Hip Hop Horse!
"We're combining some mad kung-fu shaolin style moves with breaking, Javanese dance with popping, Indonesian drums with D-cypha cutting up crazy Chinese instruments on the turntable and our backdrop, props and masks combine straight up Javanese imagery with Phibs' aerosol wizardry. It's really rich and I think people are going to be surprised at the connections between the cultures." Morganics is speaking about a project called "Hip Hop Horse" that coincided with this year's Urban Xpressions Festival. It is a fusion of Indonesian and Vietnamese song and dance with hip hop. The idea for the project came about after GengGong, a contemporary Indonesian group played with MetaBass'n'Breath at the Basement a year ago. The elements they had in common - a strong emphasis on rhythm, dance, theatricality and an inherent political awareness - planted a seed that will bore fruit at the Monsta Jam at the Metro on Sat April 29th.The project moved to stage one through the hard work of Sue Piper (Producer) and Bruce Keller (Dramaturg) who crafted the successful grant application to the Australia Council. Hip Hop Horse was funded as a Creative Development Project, meaning that the emphasis was on the process of rehearsal rather than a fully fledged production - however, since Urban Xpressions was on at the same time, those at the Monsta Jam were able to get a glimpse of what the team had come up with.
The performers/artists in the project are: aerosol and conceptual artist Phibs; turntablist D-cypha; MC, beatboxer and B.boy Morganics; Indonesian rock star and cultural activist Jabo; Indonesian-Australian percussionist and dancer, Reza; and Vietnamese-Australian theatre performer Binh Ta. The project combined the forms of B.boxing, Javanese trance dance, Vietnamese Opera, mime, acrobatics and capoiera with turntablism and aerosol art. It looked at issues of identity in post-colonial South East Asia, the interrelation of traditional and contemporary forms and told the personal tales of each performer to push beyond the stereotypes of "Asian performer" and "Australian Hip Hopper".
Like the recent "Back to the Walls" exhibition at djamu gallery which combined the tribal murals and aerosol walls from India and Australia, Hip Hop Horse highlighted both the common elements and the distinct differences between Australian urban hip hop culture and traditional Asian forms. Just as hip hop is a strong tool for political comment Jabo performed with his rock group at some of the tumultuous pro-democracy movement rallies in Indonesia last year at about the same time as Morganics was teaching elements of hip hop to Aboriginal teenagers in Alice Springs for the Desert Rap project. Binh grew up in war torn Vietnam before seeking asylum in Australia whilst on tour here with his Vietnamese theatre group. Reza was born in Australia to Dutch-Indonesian parents but grew up in Jakarta where he started breakdancing and drumming. Representing Sydney's South West D-cypha has been busy cutting for the likes of Reference Point and Trey and came 2nd in the NSW ITF last year. Phibs' distinctive aerosol work with a uniquely Australian twang to it, can be seen all around the walls of Sydney and he keeps busy running workshops at various community centres promoting the positive aspects of graffiti culture.
The project took its name from the Javanese Horse trance dance 'kuda lumping' which dates back to the 11th century. Originally performed in times of famine and sickness, the performers go into trance and "become" horses and whilst in this state they are whipped and eat light bulbs - yes, light bulbs - without any damage to their body. Certainly a lot more extreme, but anyone who has been to a breaking circle knows that b.boys and b.girls have a tendency to push themselves to extreme physical limits too. Therein lies the connection for the title of the project Hip Hop Horse.
Apart from their five minute showcase at the Monsta Jam, Hip Hop Horse presented a full one hour work-in-progress performance at Sidetrack Theatre in Marrickville on 5th and 6th of May.
"STOP PRESS" Latest news from GengGong is that they are about to launch a tour of Indonesia. For furthur details about Hip Hop Horse and the GengGong Tour please contact Sue Piper of Wot Cross Cultural Synergy at:
Wot Cross Cultural Synergy is a member of Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance.
New Visa to Indonesia For Foreign Pensioners
The Indonesian Immigration Department has finally issued the procedures that allow the granting of temporary stay permits for those over 55 years of age. This facility to provide renewable stay permits of one year’s duration was originally announced 2 years ago (Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman No. M.04-IZ.01.02 tahun 1998).
The application procedure for this new visa facility intended to assist those wishing to spend their retirement in Indonesia requires that the applicant be 55 years of age or older, posses a passport with more than 6 month’s remaining validity, submit 2 passport photos, and have documentary evidence that a minimum of US$2,500 is available to pay living expenses for each month of the proposed stay in Indonesia. Application is made via the nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate.
Applicants must also prove they are insured and demonstrate that they have purchased a home costing a minimum of $US35,000 or will incur a monthly rent of $US1,000.
Contact your Indonesian Consulate or Embassy
Line and Colour from Bali
A solo exhibition of Water Colour and Line Drawing by Kerry Pendergast was held at Victoria Park Centre for the Arts, Western Australia from 7 - 17 April 2000. Kerry Pendergast was born in Perth, Western Australia and studied at Curtin University, graduating with a BA in Literature and Theatre Arts. She first visited Bali in 1992, marrying an Indonesian artist in 1993. They now have two children and live in Ubud.
Kerry's drawing shows her self-assurance. Simple lines speak her true eyes, capturing the beauty of what they have seen. Her painting describes her exploration of her 'joy to play' using an intricate line or colour. Sometimes a simple idea combined with a strong design of shape division and colour scheme limitation. It produces a distinctive, pleasant harmony into each of her creations.
Exhibition: 12 Kent St, East Victoria Park
Western Australia
Phone: 61 08 94705220
In Bali: Pranoto's Art Gallery
Main Road Kutuh Ubud Bali
Web site:

"Grey Flower Pattern"
Sumatra Meets Rumi
Thursday June 8 is the date for the regional premier of two extraordinary performance groups. The Bangalow Catholic Hall will be transformed by the appearance of Ad-Miral, a renowned West Sumatran vocalist, and Khadir, a trio performing Rumi's poetry to the soothing sounds of harp and oud.
Ad-Miral arrives here fresh from captivating Sydney Opera House audiences as part of the recent Asian Music Festival. He performs a range of secular, shamanic and spiritual vocal pieces either a cappella or accompanied by traditional Indonesian percussion instruments. He also blends in haunting melodies of bamboo wind instruments in his chamber style performance. The songs range from indigenous storytelling chants, deep laments, bright airs and love songs, animistic charm songs of the shamans and the intensely rhythmic music of Islam. This is a rare chance to see a world class world music artist in an intimate concert.
The evening's opening act is Khadir. The trio's name is a Persian word that refers to the place where the seen meets the unseen, or where the material meets the spiritual. They feel that their special mix of Rumi's 13th century mystical and passionate poetry set to the mesmerizing lilts of classical harp and oud creates this magical realm. The three seasoned performers have dozens of years of orchestral and theatrical experience behind them...and now for something completely different.
The hall will be decked out for the occasion, and there'll be fine Asian food and drinks available before the show and during the intermission.
Thursday 8 June 2000
Bangalow Catholic Church
NSW Australia
7pm Start. Doors open at 6.15pm. Tickets at the door $12
Margaret Bradley Sings
If you will be in Sydney at the end of May, don't miss two exciting performances by our local diva of Indonesian song Margaret Bradley. On 26 May 2000, Margaret Bradley will be performing with Ani Rajaguguk in a program of Indonesian inspired grooves for voices, piano, bamboo flute and kacapi zither before Kinetic Energy Theatre Company's "GO! WALK!" The performance is being held at The Edge Theatre Laboratory, Cnr King & Bray Sts Newtown South.
Contact: 02 9516 1954
Tix: $22, $15 & $12
Pre paid discounts available
On May 27 Margaret will be performing with Arafura at "Musica Eclectica," along with Nothing Without Belinda and Glory Bound Groove Train. So get along to the Old Darlington School at Maze Cresent, Sydney University (near the sports complex) at 8pm for a fantastic show.
For furthur information contact:
Arimba Culture Exchange
I Made Duatmika Exhibition
One of Bali’s youngest rising stars in a glittering galaxy of local painters, I Made Duatmika will present a show "Bali Kini" or 'Bali Today' at The Chedi Gallery in Payangan just north of Ubud. In a show to be opened on the evening of Saturday, May 27 and to run through July 7, the 30-year-old graduate of Bali’s Fine Arts Academy explores the contradictions between traditional Balinese culture and the modern world.
Painting in a modernist mode that incorporates traditional symbols, Made has exhibited in group and solo shows throughout his native Indonesia as well as in Australia and Holland.For more information contact The Chedi in Ubud at;
Tel: 62- (0)361-975963 or facsimile 62-(0) 361-975968
Web site:
One very wonderful event which was presented in Jogyakarta recently was the High School Gamelan Contest 2000 - Gamelan Gaul, held at Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from March 23 - 25, 2000.
"Gamelan Gaul" is an event that uses gamelan arts as its main activity involving high school students of the same level as the subject and object. This event is designed to increase appreciation of gamelan art in order to expand the gamelan lovers community. Thus, this high school gamelan contest "Gamelan Gaul" provides a positive activity for teenagers and youngsters.
This year, for the first time, "Gamelan Gaul" included participants from Java and Bali, particularly from Jakarta, Bandung, Surakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, and Yogyakarta. Gamelan Gaul is planned to be annual event and hopes in future to include participants from outside Indonesia, so that it can become an International Event.
The managing commitee of Gamelan Gaul includes members from Komunitas Gayam 16 joining with Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Institut Seni Indonesia and Geronimo FM. The program included the gamelan contest which involved participating groups performing 2 compositions - one traditinoanl and one contemporary/kreasi baru as well as a photo and video exhibition, Dialog Remaja, workshops and gamelan bazaar.
For furthur information contact:
The committee of GAMELAN GAUL
Gayam 16 Yogyakarta 55225 Indonesia.
Ph/Fax: 62 274 510415
Yayasan Seni Dunia
Foundation for Traditional Arts of the World Opening Ceremony July 5 2000. |
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Yayasan Seni Dunia Tradisional (SenDuTra) is a new foundation in Bali, which cooperates with the Center for World Music in San Diego USA in its programs in Indonesia. SenDuTra's facilities at Girikusuma offer inexpensive accommodation for individuals and groups with an interest in Balinese arts and culture, and can be rented for educational programs by groups of up to forty people.
Special Facilities for Students of the Arts
SenDuTra is located at Payangan, Bali, about 20 minutes north of Ubud in Girikusuma (Flower Mountain) area, Banjar Melinggih, on the Buahan Road. The Centre is situated in a cool and quiet scenic hillside area overlooking a pristine river valley.

Accommodation at the centre includes two dormitories; the Library Homestay building, accommodating 20 persons, and the Long House Homestay, accommodating 12 which are available for groups to rent. Individuals can also stay in these inexpensive dormitories or in private rooms suitable for one or two people. Modern bathroom facilities are available which can accommodate six people at a time and a kitchen with gas stove and refrigerator.
Cultural facilities include an outdoor theater with stage lighting. The library collection includes novels and books on Indonesian arts and travel, a selection of world music CDs and cassettes, more than 100 classic movies on videotape. Instruments include complete Javanese slendro gamelan, gamelan selunding, gamelan gambang, rindik, and four gender wayang. Experienced teachers for these instruments, as well as kebyar, gong kuna, angklung, and other Balinese ensembles, kidung singing, dance, language, etc., are available from Payangan village.
Contact the manager Wayan Tubek
Asialink Corporate and Public Programs has launched a Sydney Chapter of the Asialink Circle, which is a network for young (i.e. under 40) students, businesspeople, artists, etc with an interest in Asia. The Circle runs events and seminars on issues of interest in the Region and publishes a bi-monthly magazine.
Also - an absolutely fascinating and broad-ranging series of panels and lectures on social, political and cultural subjects will be presented at the 13th Biennial ASAA (Asian Studies Association of Australia) Conference which will be hosted by MIALS (Melbourne Institute of Asian Languages) and co-ordinated by Asialink. It will take place at the University of Melbourne over a 3 day period 3 - 5 July 2000. The theme for the conference is "Whose MIllenium?". For further information and a look at the many papers that will be presented, please visit the web address:
The Eka Bawana Awareness Centre is introducing a new series of talks given by Ida Pedanda Gede Ngurah Kaleran. The topics are the "Sacred Teachings of Bali" and shares knowledge which forms part of traditional religious training among Hindus in Bali.
The first of the series of lectures by Bapak Ngurah Kaleran will be "The Balinese Renunciation" or "Tutur Kalepasan". This deals with the Bali Hindu teachings on the immortality of the soul and the need to renounce all desires and fears in order to live and die well. Central to these teaching are a series of breathing techniques that are said to provide spiritual and physical balance.
"The Sacred Teachings of Bali - The Balinese Renunciation" is taught on the second Monday of each month starting on Monday, April 10th at 7.30pm at the Eka Bawana Awareness Centre, Jalan Hang Tuah 43, Sanur (east of the Radisson Hotel). Cost of participation is Rp. 50,000.
For more information contact the Center at:
phone: 62 361285 027
fax: 62 361 286 132
A rare and beautiful performance; "Jewel of the World: A Night in Bali" will be presented in Los Angeles and San Francisco in May 2000.
Directed by a prominent Balinese dancer, Mr. I Nyoman Wenten Ph. D who has performed extensively throughout Asia, Europe, North and South America, this event features eight classical Balinese musical and dance pieces, including Kecak, the Balinese Monkey Chant, an ancient exorcist rite imitating the sound of nature with an episode of the Ramayana Epic.
Organized by IDEA (Indonesians for the Development of Education and Arts), the event will be performed at the Japan America Theater in Los Angeles on May 20th 2000 at 7:00 pm and the Herbst Theatre in San Francisco on May 27th 2000 at 7:00pm.
All proceeds from these performances will fully benefit Indonesian Education and Arts.
For furthur information:
Woodcut Exhibition at Seniwati
The Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women in Ubud is holding a solo exhibition by Megasari, a member of Seniwati Gallery.
Megasari was born in Tabanan on Bali’s west coast into a family of artists. She studied Art at the Indonesian Institute of Art in Yogyakarta in Java, specializing in printmaking. It was in Yogya that she met her future husband, a descendant of the famous Ubud artist Gusti Nyoman Lempad. Megasari now lives in Ubud with her husband and their two children.
It is very rare to find a Balinese printmaker, and Megasari's work is particularly interesting because of her use of motifs that seem to echo an ancient Indonesian culture with both Balinese and Javanese elements. Mega's work is now attracting international attention and she has recently being invited to hold a number of shows in Japan.
This exhibition of prints will run at the Seniwati Showspace, from June
2-28. For more information contact The Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women at;
Tel: 62-(0) 361-975485 facsimile 62-(0) 361- 975453