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Efen Jaenudin Musician in Residence Project
Hey Everybody
Greetings to all my indoarts friends and AIAA members wherever you are.
I have returned safely to Indonesia. When I arrived in Bandung I was still thinking about Australia. I had many great experiences when I visited Australia for three months recently. I would like to tell you a little bit about my experiences which were very valuable memories for our future meetings
Initially I was very surprised to receive the news from Judy but also happy because she offered me a 'job' teaching gamelan, Indonesian music workshops and many other activities such as: Radio show with Dharma and Kellie at 99.9 BayFM in the Suara Indonesia Program. Besides that I also visited a number of cities including Byron Bay, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, Bellingen, Armidale and Mullumbimby. I also had many performances with musicians there.
I support the AIAA program to celebrate Indonesian culture in Australia now and in the future. With our art we can develop and grow feelings of love and peace between us because the language of art is very normal and easy to understand. We can meet, become friends and feel like family. Art becomes the breath of peace for the world. With art there would never be war or trouble between us. Everyone feels beautiful and peaceful.
For this reason enjoy and grow this beauty.
Love Efen
Hey semuanya
Salam buat teman-teman Indoarts dan semua anggota AIAA dimana pun anda berada. Saya pulang ke Indonesia dengan selamat. Setibanya di Bandung saya masih berpikir mengenai Australia. Ada banyak pengalaman sangat bagus ketika berkunjung ke sana selama tiga bulan yang lampau. Kini saya akan berceritera sekilas pengalaman yang merupakan oleh-oleh yang amat berharga untuk pertemuan kita selanjutnya.
Mulanya saya sangat kaget mendapat kabar dari Judy tapi juga gembira karena dia menawarkan 'job' untuk mengajar Gamelan, workshop musik Indonesia serta banyak kegiatan lain yaitu: Radio show dengan Dharma dan Kelly di 99,9 Bay FM dalam acara Suara Indonesia. Selain itu juga ada kunjungan ke beberapa kota di sana diantaranya Byron Bay, Goldcoast, Brisbane, Sydney, Newcastle, Bellingen, Armidale, Mullumbymby. Juga ada banyak pertunjukan dengan musisi-musisi di sana.
Saya turut mendukung pada program AIAA untuk melestarikan kesenian Indonesia di Australia sekarang dan yang akan datang.
Dengan kesenian kita bisa membangun dan menumbuhkan rasa cinta damai dan kasih sayang antara sesama karena bahasa seni itu sangat umum dan mudah dipahami. Kita bisa saling mengenal, berteman dan merasa seperti keluarga. Kesenian menjadikan nafas bagi perdamaian dunia. Maka dengan kesenian seakan tak ada perang dan kerusuhan di antara kita. Semuanya terasa indah dan tenang.
Untuk itu nikmati dan peliharalah keindahan ini.
Love Efen
Email Efen: efendijaenudin@hotmail.com
Many People to ThankAIAA wishes to express deep appreciation to Efen Jaenudin and all the many people who participated in his very successful residency in Australia from August to November 2004. It has been an exhilarating visit for Efen and the numerous musicians, schools, gamelan groups and other individuals who experienced this cultural exchange directly.
The Efen Jaenudin Project was very fortunate to have the support of the Australia Indonesia Institute, Ballina Employment and Training Centre, and DEWR.
We would like to thank the following for their participation in the
In NSW :Seni Degung Langen Sari Gamelan Orchestra, Salendro Gamelan
Group, Byron Still Loves Bali, Byron Community Theatre, Byron Bay Peace
Carnival. Indonesian community members: Jaemmy, Wowo, Yana, Dharma,
Dadang, Hendrawan, Adam; Local Musicians: Greg Sheehan, Afro Moses,
Mike Burns, Peter Davidian, Tim Shanasy, Orlando, Aron Doolette, Ariel.
Dancer: Jade Dewi Radio Shows: Ruby Tuesday, Suara Indonesia Radio Show,
Whirled Music Show- BAY FM, Jane Munro- ABC North Coast 2NR. Schools:
St Finbarr’s-Byron Bay, Newcastle High School, Byron Bay Public, Byron
Bay High, Fernleigh Public School, Casuarina School- Coff’s Harbour,
Chrysalis School- Bellingen, Linuwel School-Newcastle. Local venues:
Rice Restaurant-Brunswick Heads, Lulu’s Café- Mullumbimby, Yami’s
Café- Brunswick Heads, Sunny’s Café-Newcastle, Armidale
In QLD: Honorable Consulate, Brisbane Performance for Indonesian Ambassador- Seventeen Mile Rocks, Balinese Community-Gold Coast, St Stephan’s School - Upper Coomera, Gold Coast, Indonesia Dance Group- Gold Coast, St. Stephen’s High School, Upper Coomera.
Efen also visited Sydney where he met with Arimba Culture Exchange and Songket including Margaret Bradley and Ron Reeves. He performed at Buddha’s Belly in the Imperial Gardens with Songket musicians plus Balinese and Japanese dancers.
So many talented people worked together to create this highly successful Efen Jaenudin Musician-in-Residence Project, and we look forward to collaborations on exciting AIAA cultural exchange projects in future.
Email: aiaa@aiaa.org.au