is trying to raise funds to create a Bali Peace Park at the Sari Club memorial site.
Check out the site its a great cause!!!
http://www.balipeacepark.com or email balipeacepark@hotmail.com
Terima Kasih
Marnie xx
Balinese Community of Queensland Inc.