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Salam Dari Halim HD, Solo

judith yang baek,

Terima kasih atas perhatian anda tentang yayasan kami. kami mendirikan yayasan tersebut baru beberapa bulan saja. dasar pikiran yang melandai yayasan itu, adalah bagaimana menyebarkan informasi dan membantu kelompok-kelompok kesenian didalam penyebaran informasi.

disamping itu, kami juga mengadakan kegiatan diskusi setiap bulannya tentang kebudayaan, dari hasil penelitian maupun gagasan-gagasan yang datang dari berbagaikalangan. pada sisi lain, kami juga berkeinginan untuk bagaimana menjalin hubungan dengan semua pihak untuk bisa terlibat dengan masalah kebudayaan.

beberapa rencana kami yang sekarang masih di atas kertas adalah, misalnya bagaimana membuat profil kelompok atau grup kesenian. juga tentang profil desa kesenian. disamping itu ada juga rencana untuk membuat dokumentasi tentang jenis-jenis kesenian maupun aspek kebudayaan lainnya yang dalam kondisi rapuh maupun yang masih memiliki potensi. misalnya kehidupan keseenian tradisi.

aspek ini tentu juga menyangkut untuk mengubah secara mendalam bagaimana cara menangani informasi tentang kesenian tradisi maupun kebudayaan lainnya dalam program pariwisata. kami merasa bahwa pihak pemerintah daerah terlalu semberono didalam menyebarkan informasi tentang kesenian tradisi, dan mereka hanya ingin "menjual" saja, tapi memperhitungkan bagaimana menumbuhkan sikjap yang lebih kuat didalam kehidupan tradisi.

tentu uga semuanya masih didalam "impian" kami. senang sekali kalau sekiranya anda bisa memberikan masukan kepada kami, dan kita bisa saling mendiskusikan banyak masalah kebudayaan-kesenian di indonesia maupun pertukaran kebudayaan antar-bangsa.

misalnya kami juga berusaha untuk membantu teman-teman di ujung pandang dalam penyelenggaranan MAF (Makassar arts forum) yang akan diadakan pada tanggal 1 - 12 september 1999. kontribusi yang kami berikan kepada teman-teman di ujungpandang misalnya berupa, secara pribadi saya memberikan workshop jaringan kerja kebudayaan, disamping itu workshop untuk pembuatan dokumentasi.

tapi yang lebih penting lagi, adalah usaha untuk mendorong bagaimana teman-teman di ujungpandang maupun di berbagai daerah untuk bisa menciptakan kegiatan berdasarkan kapasitas diri mereka dengan kesadaran kepada kesetaraan dan menciptakan jaringan kerja kesenian-kebudayaan. prinsipnya, desentralisasi merupakan suatu upaya kami, seperti juga usaha desentralisasi di wilayah jawa sendiri maupun di solo.

saya harap anda bisa kapan-kapan menegunjungi tempat sederhana kami, kita bisa ngobrol, dan membuat suatu program bersama. terima kasih dan salam hangat.

halim hd.

TEL: 62 - 271 - 63 69 46
Email:halimhd@solonet.co.id / halimhd@hotmail.com

ps: saya akan berangkat ke ujungpandang dalam beberapa hari ini, dan akan tinggal di sana selama kurang lebih 6 minggu, dan mungkin akan kembali ke solo sekitar pertengahan bulan september. jika anda ingin kontak, silakan menggunakan email:- halimhd@hotmail.com

keberangkatan saya ke ujungpandang untuk membantu acara MAF tersebut, dan akan datang sekitar 200 teman-teman seniman dari berbagai daerah di indonesia maupun beberapa negara lainnya. senang sekali jika anda bisa hadir juga. terima kasih.

Thank you for showing interest in our organisation. We started the organisation just a few months ago. The main idea which resulted in the formation of this organisation was the question of how to disseminate information and to assist art groups in the distribution of information.

Beside this we also hold discussions every month about culture, from research to ideas which come from people of all disciplines. On the other hand, we also want to find how to create connections between all kinds of people so that they can become more involved with culture.

Some of our plans which are still on paper at the moment are, for example, how to make a profile for an art group, also how to make a profile for an art village. Besides that we also plan to document the various kinds of art forms as well as other aspects of culture whether that are waning and still have potential such as traditional art forms.

Of course this aspect also has implications regarding ways of handling information about traditional art forms within the context of tourism. We feel that the regional governments are too slapdash in their dissemination of information about traditional arts and only think to sell it without considering ways of strengthening traditonal life.

Of course, these are still our dreams. We would be very happy if you could respond to these ideas, and we can discuss many culture and art issues in Indonesia as well as cultural exchange between nations.

For example, we have been helping our friends in Ujung Pandang with the organisation of the MAF (Makassar Art Forum 99) which will be held from 1 - 12 September. Our contribution which we give to our friends in Ujung Pandang includes myself giving workshops on cultural networking, and another on making documentation.

But what's more important is that we support our friends in Ujung Pandang as well as other regions to create activities based on the awareness of equality and with the aim of creating a culture-art network. The principle of decentralisation is one of our aims, as in the decentralisation in the region of Java as well as in Solo.

I hope one day you will be able to visit our simple place so we can have a chat and plan a program together. Thank you.

Halim HD.
Forum Dokumentasi & Informasi Kebudayaan "YAYASAN PINILIH"
Jl Semeru Barat Utama NO. 23 Ringin Semar Solo - 57128
TEL: 62 - 271 - 63 69 46
Email:halimhd@solonet.co.id / halimhd@hotmail.com

ps: I will be departing for Ujung Pandang within a few days and will stay there about 6 weeks. Perhaps I will return about the middle of September If you would like to contact me, please use email: halimd@hotmail.com

My departure to Ujung Pandang is to help the MAF program I mentioned, and will be attended by about 200 artists from all regions of Indonesia as well as from overseas. I will be very happy if you would be able to attend also. Thank you.

Women in Politics in Indonesia

With the lead up to the nation's general elections in June this year, the question of who has power, at least in a strictly leadership framework has once again become a focus point in Indonesia. The gender aspect of this 'leadership' issue has come to a head as Megawati Sukarnoputi campaigns for presidency. The entire involvement of women in Indonesian politics has been analysed extensively with particular interest being paid to the last five decades, illustrating the important role Indonesian women played in the lead up to the so called 'communist coup' and the riots that followed in 1965. Women's participation during this era challenged the nation's patriarchal political system from a grass roots level, exemplified by the large female membership of NGO's.

Although we may not perceive Megawati as a feminist, nor is she seen to be campaigning for the rights of women in Indonesia, the mere concept of female campaiging for such a position (president) brings to light these issues. Over the last three decades women's roles have undergone change in Indonesia as elsewhere. I believe these changing roles of Indonesian women should be addressed with a careful analysis of women as both 'politicised beings' and also 'politcising beings'. This juxtaposition of women as used by abd the users of the nation's political arena, can best be understood in a New Order mindset. A study of the political identities and movements of women under Suharto hold the key to understanding the changing roles of women in Indonesia today.

Kirsty Martin
Member AIAA

Teater Coret dari Solo

Kepada AIAA
Saya merasa tersanjung sekali dengan surat tanggpan anda yang begitu cepat,saya berharap ini akan membantu sekali terhadap kelompok teater saya. Kelompok teater saya bernama Coret,teater ini sebetulnya adalah teater kampus senirupa UNS Solo.

Teater ini lebih menekankan kegerak dan eksperimen eksperimen kreatif, Teater ini berdiri tahun 1987 dan telah mementaskan 3 pementasan debgab karyanya sendiri,dan telah mengadakan peformance arts beberapa kali dan bekerja sama dengan NGO yang ada di Solo, pernah bekerjasama dengan seluruh eksponen yang ada di Indonesia untuk membentuk Jaringan anti kekerasan terhadap perempuan pada bulan November tahun lalu padahari memeringati 50 tahun deklarasi HAM yang dikeluarkan UNO,dan yang terakhir ini bekerjasama dengan yayasan Nyiur Melambai yayasan yang peduli dengan lingkungan hidup,yaitu pementasan pada bulan Juli 1999 dan Januari 2000, disamping pementasan juga ada penyadaran tentang pemberdayaan tanah kosong dihalaman kita [ penanaman tanaman kebun / sayuran di desa Mojosongo ]

Kebetulan teater kami memilih tempat di desa mojosongo disitu terletak pembuangan sampah terakhir dari kota Solo. Sehingga kami akan melakukan pementasan disana,mungkin dengan penduduk desa mojosongo.

Kalau masalah data secara resmi,memang belum kami kirimkan karena,kami masih mengumpulkan dana untuk mengirimkan itu dan kami baru akan mengedit seluruh pementasan kami dalam satu kaset video yang akan kami kirimkan kepada anda. Sudah itu sedikit informasi kami.

Hormat saya

Satriana Didiek I
Email: isnanta@mailcity.com


I am very flattered by your quick reply. I really hope that it will be a big help for my theatre group. My theatre group is called ‘Coret’, which is actually campus theatre of UNS Solo. \Coret focuses more on movements and creative experiments. Coret was founded in 1987 and has performed three of its own creations. Together with NGOs in Solo, Coret has conducted several art performances.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration by UNO, Coret worked together with all exponents in Indonesia to form a Anti-Violence Against Women group in November last year. The recent performances worked with the Nyuir Melambai Foundation, an environmental organisation, and were held in July 1999. Another performance of this kind will be held in January 2000.

In addition to these performances, other programs were used to increase the awareness of the use of vacant land in our homes. Coincidentally, our theatre selected Mojosongo village, where garbage is disposed from Solo. We will perform there hopefully along with the villagers.

As for the official data, we have not sent it because we are still doing the fundraising. We will finally edit all of our performances and record it onto a video cassette that I will send you. That’s just a little bit of information I have for now.


Satriana Didiek.

Joglosemar Web site - Jogjakarta

Dear friends of A.I.A.A,

Thank you very much for your positive comments, it should push us to be more energetic in promoting our culture, particularly Javanese. To promote Javanese culture or more specially Yogya-Solo-Semarang (Joglosemar) culture is our specialization, alongside with its development of tourism. We do hope that you have a bit browsed our website and understood properly our goal.

In fact, we are only several individuals who are concerned for the right path of development in the region. Culturally and environmentally must be correct. We are sad to see the development in Jakarta and its surroundings, also Surabaya, its surroundings, as well as in any other places in Indonesia.

Deep in our hearts, as Javanese, we are environmentalists, we love the green clean nature, we adore the blue oceans. We understand that we should not defend the way of life of ancient times, we have to embrace modernization selectively. We are not afraid to go global, as this is the principle of Mataram - a country with clear vision (Mata and Arum) since the 7th century. As a small people, we do hope; please keep our nature, our cultural heritage intact or at least in good condition. Do not change things abruptly, which are already fit for us, such as: tradition, language, arts, etiquette, nature etc. We have to promote world wide our culture, our tourism, as we believe in cross-cultural relations based upon mutual respect.

We would like to have friends every where. We have to be sincere to ourselves first, before we open our heart to you. We have to say frankly: " Hi guys, that's what we have - that's our civilization". You know what should be your choice, if one day you visit Yogyakarta and Central Java as an integral part of Indonesia. Promoting Joglosemar in our view is a must, considering that political reformation shall give all provinces a bigger say in autonomy. What does the region have? Beautiful art and culture, monumental heritages as temples, kratons, marvelous nature, traditional ceremonies, hopefully a good and peace loving people. Maybe also its genuine belief : kejawen. It's interesting to learn a bit about it.

At first, we wrote about Mataram and then wayang, because in wayang the traditional Javanese see themselves and then other articles followed where the writer had to travel a lot in the region to get direct and correct information. We spent 2 months, almost two years ago to make photos. Our organization is very simple. There is a friend (Bayu) who knows well the multimedia-programmer and designer, he does all the up-loading job. (We should have an assistant for him). We have a secretary (Ade), to do the secretarial duties, prepare the texts etc, another friend doing with general affairs. And then the undersigned, as journalist come photographer and composer of all the articles. He knows well many aspects of life, culture etc in Joglosemar his native place.

We have some friends in Joglosemar helping us as our contact persons, as the team is in Jakarta. The operation cost was financed by a friend who provides us with an office, and equipment including phone lines, internet access etc. Until last year, we could cover it with advertisements, we call them 'partners'. The restaurants, art shops etc they don't pay us, even the trains, buses, banks, money-changers etc. maybe they should, if we compare with the system of yellow pages in the phone directory.

As Indonesia is hit by multi crisis, since this year we can't get any income from ads. We try now to get some sponsorship from foreign foundations. World Bank is pushing our Ministry of Tourism, Art and Culture to give us regular funds. Talks are on the way, but if successful, we have to wait after the first quarter of next year. Now we have more than 60.000 accessors per month. Well around 3000 are Australians. 30% are from Indonesia, the rest 70% world wide (Aus, NZ, S'pore, Malaysia, Japan, West Europe, US and Canada). We have tried also to contact the Australian Culture Section in Jakarta, not only fails, but no one replies to our letters!

We ask some sponsors to cover our expenses when we make articles, for instance the article on mountainering was sponsored by a company from Solo. Goethe Institute so far is the only foreign foundation in Jakarta who placed an article in our website. The writing and technical multi media was arranged by us. They have readers too as proved by statistics. OK. Fellows, I have told you almost everything. If you have any idea to back up this website, it is grateful.


Suryo S. Negoro
Email: webmaster@joglosemar.co.id
Web site: http://www.joglosemar.co.id

Honorary Consul in Brisbane

Dear Judith

Many thanks for your message of congratulations on my appointment as Honorary Consul for the Republic of Indonesia in Brisbane. I am very much enjoying the role as I have long had an interest in Indonesia.

Thank you for informing me about the Australia Indonesia Arts alliance and giving me some understanding of the invaluable service it provides for more cultural exchanges which are so important in developing closer ties between our two countries. I will certainly bear your activities in mind and refer to your web site to find out more information on the alliance as I need it.

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely

Greg Vickery
Honorary Consul Indonesia
Phone: (07) 3309 0888

Teaching Indonesian in South Australia

Dear Judith

Well I'm finally answering some questions you asked me a couple of weeks ago re student attitudes etc. Well...I have found that feeder schools play a valuable part in determining students' attitude towards learning a language. If students have learnt a language no matter which one, while they are at primary school, they seem to accept the fact that they are to learn a language at high school.

Some who have not been successful at primary school carry over the same attitude which is often hard to change, but some do change. I must admit my students are pretty keen on their lessons and I make sure that they have fun. I don't expect them to all progress the same and as they all learn in different ways.

I vary my strategies a lot. I think games and songs are great and include a bit of cut and paste where I can. For example I have just taught colours to a class and we cut out paper squares, stuck them into our books, labelled them, mixed them (putih dan hitam = abu abu) went around the room saying 'Ini warna apa?' while pointing to various things. I then ask a student to be teacher and repeat what I have done.

I encourage lots of dialogue and my lessons are usually pretty noisy but hey, after all I am teaching a language. I would then ask every student as they are leaving the room something about their clothes. I'd point to their shoes or something like that and ask 'Warna apa?' Lots and lots of praise and I must admit that I don't worry too much about spelling in the beginning or even about pronunciation. That seems to come as they are able to remember more and more. While I have them I combine language and culture and try to make the lesson fun. Judith I was warned about the 'locals' attitude towards Asia. I was told that some are quite anti-Asia but I have to be honest so far the support has been terrific. Actually another high school (also has over 1,000 like ours) just last week decided to drop both its French and German programme and next year is going to introduce Indonesian. Since Pauline H. has shrivelled or actually was shoved from the lime-light things have quietened down.

I really think that your idea of encouraging Indonesian people into the classrooms is a great idea. I do know that my school would welcome the opportunity for some sort of interaction programme. I am not sure but will find out next week if some of the Indonesian students from Flinders Uni are going to get involved in a similar programme which I have asked to be involved with. Andy, teacher from another school is trying to arrange it and has a meeting next week about it.

Judith, one of the things which I have found also is if the school body itself really supports the LOTE programme in the school, the students realize this and seem to respond in a more positive manner. As the LOTE co-ordinator for the cluster schools in my area it is my resposibility to organise a combined LOTE day (all languages in my case). Have you thought of having something similar or even just with Indonesian but combine both primary and high schools? Perhaps you could have a food day at the High and invite the primary school or even the wider community. It is also really good if you can work with another faculty such as art. They could learn to do lino cut print and make a print of a wayang puppet. (I am hoping to do that later in the year and get the kids to make xmas cards which we will sell and use the money towards our Indo' fund) Actually integration across the curriculum is becoming more popular and I am one who is really for it.

Perhaps the high school could put on a play and perform it at the primary school.(work in with drama). I really don't know why a language is popular at one school and not at another but I do know unless the teacher is really enthusiastic the kids will become bored and then the lesson is a hard slog for everyone.

Judith one thing which I haven't mentioned is that I really love Indonesian culture but I have found that for new and in particularly younger students that this is not as interesting or important as knowing that Indonesian people have Macdonalds, KFC, Burger king, Waterbomb park, make Nike gear, listen to the same music as us, wear the same sort of clothes, have cd's etc etc. Once they know that they have the same likes as us they seem to link to them so much easier. They want to go there. They seem to accept that while our cultures are different we are somehow the same. I 'introduce' Indonesia to them as a modern, industrialised country and as we get into it we learn about Balinese cremations etc.

Salam hangat
Christine Anderson

Invitation from Senin.Kamis Sanggar, Bali

Dear Judith,
senang sekali bisa berkenalan dengan anda,sebenarnya saya pernah mendapat form AIAA dari seorang australian artist di ubud sangat menarik juga programnya justru kita disini sangat antusias kalau kedatangan tamu dari manca negara terutama pelukis2nya.

di sanggar kita punya anggota 25 pelukis banyak yang masih pemula dan generasi muda,sehingga bila berkumpul dengan tamu2 pelukis akan sangat banyak manfaatnya,kalau ada pelukis australia yang mau tinggal dengan kita disini dengan tempat tinggal sederhana silahkan kontak saya,selama ini tamu2 kita kebanyakan dari belanda.

mengenai saling tukar menukar web site silahkan saya bisa juga membagi2 kan formulir yang ada di site anda . salam dari bali

p.s. saya harapkan pelukis realis dan figurative, karena group kita punya kegiatan life drawing setiap hari senin dan kamis, tentunya yang suka mengajar kita ,dan bisa tinggal di sanggar sampai akhir bulan oktober, karena september kami punya tamu lagi dari inggris. terima kasih.

I am very happy to meet you. Actually I received an AIAA form from an Australian artist in Ubud. Your program is extremely interesting. We are very enthusiastic to invite visitors from overseas to visit our group, especially painters.

Our group has 25 painters many of whom are young artists, therefor it will be very valuable to meet visiting artists. If there are Australian artists who would like to stay with us, in simple accommodation please contact me. Up until now, our visitors have mainly been from Holland.

Rearding exchanging web site links - please do. I can also help to distribute forms which are on your site.

Warm Greetings from Bali.

ps I hope the artist will be realist and figurative, as our group has a life drawing class every Monday and Thursday. Certainly someone who would like to teach us and can stay with our group until the end of October, as we have a visitor from England during September. Thank you.

From Ziggie Sunarya
Email: ziggiest@denpasar.wasantara.net.id
Web site: http://members.xoom.com/_XOOM/SeninKamis/English.htm

New Indonesian Music Site

Dear Web Master,

Hai! We are a bunch of high-spirited Indonesian youth, who are planning to form a new web-site for Indonesian Music. It's not that 'new' anymore, probably it's rather 'calling a web-site back to life, with a whole new concept'.

Our range is wide public (musicians, institutions, record labels, artists, students, etc.), emphasizing on public abroad who is interested in Indonesian Music.

The web is still in the designing process, and we are planning to launch it on August 15th 1999. The specs are among others: artists, news, forums, shop-corners, etc. We would like to be the most complete web-site, giving information about Indonesian Music abroad (might that be traditional as well as the modern ones).

We would like to offer you cooperations, such as :
1. Links - Your web-site linked with ours. Your logo and address will appear under our 'Links' thumbnail.
2. Partner - Your organization profile will be put under our 'Partner' thumbnail. With photos and short history. Underneath you might put your web-site address as well.
3. Others (any ideas?)

Until the launching, we have decided not to mention our web-site address yet, due to certain reasons. If you are interested to join, please just reply to this email and we can talk about further details. If you know other music institutions/organizations/artists who might be interested, we would be very happy if you can forward them this message.

And these cooperations are free of charge.
We are looking forward to hearing positive answer from you.

warmest Regards,
Juanita N.
Public Relations
Web-site Team

Attention all Gamelan Lovers!!

My name is I Nyoman Suwida and I am a Gamelan teacher from Banjar Pekandelan, Desa Batuan, Bali.

I have knowledge of many types of Gamelan and can also teach dancing. For music I am able to teach Gong Kebyar, Rindik (Joged Bumbung), Kendang, Suling and Rebab. In particular, Geng Gong (Jew's Harp)is unusual to Batuan Village - it is easy to learn and fun to play in small groups. It is used for the Frog dance, famous at Batuan. For dance I can teach male dances, such as Baris and Jauk. My wife, Wayan and is also available to teach Legong dance.

I am also a member of a Jazz/gamelan fusion group, called Batuan fusion that has toured Jakarta, and hopefully in the near future will tour to Japan.

If you are at all interested, you can contact me at this telephone number in Bali: (0361) 731789. Also via my friend on his email address: vaughanhatch@hotmail.com

Thank you for your interest,

Nyoman Suwida
I can also organise accommodation and transport upon your arrival in Bali.

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