Eko Haryono

Eko Haryono education: Fine Art, UNY.

Address: Soka, RT 32/RW 16 Ngoro-oro, PatukGK. Yogyakarta 55862

Art Activity

1993- *Pekesiminas (Pekan Seni & Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional)in Denpasar, Bali

*Joint Exhibition "Study bandang" di Rektorat IKIP YK.

1994- *Joint Exhibition "DAM" at Purnabudaya, YK.

1995- *Joint Exhibition at Vrendenburg Fotress, YK.

*Solo Exhibition "Tugas akhir" at Kmpus seni Rupa UNY, YK.

1997- *FKY IX, at Vrendenburg Fotress, YK.

1998- *Joint Exhibition ay Meliia Hotel, YK.

*Solo Exhibition at Galri 106,YK.

*Joint Exhibition at Seahtera Hotel & APT, YK.

1999- *FKY XI, at Vrendenburg Fotress, YK.

*Beber Seni, at Vrendenburg otress, YK.

*Solo Exhibition "Manisnya Kotaku" at Kafe Solo, SOLO.

2000- *Joint Exhibition at Bank Bali, Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta.

*Solo Exhibition "Dinamika Kotaku" at Vrendenburg Fotress, YK.

*Joint Exhibition "Tiga Guru" at Melia Hotel, YK.

8Kwartet Exhibition at "Gallery Anugrah" KL, Malaysia.

2001- *kwartet Exhibition at Purnabudaya, YK.


Materialism without Spirit makes life go nowhere. Everything, just like a car on the road with no driver, no soul, is emptyness, travelling beside high buildings, trying to touch the sky.

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