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Yayasan, ACEH AID at IDEP
the tide of public concern and media coverage has receded in the months since
the Tsunami disaster, the situation on the ground is still critical. Now that
rescue efforts have given way to the rebuilding of communities, recovering locals'
livelihood and re-introducing infrastructure, our Asian neighbours need our
support more then ever.
It often happens that once the visual reminders are removed, the situation fades from the conscience of the general public. With the event of next month's Inspirasi Indonesian Arts Festival, the organisers hope that in showcasing Indonesian culture that attention will be drawn back to the ongoing need for assistance.
In February the Australian Indonesian Arts Alliance (AIAA) held the Expressions of Love exhibition, an evening of music, art and film. All proceeds raised were donated to the people of Aceh through Idep, a non-profit, non-government organisation based in Bali that was first to provide aid to many of the smaller villages in Aceh.
Direct disaster relief was provided by Aceh Aid At Idep who, with the support of donors, in particular Ripcurl and Quicksilver, chartered the Sumber Rejeki Baru (Source of New Hope). In January, the ship and crew provided more than 400 tons of food and supplies to the towns of Calang and Lhokkruet.
Reconstruction efforts are now underway with many Idep initiated projects providing aid while seeking to create cottage industries to re-establish local economies and restore autonomy to the villages. The continuing success of these projects depends on donor generosity and public awareness.
Occuring over a month, the festival will highlight many aspects of Indonesian life and culture, including workshops, feasts and film and visual arts events. Featured at the Inspirasi opening night at the Byron Community Centre on the 11th of June is a fashion parade of traditional outfits from Sumatra and Aceh.
During the Inspirasi Arts Festival, the AIAA hope to continue their support of Idep by fundraising at various events and activities, in particular the healing tent. Staffed by volunteers, the healing tent will be incorporated in the festival finale day held at the peace pole park. If you would like to volunteer please phone Susanna on 6685 7258.
Background to Idep
Yayasan IDEP is an Indonesian non-profit NGO (Non-Governmental Organization).
IDEP is innovative, effective, and encourages program sharing with other grass
roots projects through media and curriculum development. We are committed to
developing self-sustainability and directly empowering local communities to
improve their own situations. We believe that permanent results can be achieved
through local empowerment.
IDEP achieves its goals by:
- Introducing sustainable living solutions for households, businesses, schools & communities
- Introducing innovative approaches to environmental education into local schools
- Working directly with local communities at the grass roots level to pilot test projects
- Developing models for micro credit cooperative programs
- Constructing working demonstrations of small-scale organic food production
- Constructing demonstrations of appropriate technology for waste management and wastewater treatment
- Developing eco-literacy through community-based development media & curriculums
- Sharing knowledge gained and media through local NGO networks
- Conducting media training & supporting local NGO partners with their programs
Since the Bali Bombing tragedy in October 2002, the rapid decline of Bali’s economic stability has harshly brought home the reality of the un-sustainability of an economy primarily based on tourism. Yayasan IDEP is addressing increased requests for support from local communities to continue and expand its programs. In 2001 IDEP launched a Community Based Crisis Response Program that will help local Indonesian communities to be more prepared for and to better manage disasters.
At IDEP we are extremely grateful for the support we have received from our international and local advisors, overseas voluntary programs, volunteer support and financial assistance received from these and local supporters of our programs. Thank you, we could never have achieved so much without you.
IDEP’s website ( http://www.idepfoundation.org/aceh_aid.html ) is an online resource center for local NGOs & communities to easily access and download information in support of their local project planning & development.