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My interest in expressing these themes through art is driven by my desire to help strengthen our relationships, through bringing awareness to the need of continual support for our Indonesian friends. In my artwork I hope to display the fascinating, artistic beauty of the traditional performances in the Balinese culture.

Menjadi Leyak or to us The Shape Shifters, are a symbolic representation for the evil spirit and its temptations of power, and greed. There is a world wide struggle between these light and dark energies, which continually provides us with challenges.
I found the dramatic expression and interpretation of this performance to be quite dark, yet beautiful, and saw the relation between these feelings of the performance and the feelings of the tragedies which occurred in Bali.

Although there has been a great amount of grief and loss since the Bali bombings, there has also been a great amount of generosity, kindness and love which has evolved. This positive force has been shared and displayed, with the community and support of many people. Restoring faith in the love between people of all cultures and nationalities has been just one of the many inspiring outcomes of this tragedy.

This series is, A symbolic tribute, to the beauty of the community of man and womankind.

Simone Pileggi

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