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Kumpulan Puisi - Poetry Collection
Ronta PenyairKau seret lagi langkah dengkul gontai
Selembar terbit dan terbenam usai sudah
Pahatlah lagi sepucuk cerita esok lara
Untuk penyair istana karam Jiwa ragamu disambar d'oa sahabat Cayung Siagian
Brooklyn, NY January, 1999 | ![]() |
Matahari Jam Duabelas
Matahari musim semi jam 12 siang
memantul di kubah gereja Katedral
St Francis Xavier
Tetapi angin dari Batavia Coast
bertiup lembut dan sejuk
dari Maitland Street, aku menatap
cemara-cemara di sisi katedral
dan lapangan rumput yang luas
dan rumah-rumah tenang yang berpencaran
aku bertanya apakah aku pernah berdiri di situ ?
ataukah aku pernah mengenal lapangan rumput
serupa itu di masa kanak-kanakku ?
di manaka itu ?
di dalam mimpi
ataukah di negeri yang kini dihancurkan
oleh kebiadaban rezim kebodohan ?
cemara-cemara bergoyang lembut
dan langit biru penuh dengan kapas-kapas mega
sempurna sudah keberuntungan ruppert superman
saudaraku yang bahagia.
Viddy Alymahfoedh Daery
Australia-Indonesia 1997
Flower Garden Roads, Puncak Pass, West Java
Flowers strip forest and rubbish lights the roads.
Who wants hell in our heaven ?
Who's built this track for tolls and shops
of daily processed sin that rests
on the peasant farmers' loads ?
You just like looking at the flower beds;
to & fro your eyeballs dance
until you find your utterance
"what a sight ! That Butterfly!"
you flit with it; almost exposed;
I watch you both and sigh.
Viddy Alymahfoedh Daery
Indonesia 1996
Member - AIAA
(Transcreated by Geoff Fox, Melbourne)
The Crow
by Pamela Hardy
Hunger is a black crow
hanging on the branches
fluttering its wings
The trees too are sorrowful
shading the eternal
Futile to resist
the wrath
of time
leaves scatter
A monster from the primordial sea
gasping for life
souls drifting on the wind
eternal dust
filling all the crevices
Hunger is a black crow
a fearsome thing
like the shadow of a disorderly dance
hunger is revolt
Burung Gagak
by Pamela Hardy
Kelaparan adalah seekor burung
Gagak hitam
bergantung di atas dahan-dahan
mengipas-ngipaskan sayapnya
Pepohonan juga ikut berdukacita
menaungi yang abadi
tidak ada harapan menentang
kemarahan di dalam jamannya
daun jatuh dan menyebar
Raksasa dari lautan di zaman
napasnya sudah senin-kemis
untuk hidup kembali
arwah-arwah yang ditiup angin
Abu abadi wong cilik
mengisi semua celah-celah
Kelaparan adalah seekor burung
gagak hitam
yang sungguh menakutkan
seperti bayangan dari tarian
yang tidak tertib berantakan
kelaparan adalah
Little Legong of Bali
by Pamela Hardy
The dancer is tense
her fingers are trembling
vibrations are spreading
her bare feet flat on the ground
flexing her knees
how lively she dances
moving so briskly
winding in and out of a circle
with arms outstretched
and fingers that flutter.
The gamelan calls
she stamps in agreement
quivering faster and faster
involuntary seizures
spreading to thigh and to hip
her entire body is quaking
with violence such
that the headdress is shaking
and sweet smelling flowers are fleeing in fright.
The spell breaks so quickly
she glides now so swiftly
side steps going this way and that
such flexible swayings
arms sharply patterned at wrists and at elbows
without ever ceasing
she picks up the fan from the matting
and continues with one in each hand
in her elegant winding stride.
Quick little steps and postures
shrill flutters and snaps
arms akimbo
shoulders shimmer
eyes darting and fleeing
bound richly in brocade
from bodice to hip
a bright shining chrysalis
in hues gold and dark green.
Her fan flicks in anger
eyes staring in fright
she is coaxing and teasing
petite and alluring
exquisite young nymph of the night!
Pamela Hardy - s348735@student.uq.edu.au
Member - AIAA