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Performing in NSW Schools
The NSW department of Education and training has implemented a programto give greater scope to performance as part of the Creative Arts Education. All performances that tour NSW Government schools must be authorised by the NSW Department of Education and Training. The developement of your performance should be based on an artistic passion and needs to bring your particular skills to student audiences.The performers will present a free performance at a Department of Education and Training Public School. If successful the performance will be authorised for two years from the date of the audition performance.Registration is an annual fee of $180 or 10% of total box office income if less than $1800.For more information contact; Margaret Bradly, Performances for Schools Co-ordinator Ph: 02 98061461
Email: bradlem@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: http://www.det.nsw.edu.au/performingarts
Previous programmes have included:
ARIMBA CULTURE EXCHANGE EXPLORING INDONESIAN MUSICMargaret Bradley provides students with a wonderful insight into themusic, language and culture of Indonesia. She uses traditional songs to teach students the language and the names of the instruments which students are able to play in the participatory segments of the performance.
Contact: Young Australian Workshop http://www.youngaus.com.au -
WONDER TALES OF EARTH AND SEAJenni Cargyle grabs the audience's imagination and spins a web of words, images, sounds and songs throughout their performance. The stories comefrom Indonesia, the Aboriginal Dreamtime, China, Scotland as well asobjects,frozen statues, her own experiences and interestingsoundscapes. Participating all the way, students and teachers are encouraged to tell their own stories, back in the classroom.
Contact: Nora Goodridge Management
Phone: 02 9363 4913 -
OZO SHADOW PUPPETS JOURNEY THROUGH THE SHADOWS OF TIMEFrank Cufone and Jeff Manning inspire imaginations by their dynamic andoriginal use of shadow puppetry. An enchanting production where storiesand music from Indonesia as well as Greece, Turkey, China and Australia are visualised through intricately designed shadow puppets. The final melodramatic segment intices an enthusiastic response from the audience. Simple designs for shadow puppets are available.
Find it at: http://www.youngaus.com.auThe picture above is "Mermaid" by Rommy.