AIAA is currently auspicing the following project:
Regular weekly meetings at the Byron YAC resulted in the establishment of a group called Byron Multicultural which is working towards greater access and resources for the local ethnic communities. During 2018-19 the group has regularly held Multicultural Lunches once a month with between 15-40 people of many cultural backgrounds attending each month – the Lunches have also included performances and workshops such as Natty Dolaiasi from Solomon Islands sponsored by Solomon Airlines, Indonesian and African music performances, Aloha Hula workshops and knitting/yarn bombing. AIAA has auspiced the Byron Multicultural group to acquire funding from Byron Shire Council $5000 to continue the Multicultural Lunch program throughout 2019 and to work towards incorporation.
BECOME (Byron Emerging Community Of Multicultural Events) Project
With the support and auspice of Byron Youth Service, Byron Multicultural has also been successful in acquiring a grant of $10.000 from Multicultural NSW to undertake the BECOME project of Cultural Workshops including Indonesian, Japanese, Islander culture etc employing Judy Shelley and Mayu Akiba as coordinators.