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Qld Peduli Sumatera

Qld Peduli Sumatera Assalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb,

Sebentar lagi akan ada perhelatan besar untuk kita dan dari kita, para Indonesian society di Queensland.
Bersamaan dengan momen Idul Fitri, sebuah acara yang pernah menjadi ajang kumpul-kumpul,
temu kangen dan silaturahmi dalam hangatnya kebersamaan ini akan kembali hadir di antara kita.
Tidak tanggung-tanggung, beberapa organisasi student dan perkumpulan society Indonesia di Queensland
berkolaborasi untuk mensukseskan acara ini..
Sebuah acara silaturahmi dan halal bihalal bernuansa INDONESIA yang tidak memandang agama, suku, status
pekerjaan, status kewarganegaraan dan perbedaan lainnya akan diselenggarakan pada:
Waktu: Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2007 / pukul 09.00 - 14.00
Tempat: Ruang T203 Hawken Engineering Building 50, University of Queensland, St. Lucia

1. Penampilan kesenian dan musikal dari Indonesian society
2. Pengumpulan dana untuk Gempa Sumatera
3. Makan siang bersama dengan masakan lezat khas Indonesia

Harga tiket: $8 (termasuk makan prasmanan) ----> $2 disisihkan untuk disumbangkan untuk saudara kita yang tertimpa bencana gempa di Sumatera.
Untuk pembelian tiket dan pendaftaran, dapat menghubungi :
Dika : dika.supyandi@gmail.com (0431179042)
atau hubungi humas acara:
Rara : adelle_1987@yahoo.com  / 043 008 9111
Vinci : piparoneska_peach@yahoo.com  / 041 188 3894
Westin : a1_like4rose@hotmail.com  / 040 5050 125
Tiket box juga akan dibuka pada tempat acara berlangsung.
Apabila teman-teman ingin menyisihkan rejekinya untuk saudara-saudara kita yang menderita akibat bencana gempa di Sumatera,
silahkan transfer ke rekening:
Nama : Queensland Peduli Sumatera
Nomor : 064011-10147393 (Commonwealth Bank)
Rekening akan dibuka sampai dengan 3 November 2007.
Jadi tunggu apalagi, mari kita gunakan acara ini sebagai ajang bersilahturahmi dengan saudara-saudara sebangsa yang tinggal di Queensland,memperluas kekerabatan, berbagi keceriaan dan sekaligus membantu saudara-saudara kita di tanah air yang kurang beruntung.
Tolong sebarluaskan undangan ini kepada semua teman: Student, Permanent residence, atau siapapun yang care terhadap Indonesia..
Apabila ada pertanyaan mengenai acara ini, harap menghubungi pihak humas atau saya via japri.
Wassalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb.
a.n. Panitia acara
Tonny Wahyu Poernomo

Global Warming - Global Warning

Dear All,

We would love to inform u about the coming Perfurbance #4 - Performance Art Urban Festival 2008:
International Performance Art Group Festival "Global Warming Global Warning", The Feet of Vulcano Merapi, Jogjakarta, 15 - 20 April 2008. We got already many artists to contact us to join, and we will send them official invitation letter soon. This festival gonna be held in the village, all artists and crews, include journalists or even audience can join us to stay in the village. Please bring your own tent in case the villagers' houses not enough space.

We gonna show lot of contemporary performance art groups, original group from their own country and local Indonesia, also the individual artist can create a group with other artist(s), or even with crew, artist assistant(s), with audience or even villager(s).

Contact us as soon as possible if interested to join this Global Warming Global Warning Festival.

In Solidarity,
Iwan Wijono
President of Performance Klub

Dear Semua,

Kami dengan senang hati meng-info-kan festival yang akan datang Perfurbance #4 - Performance Art Urban Festival 2008:
Festival Group Seni Performance International "Pemanasan Global Peringatan Global", Kaki Vulcano Merapi, Jogjakarta, 15 - 20 April 2008.
Kami sudah mendapat beberapa permintaan dari seniman untuk bergabung ke festival ini, segera kami akan mengirim surat undangan resmi. Festival ini akan berlangsung di desa, semua seniman, crew, wartawan, maupun penonton bisa bergabung untuk tinggal di desa selama festival. Dipersilahkan untuk membawa tenda sendiri, apabila rumah-rumah penduduk tidak mencukupi.

Kami akan mempertunjukan banyak group seni performance dari manca negara maupun Indonesia, seniman individu juga bisa membuat group dengan seniman lain, dengan crew, asisten seniman, maupun dengan penduduk desa.

Dipersilahkan untuk menghubungi kami segera apabila tertarik untuk bergabung dalam Festival Pemanasan Global Peringatan Global ini.

Dalam Solidaritas,
Iwan Wijono
Presiden Performance Klub


Perfurbance #4 –

Performance Art Urban festival:

International Performance Art Group Festival

Global Warming Global Warning

The Feet of Vulcano Merapi 15 – 20 April 2008

(1) The ordinary art performance always performed as a solo action, only few performers dare to show their piece as group. In this matter, is how to performed all together as a group, how to executed the issue together, how to response the space and the interaction with the spectacles.

(2) The theme of the festival: to show the togetherness and the caring thought as the earth citizens to response the global warming issue by creating an experimental performance art group festival. So, how are all of the performers going to perform regarding the global warning for global warming issue.Global Warming Global Warning Festival:

(1) Action from every group of performance artists that involved, both local artist and international.

(2) Seminars and workshops related to the environment and the global warming issues.

(3) Performances from many of local traditions which already extinct or in danger and still become part of the issue among the simplest conversation in the local society today.

(4) The festival become possible with the support from the local community where the Performance Klub held the festival that going to happen at the feet of the Merapi Volcano. All artists and crews will stay in villagers's houses, if any journalist or even limited audience also welcome to join to stay with us.

As reference of this festival, can see the last Perfurbance #3 in :http://universes-in-universe.org/eng/islamic_world/articles/2007/perfurbance_3

Performance Klubc/o Jogja National MuseumJl. Amri Yahya 1 WirobrajanJogjakarta, 55253 Indonesia

Tel. +628122767607 / 08175471125

Fax. +62 274 381298

Email: performanceklub@gmail.com 


Perfurbance #4 – Performance Art Urban festival:             

International Performance Art Group Festival

"Global Warming Global Warning"

Kaki Vulcano Merapi

15 – 20 April 2008Latar belakang

(1). Praktek performance art biasa di-eksekusi secara solo, hanya sedikit sekali yang menampilkan dalam bentuk group. Bagaimana para performer tampil bersama, bagaimana meng-eksekusi action secara bersama, bagaimana menguasai ruang dan interaksi dengan penonton.

(2). Tema festival: kebersamaan dan kepedulian bersama warga bumi atas global warming, termasuk para performer, sejalan dengan project eksperimental festival group performance art. Bagaimana para performer tampil bersama berkenaan dengan global warning atas global warming itu.Global Warming Global Warning Festival:

(1). Menampilkan group performance art, baik lokal maupun internasional.

(2). Workshop-seminar berkaitan dengan lingkungan dan global warming.

(3). Penampilan seni tradisi lokal yang sudah mati atau hampir mati dan dibicarakan dalam konteks kekinian.

(4). Penyelenggaraan festival bekerja sama dengan komunitas lokal tempat festival berlangsung, Kaki Vulcano Merapi. Sebagai referensi festival, bisa dilihat festival Perfurbance #3 yang lalu pada:http://universes-in-universe.org/eng/islamic_world/articles/2007/perfurbance_3

Performance Klubc/o Jogja National MuseumJl. Amri Yahya 1 WirobrajanJogjakarta, 55253 Indonesia

Tel. +628122767607 / 08175471125

Fax. +62 274 381298

Email: performanceklub@gmail.com

Dance Therapy in Indonesia

Wed, 24 Oct 2007 from :kstwarog@GMAIL.COM

Hi everyone,

I have been doing research on the role of "terapi tari" in Indonesia in comparison to dance therapy techniques and uses in the US. My  particular interest is whether or not/how dance therapy is used to help victims/survivors of domestic violence. Unfortunately I am having trouble finding resources about this specific kind of therapy in Indonesia, especially since my bahasa skills are still mediocre. If anyone has any advice/contacts/ideas to help me continue with this project I would be most grateful. So far I have found instances in  which dance therapy is used to aid tsunami victims, but that's about it. Thanks in advance!
Kim Twarog
Kimberly Twarog
UCLA Women's Studies PhD Program 

Asia-Pacific Photo Competition

Your support in publicising the information below for entries for the ACCU Asia-Pacific ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) Photo Message Contest: Letters to Tomorrow 2007 on the theme of "Celebration of our Living Culture" would be appreciated.Closing date is 5 January 2008 (one or two weeks delay is OK) Prize money for 3 Grands Prix winners is US$1,000,  12 Prizes of Excellence winners US$200.  Each entry should consist of a photograph and short text. The theme of each entry can be on handicrafts, traditional festivals, ceremonies and customs that are close to the people's hearts and minds.Text can be written in English and 20 Asian languages. 
Fore more details, please visit the ESD photo message contest website.

If possible, it would be nice if you can this can be an excellent opportunity to integrate environmental education for sustainability and literacy in classes.  Students/learners/participants/partners might think about their everyday life and take photographs on any aspects of their culture.   Entries can be submitted either by post or through the above website.  This contest is open for everyone regardless of age and occupation.  (Children, youth, senior citizens are most welcome!)I sincerely hope that the Contest will receive many entries from the network of ICEE, Ahmedabad.

With best regards.
Education Division
Asia/Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) Japan Publishers Building, 6, Fukuromachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
162-8484 JAPAN

A Message from Saratus Persenhi

dear judith shelley,we are world music group from bandung,indonesia, combining a balinesse gamelan such as pamade & kantil, sundanesse & african instruments with a modern instrumentswe very glad if you can write our web in your linksthanks alot ...best regard,saratus persen


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