Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda
Full Name : Ahmadun Yosi Herfanda
Nationality :Indonesia
Date of Birth : January 17, 1958
Place of Birth : Kaliwungu, Central Java
Date of Marriage : February 20, 1986
Profession : Artist (Writer)
Current Occupation: Editor, Journalist
Education :
1. Master of Arts, Universities Negeri Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta National
University, 1986)
2. Master of Information Technology, Universities Paramadina Mulia, Jakarta,
Address : Vila Pamulang Mas Blok L-3 No. 9, Pamulang, Ciputat 15415, Jakarta
Selatan, Indonesia. Phone/Fax : 62-21-7444765, HP: 0811102961
Art Activities :
1. Writing poems, short stories, essays, and novels, that were published
in many newspapers, magazines, journals, radio, television, and web sites,
like Horison, Kompas, Republika, Sinar Harapan, Suara Pembaruan, Basis,
Ulumul Qur’an, Bahana (Brunei Darussalam), Indosiar (television,
Indonesia), Deutsche Welle (radio, Germany), journal Indonesia and the
Malay World (London), Mastera dan Poetry.Com (USA).
2. Read the poetry (poetry reading) at many art events in Malaysia, Brunei
Darussalam, Egypt, Singapore, and Indonesia.
3. Often invited to be speaker at national or international art forums
(art events) in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Egypt.
4. Active in many art organizations, for example, The Community of Indonesian
Literary (chairman, 1999-2002). Books and Writings:
- Ladang Hijau (The Green Fields, poetry collection, 1980)
- Sang Matahari (The Sun, poetry collection, 1984)
- Sajak Penari (Dancer, poetry collection, 1991)
- Fragmen-Fragmen Kekalahan (Losing Fragments, poetry collection, Angkasa, Bandung, 1996)
- Sembahyang Rumputan (The Worshipping Grass, poetry collection, Bentang Budaya,Yogyakarta, 1996)
- Sebelum Tertawa Dilarang (Before Laugh be Banned, short stories collection, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta, 1996)
- Dialektika Sastra, Tasawuf dan Alquran (The Quran, Sufism and Literary Dialectic, book manuscript, 1986-2002)
- Koridor yang Terbelah (The Corridor Cracked, essay collection, book manuscript, 2002)
- Kolusi (Collusion, short stories collection, 2002)
- Ciuman Pertama untuk Tuhan (The First Kissing of God, poems collection, 2003)
- Many poems and short stories were collected in Tonggak 4 (poetry, Linus Suryadi AG, ed, Gramedia, Jakarta, 1987),
- Waves of Wonder (poetry, Heather Leah Huddleston, ed., International Library of Poetry, Maryland, USA, Juni, 2002),
- Secrets Need Words (poetry, Harry Aveling, ed., Ohio University, USA, 2001),
- The Poets Chant (poetry, Margaret Agusta, ed., The Istiqlal Festival, Jakarta, 1995),
- Ketika Kata Ketika Warna (poetry, Taufiq Ismail, ed., Yayasan Ananda, Jakarta, 1995),
- Puisi Indonesia 1997 (poetry, KSI-Angkasa, Bandung, 1997),
- Paradoks Kilas Balik (short stories, Sinar Harapan, Jakarta, 1998),
- Angkatan 2000 (poetry, Korrie Layun Rampan, ed, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2001),
- dan Horison Kitab Puisi (poetry, Taufiq Ismail, ed., Horison-Ford Foundation, Jakarta, 2001),
- and be read at Poetry of The Moon, Deutche Welle, Germany (1999-2002).
Honors and Awards:
1. MABIMS Award (ASEAN poetry contest, MABIMS, Brunei Darussalam, 1997)
2. Iqra Award (national poetry contest, Iqra Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia,
3. Suara Merdeka Award (national short story contest, Semarang, Indonesia,
4. Editor Choice Award (international poetry contest, The Interna-tional
Library of Poetry, USA, 2002).
5. Sanggar Bambu Award (national short story contest, Jakarta, Indonesia,
6. Some awards from many contest and art events. Jakarta, January, 2003