Surat Anak-anak
Anak-anak dari Sekolah Dasar Byron Bay sedang menulis surat-surat untuk berkenalan dan mencari teman anak-anak Indonesia. Kalau anda mau menulis surat supaya memperkenalkan diri dengan anak-anak ini dan teman-temannya, tolong kirim surat atau email kepada alamat di bawah ini:
Children from Byron Bay Primary School have been writing letters in Bahasa Indonesia as a way of getting to know children in Indonesia. If you would like to write back and get to know these children and their class mates please write to:
Anak-Anak Byron BayC/- Kate Foley Indonesian Teacher
Byron Bay Public School
Kingsley St
Byron Bay 2481 NSW
or email:
Nama saya Melissa. Nama ibu saya Mary. Umur saya sepuluh tahun. Nama kucing saya Pepe. Saya tinggal di Byron Bay, Australia. Nama kakak laki-laki saya Jonathon.
Sampai jumpa
Nama saya Rhys.
Saya suka bercilancer. Anda suka melalukan apa? Apakah anda suka bersilancer? Saya tinggal di Byron Bay di Australia. Saya laki-laki.
Nama teman saya David. Dia bodoh. Umur saya sebelas tahun. Nama ibu saya Susu. Nama bapak saya Micheal. Nama kucing saya Tigger. Dia bodoh.
Sampai jumpa.
Dari Rhys
Nama saya Honora.
Saya tinggal di Byron Bay. Saya perempuan dan sepuluh tahun. Nama ibu saya Diana. Nama bapak saya Dale.
Nama kakak perempuan saya Lenae. Nama adik perempuan saya Maddison. Nama teman saya Tegan, Kaitlyn, Molly, Lauren, Dom dan Grace. Nama nenek saya Marnie, Kakek Pa.
Sampai Jumpa
Dari ****Honora
Nama saya Jenna Stone. Umur saya sepuluh tahun. Saya tinggal di Byron Bay. Nama ibu saya Wendy. Nama bapak saya Ron. Nama kakak laki-laki saya Lloyd.
Nama anjing saya Trixy. Nama bibi saya Helen dan Debra.
Siapa nama anda? Berapa Umur anda?
Sampai jumpa
Jenna Stone
Conference on Religion and Culture
Dear Colleague,
Melbourne will be hosting a major international conference from Oct 22- 25 on "Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific: Violence or Healing?" The Conference will be a unique gathering of people drawn from different faiths and cultural backgrounds in Asia Pacific. Its main focus is on how the religious and cultural traditions of Asia Pacific are coping with conflict.
The Conference will explore key issues with keynote speakers including Dr Wan Azizah, Archbishop Perter Carnely (Anglican Primate of Australia), Pat O'Shane, Rev Tm Costello, Dr Kinhide Mushakoji (Japan), Dr Asra Azyumardi (Indonesia), Mr Wimar Witoelar (Indonesia), Swami Agvinesh (India), Dr Chandra Muzaffar(Malaysia), in the plenary sessions, panel discussions and in-depth workshops. A highlight will be the public meeting on Sunday evening 22 October, and a special Round Table on Indonesia.Full details of the conference are available via the internet at the conference site;
Registration can be forwarded to the Melbourne office via the site or if you would like us to forward a conference brochure to you contact us via return email or at the postal addresss:
Religion & Culture Conference
Uniting Church Centre
4th Floor 130 Little Collins St,
Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia
Tel 61 3 9251 5271 Fax: 61 3 9650 4490
Stancea Vicihie
Suara Indonesia News
Dear Friends
Suara Indonesia is an Indonesian radio program presented on BayFM 91.3 Community Radio every Sunday 4-6pm. The Suara Indonesia Team now includes AIAA members Henry Horthy, Judith Shelley, Hendri Budiman and trainee presenters Lia Ramirez and Jo Williams. The BayFM Community Radio Station services the NSW North Coast Region and up to the Gold Coast in Queensland.
I would like to thank Pusaka Sunda for donating a wonderful CD of their music - 'Samagaha' for the radio show, all the way from San Jose California to Byron Bay. The CD is a kreasi baru of Sundanese gamelan and western influences and has been a very welcome addition to our play list. For furthur information contact:Pusaka Sunda
PO Box 721011
San Jose CA 95172 USA
Suara Indonesia is presently awaiting the results of two funding applications which will provide for the purchase of resources such as CDs and publications and if successful, will also fund the production of a 6 week series about Indonesian music and the multicultural influences that have played a role in the development of musical styles across the archipeligo, including connections between Australian aboriginal and Makassar tribes.
I would once again like to request product samples of CDs of Indonesian music which we will promote through Suara Indonesia radio show. Your Cds will also be reviewed in Inspirasi Magazine.
I have discussed with the Bay FM Radio management our desire to promote Indonesian musicians, cultural organisations, CDs, distributers and record labels which they are happy for us to do in order to support the musicians and promote their music.
Please send sample CDs with details of contact information for ordering, to gain free promotion of your music.
Best wishesand Thanks!
Judy Shelley
PO Box 484
Byron Bay 2481
NSW Australia
Suara Indonesia Radio Program is an activity of Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance, NSW North Coast Branch.
Dharma Nusantara
Salam Hormat
As a member of Asia on line (ASIA EDNET), I have received the information about you. Let me introduce our group Dharma Nusantara. Our group "Dharma Nusantara" is an independent cultural group established through the encouragement of the Indonesian Consulate General and supported by the Indonesian embassy-Canberra. Currently to promote the Indonesian cultural education to complement the existing Indonesian study in Victoria, we are also working closely with the Victorian educational institutions (States, Catholic, Independent schools, and Asia Education Foundation).
Following the request by Consulate General Office to help participate with the re-building relationship between Australia and Indonesia through "People to People relationship" which is through education, cultural, and tourism. Our new website although still under construction, able to give you direct links to Indonesian ministries of Education, Foreign Affairs, Tourism, and Trade-Cultural information's in our 3rd section of "New Information from Indonesia".
This we think is important for anyone who wants to access up to date information's directly from the Indonesian government's websites The website also has informations regarding all the cultural activities held in Indonesian Consulate General "Bina Graha" room, 72 Queens Rd-Melbourne such as Gamelan, tradional dance, pencak silat (traditional Indonesian martial arts, etc.
Silahkan menengok website kami dan terima kasih atas perhatian bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu semuanya
Hormat saya
Mas Ronnie Takdare
Calling All Translators
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am putting together a list of people who have experience in or are interested in the translation of Indonesian literature. Please contact me 1) if you would you like your name included on such a list; and 2) if you know of anyone else who should be included on the list.
If you are interested, please reply and send to me your mailing address and other particulars (phone, fax, hp numbers etc.). Please forward this message to other people who might like to be on the list.
... Lontar is planning a major initiative in the translation of Indonesian literary works and ... I am gathering info on people who might want to participate. If all works out Lontar will, over the next 5-10 years, bring out most of Indonesia's (Indonesian) literary classics as well as numerous volumes of new and contemporary literature.
Are there particular titles that you yourself have wanted to translate? Again, if all works out, Lontar will be able to provide translators a financial subsidy.
All the best,
John H. McGlynn
From Javafred
Hello Judith Shelley,
Many thanks for the announcement. Your site is rich in material and lots of good stuff. Please keep me on your mailing list.
Salam Hangat,
Gary Crabb
contemporary Indonesian art on Java
Gold Coast Festival
To all my friends at AIAA
I invite you all to come to the Gold Coast to join us in participation parade for the Gold Coast Festival.
The International Indonesian Community will be part of the parade. Indonesian artists of the Gold Coast joining together with the International community will show the Unique Culture of Indonesia marching on through Surfers Paradise in colourful array with a variety of the Indonesian traditional costumes accompanied by live music of the Gamelan Ganjur from Bali and drum dabus from Sumatra.
We need more participants (more Indonesian and more international) to join us and feel free to show your Indonesian Ethnic background and/or experiences...together make our parade more spectacular.
Refreshment will be provided.
Anyone interested, please email us as soon as possible and we will inform
you with more details.
Please support us as the aim is International Indonesian community in
"TROPICARNIVAL" - 2000 on Sunday 29th of October 2000 start at 12:00pm from the Gold Coast Hwy (Surfers Paradise)and around the beach side.
thanks for your kind support!!!
Indonesia Dance Group-Gold Coast-Australia
P.O.BOX 2957 - Southport QLD 4215
Phone/ fax : 07 55710198
Indonesia Dance Group Gold Coast is a member of the Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance
Balinese Gamelan Teacher
Dear Sir/Madam,
Having previously lived in Australia and admiring it for its great beauty and lifestyle, I am returning to Australia with my wife and children in the very near future. My name is Wayan Sadra and presently I tutor Balinese Gamelan at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ.
If you have a position available for me in a similar capacity or would like to discuss possibilities of providing Balinese Gamelan experience for your students please contact me at this email address or you may phone me on (03) 352-4435.
I look forward to hearing from you and vow that I will put in 100% effort to ensure the success of any Balinese Gamelan or Balinese dance project.Yours sincerely,
Wayan SadraC/-Email:
Poltik Kita Anti Ketulusan
Macet ! Inilah keadaan yang kini sedang kita alami. Macet, walaupun politik kelihatan gemerlap dengan bunga-bunga kebebasan pendapat. Hampir tiap hari ada pernyataan politik. Tapi pernyataan itu malah membuat simpang siur. Tak ada kejelasan, tak ada yang dapat dijadikan pegangan. Semuanya jadi bagaikan lalu lintas yang berdesak-desakan dan saling berebut untuk mendahului. Akibatnya, orang tidak tahu, bagaimana politik kita hendak berjalan. Macet !
Kita gembira karena mempunyai Gus Dur sebagai presiden yang terbukti sangat mencintai demokrasi. Tetapi seringkali ia mengeluarkan pernyataan yang membuat kita menerka-nerka, apa sebenarnya maunya kepala negara kita ini. Karena Gus Dur, kita jadi kaya dengan ide perubahan. Tapi toh ide itu tak mampu membuat kita melaksanakan perubahan.,
Kita bangga bahwa presiden kita itu tidak gila akan takhtanya. Namun sekaligus kita juga kecewa bahwa ia seakan begitu saja rela dan mudah meninggalkan kursi kepresidenan itu, tanpa mengingat betapa rakyat menaruh harapan besar padanya. Tidakkah sifatnya yang lila-legawa itu justru membuat rakyat berdebar-debar ? Adakah saat ini pemimpin lain yang bisa membimbing kita menuju perbaikan? Seharusnya Gus Dur menghibur kita, kendati kesulitan apa pun ia tidak akan menyerah, karena ia sudah dipercaya rakyat untuk membimbing dan memimpinnya. Karena ketidakjelasan politik itu, ekonomi kita pun terus ikut terimbas sehingga krisis ekonomi yang kita derita tak memperlihatkan gejala hendak mereda.
Sementara patut diingat, sejak runtuhnya Soeharto dari kursi kepresidenan, reformasi sudah berlangsung hampir dua tahun. Toh rasanya keadaan kita masih saja seperti dulu. Sesuai dengan iklim demokrasi yang dilahirkan oleh reformasi itu, orang boleh mengutarakan pendapatnya. Di mana-mana orang bebas bicara. Tapi di mana-mana pula orang tidak berbuat dan mengubah apa-apa. Kasus-kasus KKN, yang katanya hendak segera diselesaikan secara hukum, ternyata tinggal terbengkalai. Hukum seakan tidak punya daya untuk menghadapi pelaku-pelaku KKN itu.
Jelas, kita sedang berada dalam kemacetan. Kita sudah bertanya dan berupaya, bagaimana dan manakah cara untuk mengatasi kemacetan itu? Namun kita belum banyak bertanya, mengapa kita sulit keluar dari kemacetan itu? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu realistis. Maksudnya, jangan kita menyangka, merekahnya reformasi telah membawa kita ke alam yang betul-betul baru, sekan-akan kebiasaan kita bisa begitu saja berubah dalam sekejap mata.
Tiga puluh tahun lamanya kita hidup dalam suatu system yang tidak memberi kesempatan bagi kita untuk membuat kita kreatif memikirkan alternatif baru. Sistem yang berorientasikan pembangunan ekonomi itu telah memanjakan kita dengan iming-iming materalialistis. Siapa mau menurut pada system itu, hidupnya akan enak dan nyaman. Siapa berontak, hidupnya akan susah dan payah. Sistem ini membuat kita jadi hedonis. Kita menjadi bangsa penikmat, tidak mau beresiko mencari yang baru. Dunia kita tak lagi menjadi "bagaimana seharusnya", melainkan menjadi "biar begini saja".
Sikap hidup "biar begini saja" membuat kita menjadi bangsa yang miskin akan moral. Mengapa? Sebab moral hanya bisa lahir begitu manusia berani menghadapi konflik, berada dalam pergulatan, dan berani untuk mengambil resiko. Moral hanya bisa lahir bila kita masih merasa harus bergulat di bumi. Moral tak mungkin lahir bila kita sudah merasa hidup di surga, di mana semuanya aman dan damai. Naluri hedonistis akibat pembangunan yang terlalu materialistis membuat kita kurang mau berpikir tentang moral: kita merasa enak, mengapa kita mesti bersusah-susah mikirin dengan "bagimana seharusnya"?
Adanya moral membuat kita berani berpikir mengenai perubahan, apa pun resikonya. Moral pula yang membuat kita tidak ingin tinggal diam. Kita ingin bicara dan mengutarakan pendapat kita. Sebaiknya, tiada atau tipisnya moral membuat kita diam. Sebab hanya dengan diam, maka semuanya dapat tinggal seperti semula. Diam adalah kata lain bagi sikap batin "biar begini saja". Selama tiga puluh tahun, sikap itu telah berhasil mengubah dirinya menjadi system. Di bawah pengawasan system ini, siapa yang berani tidak diam, artinya berani bicara, dia akan didiamkan, artinya dikucilkan dari system, akibatnya ia tidak akan memperoleh keuntungan apa-apa.
Dalam system yang menjadikan diam itu sebagai iklim, orang sebenarnya tidak bisa bicara apa-apa. Kalau pun berbicara, orang hanya terjerumus ke dalam retorika. Orang tidak merasa risih jika ia bicara terus, padahal sebenarnya ia diam, artinya ia tidak berbuat apa-apa, walau ia bicara apa-apa itu. Itu semuanyalah yang terwaris dalam alam reformasi. Maka sekarang pun kita sudah bicara apa saja, tapi tak mampu mengubah apa-apa. Kita bergulat dengan ide-ide baru, tapi sebenarnya kita tetap tenggelam dalam kebiasaan yang lama.
Maklumlah, kita ingin keenakan yang sudah kita warisi dari system lama tetap bertahan. Maka kendati mulut kita berbusa dengan kata-kata perubaham , tanpa kita sadari, kita tetap tertawan oleh system yang membuat kita tidak mau berubah dan mengambil resiko. Maka dalam alam reformasi ini, kita tetap kerdil secara moral, kita tetap menjadi orang-orang yang tidak tulus seperti sebelumnya.
It's me , ...
" The Right Man on The Wrong - Wrong Place .."
" All For Freedom, Peace & LOVE ... "
Bayu Wirawan
Web Site :
E-Mail :
Phone : +62 281 33843, 621600
Fax : +62 281 628404, 626304
Hp : 082 281 0007
Bayu Wirawan is a member of the Australia Indonesia Arts Alliance.
Message from Joko Sarwono
Dear friends,
As some of you have already knew, I'm doing a research to determine some preferred acoustics parameters for listening to Javanese gamelan music in a closed room. One of the methods I use in my project is the subjective preference test, which is based on subjects (human) judgements on the parameter being evaluated.
I understand that you don't have time to go and see me to do the test,
it is therefore I built a website including the ONLINE subjective
preference test at the following address.
It would be more than grateful if you could spend some of your time to participate in this test.
To participate in the test, all you need is to use your headphones and the RealPlayer software installed in your PC.
In advance, thanks very much for participating in the experiment - your time and patience will be much appreciated.
Best regards
Joko Sarwono