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Kumpulan Puisi Poetry

all poems sourced from Di Serambi= On the verandah: a bilingual anthology of modern Indonesian poetry
Cambridge University Press 1995

by Emha Ainun Nadjib

Kubakar Cintaku

Kubakar cintaku
Dalam hening nafasMu
Perlahan lagu menyayat
Nasibku yang penat

Kubakar cintaku
Dalam Sampai sunyiMu
Agar lindap, agar tatap
Dari hunjung merapat

Rindku terbang
Menebus penyap baying
Rindku burung malam
Menangkup cahaya: rahasia bintang-bintang

Kucabik mega, kucabik suara-suara
Betapa berat Kau di sukma
Agar Hati, agar sauh di pantai
Sampai juga di getar Ini

I Burn My Love

I burn my love
Into quiet of Your breath
Slowly the song touches
my weary fate

I burn my love
Into the depth of Your stillness
So that it is hazy, watchful
From the end approaching

My longing flies
Stabs vanishing shadows
My longing is a bird of night
Catching the light: the secret of the stars

I rend clouds, I rend voices
How heavy You are in the soul
So that the Hearth, so that the anchor at the shore
Reaches also this pulse

by Sapardi Djoko Damono


aku telah terbuka perlahan-lahan, sperti sebuah
pintu, bagimu
satu persatu aku terbuka, bagai daun-daun pintu,
hingga akhirnya tak ada apa-apa lagi yang
bernama rahasia;
begitu sederhana: samasekali terbuka.
dan engkau akan selalu menjumpai
dirimu sendiri di sana,
bersih dan telanjang, tanpa asap dan tirai yang
bernama rahasia

jangan terkejut: memang dirimu sendirilah
yang kaujumpa
di pintu yang terbuka itu- begitu sederhana
jangan gelisah, itulah tak lain engkaumu
kenyataan yang paling sederhana tapi
barangkali yang meyakitkan hati.
aku akan selalu terbuka, seperti sebuah pintu,
lebar-lebar bagimu
dan engkau pun masuk, untuk mengenal dirimu
sendiri di sana


I am slowly opened,
like a door for you
little by little I open, like the blade of the door,
so that finally there is nothing more
which is called secret;
it is so simple: completely open.
and you will always find
your own self there,
clean and naked, without haze and curtains
which are called secrecy.

don't be suprised: indeed it is yourself
you have found
at the open door- so simple
don't worry, it is
none other than yourself,
the simplest truth but
painful perhaps.
I will alwalys be open, like a door,
wide enough for you
and you can even come in, to know
your own self there.

by Sunaryono Basuki KS

biarkan hujan turun

biarkan hujan turun
mengusik mimpi
biarkan cecak berkecicak
merentang nasib
biarkan tikus mencicit
membangunkan kucing
biarkan dinding berlobang
mengibaskan angin
biarkan sejuta biar
berkeliaran mencari
dirinya sendiri
yang tersesat di antara
tumpukan jerami

let the rain fall

let the rain fall
to disturb the dream
let the cicak chatter
to decide fate
let the mouse squeak
to wake the cat
let the wall have a hole
to let in the breeze
let a million lets
swarm about
to find oneself
on the wrong track
lost in the haystack

by Isma Sawitri


yang emas adalah padi
yang hijau adalah padi
yang bernas sesungguhnya padi
yang bergurau kiranya padi
inilah kebenaran pertama sebelum yang lain lain
karena laparlah yang pertama sebelum yang lain lain
sebelum berdirinya pura
sebelum tersusun doa
sebelum raja raja bertakta
Dewi Sri membenihkannya di atas bumi
di sinilah tempatnya ke mana ia haris datang
di sinilah manusianya kepada siapa ia harus datang
setiap musim berganti setiap musim beralih
Dewi Sri membenihkannya di atas bumi
sepanjang usia bumi
sepanjang hidup khayali
yang bernas sesungguhnya padi
Dewi Sri adalah warisan abadi
maka tercipta dongeng atas kenyataan
tercipta keyakinan pada kehidupan


the gold is rice
the green is rice
the fully shaped in fact is rice
to jest I guess is rice
this is the first truth before others
because hunger is the first before others
before shrines are built
before prayers are formed
before kings rule
Dewi Sri seeded it upon the earth
it is here she has to come
here are the people to whom she must come
each season turns each season changes
Dewi Sri is the protector, the compassionate
for those who are steadfast and thankful
the gold is rice
Dewi Sri seeded it upon the earth
throughout the ages of the earth
throughout the life of the imagination
the fully shaped in fact is rice
Dewi Sri is an eternal legacy so tales are produced from realities
and faith created in living

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