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Hope in East Timor

H.O.P.E. in East Timor
"Your friends will not forget you"

What's Happening Now?
With the August ballot drawing closer, Indonesian military and militia forces have stepped up their terror campaign. Villages continue to be burned, villagers killed and threatened, as a dying effort to sway East Timorese to vote for Autonomy/Integration with Indonesia. Result? Fearful villagers are fleeing for safety, arriving in towns all over East Timor, in need of food, clothing, medical attention, and housing assistance. At present there are reportedly 7,000 refugees in Dili and 40,000 refugees throughout East Timor.

What's H.O.P.E. Doing Now?

Isa Bradridge from Ballina NSW, his East Timorese wife Ina and East Timor staff are using present funds to assist Dili's rapidly rising refugee situation. They have recently given food, clothes, medicine, and loving care to over 500 new refugees camped behind Dili's university. Thanks go to AusAid branch of the Australian Embassy for Au$6,000 that made possible the purchase of tons of rice and food for the refugees.

Xanana Gusmao Increases H.O.P.E.'s Vision

In a meeting with East Timor's jailed leader Xanana Gusmao in Jakarta in May, he has asked H.O.P.E. and all friends of East Timor to get more involved in helping East Timor's huge refugee problem. Working together with other N.G.O.'s H.O.P.E. wants to bring hope and aid to the many suffering souls all over East Timor. This is achievable but they need help.

H.O.P.E. in East Timor - Staff
Those currently involved in Dili are a tight team currently working from a home with a rented vehicle. Money is needed to set up a proper office and storage area, and to rent or buy more vehicles to increase the outreach.

H.O.P.E. in Australia

- Staff
A small band of people are setting up a home based office in Ballina, NSW. Again, funds are needed for a fax, computer, etc., to co-ordinate the supply of donations from Australia.
H.O.P.E.'s earlier funding came mostly from friends and parishioners of Saint Francis Xavier Catholic church, Ballina, and other generous individuals ... Much thanks to you all! However, H.O.P.E's future funding will need to be vastly increased to achieve its higher goals. As H.O.P.E in East Timor's founder, Isa is appealing to christians and all Australians to rise up and support this campaign.

Please Act Now
One dollar ... helps one refugee ... for one day ...
"With your assistance, H.O.P.E's East Timorese staff are prepared to put their lives on the line to bring help to the needy. My wife Ina has already received direct death threats, and like U.N. staff and vehicles, we have already encountered confrontation. But H.O.P.E will continue to serve the hungry, poor and naked until this oppression is conquered. Its future will later be connected to rebuilding a ... Free East Timor. I invite all individuals and corporations to please aid in this serious appeal, to show our neighbous and past allies their ... "friends have not forgotten them." The extent of our effectiveness will largely equal the extent of your generosity. So on behalf of the East Timorese, I humbly ask: Please help now. Thank you and God bless," Isa Bradridge

H.O.P.E is ... Jesus, Australians and East Timorese working together in loving action

H.O.P.E in East Timor's Mission:
1. To obey Jesus' command to "love one another" to bring HOPE in practical ways to those suffering in East Timor.
2. To Honour Our PromisE - in 1942, 40-60,000 East Timorese died helping Australian troops during WWII. As they left they dropped leaflets stating ... "Your friends will not forget you" " ... I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers (sisters) of mine, you did it for Me." (Matt. 24:40)

50 kg sack rice $30, 50kg sack corn $15, 2 kg powdered milk $12, 1 soap 20c, 1 month's wages $20, 1 mat $2, 1 towel 50c, 1 toothbrush 15c, 1 pillow $1.50, 1 mattress $10

Emergency Refugee Relief Project
Contact: Mat and Chris Parr - (02) 6681 5002
Dharma Bradridge - (04) 1055 2113

In East Timor:
Isa and Ina Bradridge - 0011 (62) 8123947072

1. Donations can be sent to:
H.O.P.E in East Timor
P.O. Box 1329 Ballina NSW 2478

2. Directly deposit into:
Commonwealth Bank Ballina NSW
Account name: H.O.P.E. in East Timor
Branch No. 062502 Acc. no. 10146296
Thank You!

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