Vol 22 - Summer Autumn 2006
The First On-line Magazine about Indonesian Culture in Australia. ISSN 1443-3680.
Journal of Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance. Also available in the Archives of the National Library of Australia at: http://purl.nla.gov.au/nla/pandora/inspirasi
Contact Us: 07 55278753 / 0405463663 Email: judybyronbay@yahoo.com

Martial Arts demonstration at
the Colours of the World Festival

Tommee at Colours of the World
Inspirasi Magazine
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Editors: Judith
Shelley Daniel Summerfield, Radha Koch, Marcus Herron, Darshi
Web design: Carole Chapman Simon Kertonegoro, Daniel Summerfield
Thank you to all contributors. Terima Kasih Banyak!
Phone: 61 (02) 6685 7789
Email AIAA members: indoarts@yahoogroups.com
Email Web Site Team: austindoarts@hotmail.com
Address: PO Box 484 Byron Bay 2481 NSW Australia
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the following pages are copyright and can only be reproduced for
study purposes or sharing of information. Disclaimer: The articles
contained in this magazine are gathered from a wide range of sources
and do not necessarily reflect the views of AIAA members.
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