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Indonesia Next Conference
Dear All,
It is our pleasure to inform you that the Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia
(Indonesian Student’s Association in Australia/PPIA) will organize the
2nd Indonesia Next Conference. This conference will beheld in Canberra, May
2005 and titled:
Building the Blue Print of the Indonesian State. The conference will provide
a dynamic forum for Indonesian and Australian youth to dialogue the following
- Achieving stability and security: what are the threats and how should Indonesia deal with them (especially after the unspeakable Tsunami that hit Aceh and North Sumatera)? What relationships are important and how could they be strengthened?
- The future of Islam in Indonesia, where to from here?
- Indonesia’s economic development: the national economic development strategy, banking, fiscal policy, monetary policy, state enterprises, small and medium enterprises.
- Sectoral development: the future of agriculture, natural resources management, health and education, and forestry and fishery.
- Regional development including issues of political and fiscal decentralization, rural poverty, and ethnic conflict.
- Domestic politics including examining the political party system, the general election, the parliamentary system and the role of the security services.
- Good governance: how to continue the push for institutional and bureaucratic reform.
- Media: improving the media’s voice, integrity and professionalism.
The conference will explore ideas from Indonesia, looking across the disciplines to formulate alternative strategies and policies that together form a blueprint for Indonesia’s development.
Conference participants will primarily be Indonesian students studying at Australian universities.
Call for Abstracts and Papers
Foto: MMAF 2003
c/o RMAP RSPAS, the Australian National University Canberra 0200, ACT
Telp. 02-61258072 Fax. 02-61254896 Mobile: 0423-725229 e-mail: hendra.siry@anu.edu.au
Also, Australian students of Indonesia and Australian Youth Ambassadors will be invited to present papers and/or participate. The conference will strengthen dialogue and cooperation between the future leaders of Indonesia’s private and public sectors, and strengthen their voice in Indonesia’s development.
The conference will invite potential keynote guest speakers:
Hon Alexander Downer (Minister for Foreign Affairs, Australia).
Dr. Muhammad Hidayat Nurwahid (Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly/MPR).
Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, (Indonesia’s National Education Minister).
Dr. Sri Mulyani (Indonesia’s State Minister for the National Development Planning/Bappenas).
The Indonesia Next 2005 conference restricts the length of papers submitted to a maximum of 10 pages, excluding the title page and references. The rationale for this is as the committee wishes to encourage the submission and presentation of work of the highest standard and currency. The shorter papers also help facilitate the reviewing process in a very limited time window. The ten-page format allows for quicker, and hopefully more consistent reviewing.
Abstract submission:
Those wishing to present a paper should e-mail a title and maximum contain 300-word to indonesianext2005@yahoo.com.au Please use the template for abstract submissions. Abstracts must be received by 10 February 2005. The paper-givers name, institutional affiliation (if any), relevant stream and their e-mail address (if applicable) or postal address should be listed immediately under the title. The abstract and other information should be sent as an attachment in MS word.
Paper Submission:
The Conference Committee will select abstracts and give the response to applicants by 3 March 2005. Authors whose papers are accepted will be notified of the specifications for preparing and submitting papers. Selected papers must be submitting a formally written ten-page paper and must be received by 27 April 2005. An emailed electronic version (in MS word) will need to be submitted to,
Papers received after this date will NOT be considered.
Authors need to be aware of what is required in a ten-page paper. The guidelines
below are offered as
c/o RMAP RSPAS, the Australian National University Canberra 0200, ACT
Telp. 02-61258072 Fax. 02-61254896 Mobile: 0423-725229 e-mail: hendra.siry@anu.edu.au
All papers are judged on their substantive contribution to better future Indonesia.
Problem Formulation and Definition:
All papers should briefly outline the issue addressed and its significance. Reviews of previous work in the area should be brief, highlighting significant contributions only. It is recommended that no more than one page (of ten available) be devoted to reviewing prior work.
Discussion, Conclusions and Implications:
All papers should pay particular attention to discussion of findings and research implications for theory and practice.
Multiple Submissions:
Authors may submit more than one paper to the conference but only one can be submitted as first author.
Submission of a paper implies that, if accepted, the author(s) will attend
and present the paper at the conference. Late withdrawal of accepted papers
is unacceptable, anti-collegiate, and could deprive colleagues of the opportunity
to attend the conference. Presenters will be informed in advance of the facilities
available (eg
availability of data projectors and PCs using PowerPoint) and should discuss
any further requirements (eg video projection, web links) well in advance with
the conference organisers.
• Maximum 10 pages or 5,000-7,000 words in length plus title page and
• Margin – Top 3 cm, Bottom: 2cm, Left : 3 cm and Right: 2 cm; single-spaced;
12pt Times Roman footnotes (9 size font).
• Title Page – title; authors; affiliations; track indication; contact
address; e-mail; telephone; fax
• First page – top half – title (no author names); Abstract
(max 100 words); keywords (max four). Bottom half – start of text
• Use IJRM format for references, formulae, figures and tables
• Title page. Full Paper Title (20 point, bold). Author (14 point) (include
full first name not initials and include title e.g. Dr, MA, etc) School/Department,
Organization/Institution (10 point).
• Please run a ‘spelling check’ through your paper.
c/o RMAP RSPAS, the Australian National University Canberra 0200, ACT
Telp. 02-61258072 Fax. 02-61254896 Mobile: 0423-725229 e-mail: hendra.siry@anu.edu.au
We look forward to your contribution.
Yours sincerely,
Convenor PPIA General Secretary Address:
c/o RMAP RSPAS, the Australian National University Canberra 0200, ACT
Telp. 02-61258072 Fax. 02-61254896 Mobile: 0423-725229 e-mail: hendra.siry@anu.edu.au